9.632, FYI: Cognitive Science, ESSLLI 98, TESOL Academy
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Apr 29 15:48:04 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-632. Wed Apr 29 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.632, FYI: Cognitive Science, ESSLLI 98, TESOL Academy
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Elaine Halleck <elaine at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 21:14:38 +0300
From: CogSci Summer School <school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg>
Subject: Cognitive Science - Sofia Summer School
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 16:39:43 +0100
From: Sabine Klingner <klingner at dfki.de>
Subject: Early registration for ESSLLI 98
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:23:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Stephen A. Grady" <sgrady at tesol.edu>
Subject: TESOL ACADEMY 1998
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 21:14:38 +0300
From: CogSci Summer School <school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg>
Subject: Cognitive Science - Sofia Summer School
5th International Summer School
Cognitive Science
Sofia, NBU, July 13 - 25, 1998
Call for Participation and Papers and School Brochure
The Summer School features advanced courses in Cognitive Science, workshop,
participant symposia, panel discussions, and intensive informal
discussions. Participants will include university teachers and researchers,
and graduate students. Working language is English.
International Advisory Board
Elizabeth BATES (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Amedeo CAPPELLI (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI (CNR, Roma, Italy)
Daniel DENNETT (Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA)
Ennio De RENZI (University of Modena, Italy)
Charles DE WEERT (University of Nijmegen, Holland )
Christian FREKSA (Hamburg University, Germany)
Dedre GENTNER (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA)
Christopher HABEL (Hamburg University, Germany)
William HIRST (New School for Social Sciences, NY, USA)
Joachim HOHNSBEIN (Dortmund University, Germany)
Douglas HOFSTADTER (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Keith HOLYOAK (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Mark KEANE (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Alan LESGOLD (University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
Willem LEVELT (Max-Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland)
David RUMELHART (Stanford University, California, USA)
Richard SHIFFRIN (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Paul SMOLENSKY (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Chris THORNTON (University of Sussex, Brighton, England)
Carlo UMILTA' (University of Padova, Italy)
Eran ZAIDEL (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Mappings in Thought and Language - Gilles Fauconnier (U of California San
Diego, USA)
Coherence in Thought and Action - Paul Thagard (U. of Waterloo, Canada)
Analogy-Making - Dedre Gentner (Northwestern University, USA), Boicho
Kokinov (New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria)
Concepts and Categorization - James Hampton (City University London, UK)
The Psychology of Decision Making - Arthur Markman (Columbia University, USA)
Brain Organization of Human Memory and Thought - John Gabrieli (Stanford, USA)
Creative Cognition - Thomas Ward (Texas A&M University, USA)
Cognitive Development - Graeme Halford (University of Queensland, Australia)
Animal Cognition - Roger Thompson (Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster,
Connectionist Models of High-Level Cognition - John Barnden (University of
Birmingham, UK)
Workshop: Advances in Analogy Research:
Integration of Theory and Data from the Cognitive, Computational, and
Neural Sciences
In parallel to the Summer School a workshop on analogy will take place
(July 17-20). For a description of the workshop see workshop announcement.
Plenary Talks
Douglas Hofstadter (Indiana University, USA) Analogy as the Core of Cognition
Gilles Fauconnier (UCSD, USA) Analogy and Conceptual Integration
James Hampton (City Univ. London, UK) The role of similarity in how we
categorize the world
Jaime Carbonell (CMU, USA) Analogy in Problem Solving, from the Routine to
the Creative
Ken Forbus (Northwestern University, USA) Qualitative Mental Models:
Simulations or Memories?
Graeme Halford (U. of Queensland, Australia) The Problem of Structural
Complexity in Cognitive Processes: A Metric Based on Representational Rank
Paul Thagard (U. of Waterloo, Canada) Emotional Analogies
Usha Goswami (U. College London, UK) Analogical Reasoning in Children
Mark Keane (Trinity College, Ireland) Why Conceptual Combination is Seldom
Adam Biela (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland) Analogical Resoning as a
Base for Structuring Cognitive Schemata in New Situations: A Case of
Economic Transformation in Post-Communist Countries
Dedre Gentner (NWU, USA) Comparison and Cognition
Keith Holyoak (UCLA, USA) The Place of Analogy in a Physical Symbol System
Boicho Kokinov (NBU, Bulgaria) Analogy is like Cognition: Complex,
Emergent, Context-Sensitive
Participant Symposia
Participants are invited to submit papers reporting completed research
which will be presented (30 min) at the participant symposia. Authors
should send full papers (8 single spaced pages) in triplicate or
electronically (RTF format) by May 1. Selected papers will be published in
the School's Proceedings. Only papers presented at the School will be
eligible for publication.
Local Organizers
New Bulgarian University, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian
Cognitive Science Society
Local Organizing Committee
Boicho Kokinov - School Director, Elena Andonova, Gergana Yancheva, Iliana
Open Society Institute - Budapest, Open Society Fund - Sofia, Cognitive
Science Society (USA)
Application Submissions
Applicants for participation should send the registration form, their CV,
statement of purpose, list of publications (if any) and short summary of up
to three of them, letter of recommendation (if they don't have
There will be up to 70 participants in the Summer School, so applications
will be processed on a "first come first processed" bases.
Financial Support
Applicants from all Central and Eastern European as well as from the former
Soviet Union countries are eligible for grant application. Up to 30 grants
provided by the Open Society Institute in Budapest will be assigned by the
selection committee on the basis of the above application documents.
Participants from the rest of the world will have to find their own sources
for participation, but their number will be up to 30 as well.
Methods of Payment
Bank transfer to: New Bulgarian University - CogSci97, Bank account
1100-13-111-4, ING Bank, Bank code: 145-91-458, Sofia, Bulgaria. (transfer
fees prepaid).
Check made payable to New Bulgarian University (add USD 10 processing fees)
Pay in cash (in USD only) at on site registration, in this case add USD50
for late registration.
Cancellations and Reimbursement
If you cancel your registration before June 30 you will be refunded with a
15% reduction, afterwards no refunding will be possible.
Send your Registration Form as soon as possible to:
Central and Easter European Center for Cognitive Science
New Bulgarian University
21, Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1635, Bulgaria
e-mail: school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg
(If you don't receive an aknowledgement within 3 days, send a message to
kokinov at bgearn.acad.bg)
As we have received a huge number of inquiries about the Summer School and
the number of participants in the Summer School is limited, the
applications will be served on a first-come-first-served basis. So, please
register (and make the due payments) as soon as possible.
Deadline for application submission: May 31
Deadline for paper submission: May 31
Notification for acceptance: June 15
Early registration: June 30
Arrival date and on site registration July 12
Summer School July 13-25
Excursion July 19
Departure date July 26
International Summer School in Cognitive Science
Sofia, July 12 - 25, 1997
Registration Form
Last Name:
First Name:
Status: Professor / Academic Researcher / Applied Researcher / Graduate
Student / Undergraduate Student
Sex: Female / Male (to be used for accommodation)
Mailing address:
e-mail address:
I intend to submit a paper for the symposium: (title)
I am registering for the following courses (you can register for all
courses if you are interested, there will be no parallel sessions):
Special Food Requirements: (e.g. vegetarian)
I am registering for the following housing option:
* single room in a 3 star hotel + full board + registration fee USD 995
* single room in a 2 star hotel + full board + registration fee USD 670
* shared room in student hostels + full board + registration fee USD 400
Method of payment:
* I have made a bank transfer (transfer fees should be prepaid)
* I am enclosing a check payable to New Bulgarian University (add USD
10 to cover the processing fee)
* I will pay in cash on site (add USD50 for late registration)
* I am from Eastern/Central Europe and I would like to apply for
partial financial support
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------
Course Abstracts
Mappings in Thought and Language - Gilles Fauconnier (U of California San
Diego, USA)
The course will deal with some of the general cognitive operations that
underlie the construction of meaning and the use of language. We will
focus on mental space mappings, conceptual blending, analogy, metaphor and
framing. We will examine some important linguistic and non-linguistic
phenomena: counterfactual reasoning, tense and mood, reference and
viewpoint in spoken and signed languages, blending with material anchors,
fictive motion, grammatical constructions, interface design, conceptual
underpinnings of mathematics and other forms of creative thought. Gilles
Fauconnier is the author of a recent book with the same title as well as of
Mental Spaces. He is a professor of Cognitive Science at the University of
California, San Diego and one of the leading cognitive linguists in the
Coherence in Thought and Action - Paul Thagard (U. of Waterloo, Canada)
This course concerns how people make sense of each other and the world they
live in and presents a new theory how coherence play an important role in
thinking, actions, emotions, and in cognition in general.. Making sense is
the activity of fitting something puzzling into a coherent pattern of
mental representations that include concepts, beliefs, goals, and actions.
Much of human cognition can be understood in terms of coherence as
constraint satisfaction, and many of the central problems of philosophy can
be given coherence-based solutions. Paul Thagard is a Prof. of Philosophy
and the author of Conceptual Revolutions, Computational Philosophy of
Science, Mental Leaps, and a number of other books. He is currently the
President-elect of the Cognitive Science Society.
Analogy-Making - Dedre Gentner (Northwestern University, USA), Boicho
Kokinov (New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria)
This course presents the psychological data and theories about how human
beings make analogies: how they retrieve appropriate bases from memory, how
they map the two domains, how they transfer knowledge from one domain to
the other, etc. The role of structural isomorphism between the two domains
and the systematicy principle will be outlined. Other factors as the role
of semantic and pragmatic constraints on mapping and retrieval, as well as
of the representation building process will be discussed. Various theories
and models will be presented and all these models will be compared with the
data from psychological experiments. The developmenta of analogolical
reasoning in children and infants will be discussed. Dedre Gentner is a
Prof. of Psychology and past Chair of the Governing Board of the Cognitive
Science Society. She is on the editorial boards of Cognitive Science,
Psychological Review, Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, Journal of Learning
Sciences, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
She is one of the leading persons and the founders of the field of analogy
Concepts and Categorization - James Hampton (City University London, UK)
Summary: The course will review current psychological models of how
conceptual categories are represented in memory. Each model will be
presented together with a critique of its range of applicability, and an
evaluation in terms of (a) empirical evidence and (b) philosophical
arguments about the role that concepts must play in thought and language.
The course will combine a tutorial presentation of current models and
theory with a review of recent empirical work in the field.
Decision Making - Arthur Markman (Columbia University, USA)
This course presents psychological theories and data about how people make
decisions, how they make choices, what are the structures, attributes and
relations they are basing their decisions on, models of choice that borrow
heavily from work in economics, the heuristics and biases approach to
choice first championed by Kahneman and Tversky, a variety of process
models of choice including Payne, Bettman and Johnson's effort-accuracy
model, and the dynamics of choice. Research both in psychology and in
consumer behavior suggests that preferences are often constructed at the
time a choice is made. This construction involves formation of the choice
set, comparison of options, and evaluation of options relative to active
goals. Arthur Markman is a Prof. of Psychology and the author of many
publications on similarity, decision-making, analogy.
Creative Cognition - Thomas Ward (Texas A&M Univ, USA)
This course is concerned with the cognitive processes and structures that
underlie creative or generative thought. It will begin with a brief
examination of traditional approaches to creativity, but will shift quickly
to concentrate primarily on recent developments in cognitive science that
hold the promise of achieving a more complete understanding of creative
functioning. We will cover laboratory and applied research studies, and we
will consider the extent to which research findings support or contradict
more anecdotal reports of the processes involved in real-world instances of
creativity. The recent cognitive science advances will be considered
within the organizing framework of the creative cognition approach. That
approach seeks to understand creative functioning in terms of the
application of fundamental cognitive processes to existing knowledge
structures. It seeks to understand when and how otherwise similar
processes and structures sometimes produce creative outcomes and sometime
produce noncreative outcomes. Thomas Ward is Professor of Psychology and
the author of many publications and books on creative processes.
Cognitive Development - Graeme Halford (U. of Queensland, Australia)
This course will present psychological theories and data on the development
that infants and children undergo in their cognitive abilities. Questions
like what is innate and what is acquired will be in the focus of attention.
Graeme Halford is Prof. of Psychology and author of many books on Cognitive
Comparative Animal Cognition - Roger Thompson (Franklin & Marshall College,
Lancaster, PA, USA)
A comparative overview of recent advances in the study of animal cognition
and their implications for theory and method in cognitive science. Under
what circumstances - and why - are we willing to attribute purpose,
intelligence, intentionality, mental states, reasoning, language and
personal autonomy to other animals? Are we humans alone in these and other
cognitive capacities such as self-awareness? How might we know?
Brain Organization of Human Memory and Thought - John Gabrieli (Stanford, USA)
This course surveys current theory and findings about the functional neural
architecture of human learning, memory, and thought. Specific topics are
the brain bases of (1) explicit or declarative long-term memory; (2)
implicit or procedural long-term memory; (3) short-term and working memory;
and (4) problem-solving and reasoning capacities. The consequences of
focal (stroke, resection) and degenerative (Huntington's disease,
Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, aging) lesions upon specific
components of learning, memory, and thought are reviewed. Also reviewed
are recent findings with functional neuroimaging techniques such as
positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). These findings are related to cognitive research to
provide a cognitive neuroscience perspective on human learning, memory, and
Connectionist Models of High-Level Cognition - John Barnden (U of
Birmingham, UK)
The course will cover the system requirements imposed by high-level
cognitive tasks such as commonsense reasoning, natural language discourse
understanding, and scene understanding, and will consider possibilities for
meeting those requirements in connectionist models. The course will present
the considerable difficulties involved in doing so, and will outline a
number of connectionist models and approaches that have been developed in
the direction of meeting the requirements. It will also address some types
of high-level task that have largely been ignored in discussions between
connectionist and non-connectionists, such as reasoning about other agents'
mental states. John Barnden in Professor in Artificial Intelligence and the
author of many books and papers on beliefs and intentions, connectionist
systems for reasoning, including analogy/case-based reasoning, etc.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 16:39:43 +0100
From: Sabine Klingner <klingner at dfki.de>
Subject: Early registration for ESSLLI 98
European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
August 17 - 28, 1998 in Saarbruecken, Germany
Early registration still possible until April 30, 1998
Make sure to register with the reduced fee!
ESSLLI 98 is organised by the University of Saarland in cooperation
with DFKI Saarbruecken (German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence) under the auspices of the European Foundation for Logic,
Language and Information (FoLLI).
The main focus of ESSLLI 98 is the interface between linguistics, logic
and computation.
Foundational, introductory and advanced courses together with workshops,
evening lectures and a student session cover a wide variety of topics within
six areas of interest:
Logic and Computation
Computation and Language
Language and Logic
Previous summer schools have been highliy successful, attracting around
500 students and lecturers from all over the world. The school has developed
into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and
researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language
and Information.
But we do not only offer interesting courses but also an attractive
social programme. There will be the 10-Year Anniversary Party of ESSLLI,
excursions in three European countries, sports ... - not to forget Saarbruecken
as a place with lots of inviting pubs and little restaurants.
Of course, registrations after April 30, 1998 are also welcome. You
can even register a few days before ESSLLI 98 actually starts. But have
a look at what we offer first:
Sabine Klingner (Ms)
10. European Summer School in LLI
c/o DFKI, Room 1.23
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Tel: ++49-681-302 4933
Fax: ++49-681-302 4929
e-mail: klingner at dfki.de
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:23:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Stephen A. Grady" <sgrady at tesol.edu>
Subject: TESOL ACADEMY 1998
Greetings from TESOL Central Office in Alexandria, Virginia!
We are seeking your assistance in forwarding the below announcement on to
the LINGUIST listserv. The posting is to announce the 1998
TESOL Academy Workshops this summer. Academy Workshops are opportunities for
continuing education and professional development for ESOL professionals.
If appropriate, the subject line may read "1998 TESOL ACADEMY". If this is
not an appropriate announcement, please let us know. Otherwise, we will
assume it has been posted.
We greatly appreciate your assistance in making these professional
development opportunities available. Thank you. Regards.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) announces the
following 1998 TESOL Academies:
1998 TESOL Academy at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore: June 26-28
1998 TESOL Academy at the University of Texas at San Antonio: July 17-19
1998 TESOL Academy at Seattle University: August 14-16
Baltimore TESOL Academy workshops include:
* Assigning and responding to L2 writing
* Content literacy development for college-bound ESL/EFL students
* Integrating pronunciation into a communicative curriculum
* Leadership development: Expanding our professional skills
* Making connections: Collaboration between ESL and mainstream teachers
* Teaching ESL in the workplace: A toolkit for beginners
* Using the TESOL pre-K-12 ESL Standards for curriculum and assessment
* What's next?: Applying multiple intelligences theory in the adult ESL
San Antonio TESOL Academy workshops include:
* Literature-based second language teaching
* Mining the internet for ESL tele-riches
* Multiple intelligences: A guide to perceiving, engaging, and assessing
language learners
* Pronunciation: The missing link in communicative language teaching
* Teaching ESL in the workplace: A toolkit for beginners
* Using the TESOL pre-K-12 ESL Standards for curriculum and assessment
and Seattle TESOL Academy workshops include:
* Choosing and using software for language teaching
* Curriculum and materials design for the workplace: Best practices
* Examining teaching through learning: Developing reflective practice in the
second language classroom
* Multiple intelligences and learning styles in second language teaching
and learning
* Pronunciation: What and how?
* Teaching effective cognitive strategies to L2 readers
* Teaching grammar communicatively
* Using the TESOL pre-K-12 Standards for curriculum and assessment
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Continuing education units (CEUs) are
available for TESOL Academy participants.
Registration fees: Registration is $235 for nonmembers or $185 for TESOL
Registration information: To request registration materials, please e-mail
academy at tesol.edu or call 1-703-836-0774.
The TESOL Academy was launched in 1996 for ESOL professionals
seeking opportunities for continuing education. Academies offer a series of
intensive weekend workshops that focus on today's challenges and
solutions for ESOL professionals.
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