9.1102, Calls: ICEIS'99, 44th ILA

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Aug 2 19:10:31 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-1102. Sun Aug 2 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.1102, Calls: ICEIS'99, 44th ILA

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Editors:  	    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
		    Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
		    Elaine Halleck <elaine at linguistlist.org>
                    Anita Huang <anita at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
		    Julie Wilson <julie at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>

Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless
you explain them in your text.  Many people outside your area of
specialization will not recognize them. Also, if you are posting a
second call for the same event, please keep the message short.  Thank
you for your cooperation.


Date:  Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:17:05 +0100
From:  Joes_M._L._Braz_Pereira <j.braz at mail.EUnet.pt>
Subject:  ICEIS 99 Call for Papers

Date:  Sat, 25 Jul 1998 13:41:44 -0400 (EDT)
From:  rbrend at umich.edu (Ruth M. Brend)
Subject:  ILA conference Call for Papers

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:17:05 +0100
From:  Joes_M._L._Braz_Pereira <j.braz at mail.EUnet.pt>
Subject:  ICEIS 99 Call for Papers

       ICEIS'99 - Announcement and Call for Papers.
                1st International Conference on
                Enterprise Information Systems
         27 - 30 March, 1999. Setubal, PORTUGAL


The International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
aims at becoming a major point of contact between research scientists,
engineers and practitioners on the area of business applications of
information systems.  Four simultaneous tracks will be held, covering
all different aspects related to enterprise computing, including
database applications, artificial intelligence applications, decision
support systems, systems analysis and specification, software
engineering, methodologies to address information and knowledge
sharing issues and Internet/Intranet computing.  ICEIS focuses on real
world applications therefore authors should highlight the benefits of
Information Technology for industry and services.  Ideas on how to
solve business problems, using IT, will arise from the
conference. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and
techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are
also encouraged.  Papers describing original work are invited in any
of the areas listed below.  Accepted papers, presented at the
conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings
of ICEIS.  Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and
originality.  There will be both oral and poster sessions.  Special
sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentations, as
well as technical tutorials, dedicated to technical/scientific topics,
are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their
products/methodologies or researchers interested in lecturing a
tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat.


Area 1. Database Technology and its Applications
Area 2. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Area 3. Systems Analysis and Specification
Area 4. Internet and Intranet Computing
Each of these coonference tracks is expanded in the
conference's web page at: http://www.est.ips.pt/iceis

  Program Committee

Agostinho Rosa  IST/Technical University of Lisboa (Pt)
Alfred Ultsch  University of Marburg (De)
Altamiro Machado University of Minho - Polo de Guimaraes (Pt)
Ana Fred  IST/Technical University of Lisboa (Pt)
Antonio Figueiredo University of Coimbra (Pt)
Bernadette Sharp University of Stafford (UK)
Carlos Belo  IST/Technical University of Lisboa (Pt)
Carlos Zorrinho  University of Evora (Pt)
Colin Theaker  University of Stafford (UK)
Edmundo Madeira  University of Campinas (Br)
Edmundo Monteiro University of Coimbra (Pt)
Ernesto Costa  University of Coimbra (Pt)
Fernando Boavida University of Coimbra (Pt)
Fernando Moura Pires New University of Lisboa (Pt)
Gabriel Pereira Lopes New University of Lisboa (Pt)
Helder Coelho  University of Lisboa (Pt)
Henrique Madeira University of Coimbra (Pt)
J. Legatheaux Martins New University of Lisboa (Pt)
Joao Alvaro Carvalho University of Minho - Polo de Guimaraes (Pt)
Joao Gabriel  University of Coimbra (Pt)
Kecheng Liu  University of Stafford (UK)
Manuela Veloso  Carnegie Mellon University (US)
Mark S. Fox  University of Toronto (Ca)
Matti Linna   Vaasa Institute of Technology (Fi)
Nuno Mamede  IST/Technical University of Lisboa (Pt)
Patrice Dehais  University of Gent (Be)
Paulo Ferreira  IST/Technical University of Lisboa (Pt)
Pedro Veiga  University of Lisboa (Pt)
Rita Loogen  University of Marburg (De)
Ronald Stamper  University of Twente (Nl)
Slimone Hammondi University of Minho - Polo de Guimaraes (Pt)
Zahir Tari  University of Melbourne (Au)
Therese Libourel  LIRMM - Montpellier (Fr)
Thomas Norgall  University of Erlangen (De)
Thomas Penzel  University of Marburg (De)=20
Vasco Freitas  University of Minho - Polo de  Braga (Pt)


Invited speakers, experts in their fields, either from academia or
from industry, belonging to internationally recognised institutions,
will present key lectures at the opening of each conference track.  At
the moment the presence of Professor Mark Fox, Professor Ronald
Stamper and Professor Tom Greene are already confirmed.


Business consulting companies, hardware and software manufacturers and
business companies in general are invited to submit case studies,
regarding their own Information Technology problems and solutions.
For this purpose, ICEIS will have a track of case-study sessions and
company presentation sessions. The attendance to these sessions is
free for all the conference participants. All case studies should be
submitted by email to the ICEIS secretariat.  A number of invited
case-study sessions is already scheduled.


Any person interested in organising a tutorial should contact the
Secretariat before November 1, 1998. Proposals for half-day tutorials
(approx. 3 hours) should include the topic and scope of the tutorial,
the expected background knowledge of the participants, and a resume of
the instructor(s).


The conference site will have an area for company stands, where a
number of companies will present themselves and their products.
Companies interested in presenting their products, showing
documentation about them or demonstrating some application, are
invited to contact the secretariat and make a reservation for a booth
located at the conference site.  Due to the limited number of stands
available it is recommended to make early reservations.  In addition,
there is a 50% discount in space prices for reservations made before
September 30, 1998.  Prices and available spaces will be provided by
the ICEIS secretariat.


The conference will be held in Setubal, a town 50-km south of Lisboa,
the Portuguese capital.  Setubal and its surroundings are a major
touristic place, in Portugal, where the visitor can find anything from
ancient historical areas, in Palmela, to pleasurable beaches and
modern golf courses, in Troia.


For more information about submission of abstracts, please visit the
conference's web page: http://www.est.ips.pt/iceis Or contact de
secretariat (address below).


An award of US$1,000 (one thousand US dollars) will be given to the
best paper presented by a student (graduate, M.Sc or Ph.D).  The
organising committee will decide, based on the feedback provided by
the program committee. To qualify for the best student paper award,
the student, besides being one of the authors, must present the paper
at the conference site.


Inquiries concerning hotel reservation and touristic aspects can be
directed to the Local Touristic Agent (address below).  The local
specialised travel agency will make all arrangements.  Transportation
facilities are available from the Lisboa international airport to the
hotel in Setubal, for all reservations made through this travel
agency.  Local touristic programs, for accompanying attendants are
also available through the agency.  The conference site will be
approximately 5 km away from the town centre, therefore free
transportation between a number of hotels and the conference site will
be provided by the conference organisation, during the conference
days.  Coffee breaks and lunch meals will be provided at the
conference site, for conference participants.

 Local Touristic Agent

Name: Expansao
Contact Person: Mr. Francisco Daniel
Tel: 351 65 528805
Fax: 351 65 21684
E-mail: iceis at est.ips.pt


Extended abstract submission: October 21, 1998.
Acceptance notification: December 15, 1998.
Early registration deadline: January 1, 1999.
Full paper camera-ready version: January 20, 1999.
Event date: March 27-30, 1999.

 Sponsored by

IBM - International Business Machines
ICEP - Investimentos, Comercio e Turismo de Portugal
CGD - Caixa Geral de Depositos AutoEuropa
RTCA - Regiao de Turismo da Costa Azul
ESCE/IPS - Escola Superior de Ciencias Empresariais / IPS
UNESUL - Associacao Universidade Empresas do Sul


This conference is organised by the
School of Technology of the
Polytechnic Institute of Setubal
in collaboration with the
Portuguese Association for Informatics
Any inquiries should be addressed to the
secretariat below, preferably by email.
ICEIS Secretariat
Escola Superior de Tecnologia / IPS
Rua Vale Chaves - Estefanilha, 2910 Setubal
Tel.: 351 65 79 00 00
Fax: 351 65 721 869
Email: iceis at est.ips.pt
Web site: http://www.est.ips.pt/iceis

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat, 25 Jul 1998 13:41:44 -0400 (EDT)
From:  rbrend at umich.edu (Ruth M. Brend)
Subject:  ILA conference Call for Papers

44th Annual Conference, International Linguistic Association
April 16-18, 1999, New York University, NY, NY

While papers on the major theme are especially solicited, abstracts on
any subject in theoretical and applied linguistics are welcomed.

One-page, single-spaced, anonymous abstracts should clearly state the
problems addressed, or research quetions, and some indication of
results or conclusions.  Send via e-mail to the conference chair.
Simultaneously, send 3 hard, camera-ready coies, plus a 3x5 card
bearing name, title of paper, addresses, affiliation, audio-visual
equipment needed and time desired (maximum 20 minutes plus discussion)
to the conference secretary.  Submissions on diskettes will not be
accepted.  Those wishing to propose panels,or special sessions, etc.,
should contact the conference chair.  Deadline for recept of abstracts
is January 4, 1999.

Send e-mail to the chair:          hard copies & card to the secretary:

deakins at frontier.wilpaterson.edu   Johanna J. Woltjer
Prof. Alice H. Deakins             522 West 112 St.
English Dept.                      New York, NY 10025
William Paterson University        (212)749-3366
Wayne, NJ 07470

LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1102

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