9.1196, Jobs: Studentships: Clinical Ling, Phonology
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Aug 28 18:10:29 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1196. Fri Aug 28 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1196, Jobs: Studentships: Clinical Ling, Phonology
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Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 17:55:07 +0100
From: M.Perkins at sheffield.ac.uk (Mick Perkins)
Subject: Research Studentship
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:27:00 +0200
From: UiL-OTS <UiL-OTS at let.uu.nl>
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 17:55:07 +0100
From: M.Perkins at sheffield.ac.uk (Mick Perkins)
Subject: Research Studentship
Details are given below of a fully funded 3 year postgraduate research
Studentship to be held in the Department of Human Communication
Sciences in the University of Sheffield.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This announcement supersedes an earlier one circulated
in July for 2 related studentships. The first of these was to examine
the specific speech, language and discourse impairments which occur in
children with specific language impairments and in children with high
functioning autism, and the second to examine the same impairments
that occur in children with Williams syndrome. This second studentship
will now be based at the University of Warwick, and a separate
advertisement will be circulated in due course. The advertisement
below is for the first studentship only, which is based at the
University of Sheffield. In spite of being located in two different
universities, each of the two studentships will form part of a single
integrated research project supervised by Prof. Jill Boucher at
Warwick, and by Dr Mick Perkins and Dr Sara Howard at Sheffield.
If you have already applied for the first studentship, we have your
application and you do not need to apply again, but if you would like
to confirm your continued interest, please do so.
The overall aim of project is to assess the hypotheses (1) that the
specific speech, language and discourse impairments which occur in
children with specific language impairments and in children with high
functioning autism are caused at least in part by deficits in those
biopsychological time processing abilities which subserve the normal
acquisition and function of spoken language; and (2) that the
relatively spared speech, language, and discourse abilities of
children with Williams syndrome are related to a sparing of these
biopsychological time processing abilities.
The student who is awarded the studentship at Sheffield will have a
degree which includes Linguistics, and will test the hypotheses by
investigating the role of time processing mechanisms in the production
of spoken language and conversational interaction. A detailed
practical knowledge of phonetics and phonology is definitely an asset,
though ideally we would also like someone familiar with the whole
range of linguistic performance from phonetics to pragmatics. We
realise that this is a tall order, however, and we will provide
training for the successful candidate to supplement whatever analytic
linguistic skills they already have. Data analysis will require the
careful transcription of spontaneous speech supplemented by use of
speech instrumentation such as electropalatography. The applicant
should have good computer skills or at least the motivation and
aptitude to develop such skills.
The student will be supervised by Dr Mick Perkins, a linguist
specialising in the analysis of disordered language, and by Dr Sara
Howard, a phonetician/phonologist and speech/language pathologist. The
linked studentship at the University of Warwick will be supervised by
Professor Jill Boucher, a developmental psychologist and
speech/language pathologist.
For other details, see LINGUIST 9.1095
For further information about this Studentship, and an application
form, please contact:
Dr Sara Howard
Tel. no. 0114-222-2448
<s.howard at sheffield.ac.uk>
or Dr Mick Perkins,
Tel. no. 0114-222-2408
<m.perkins at sheffield.ac.uk >
Department of Human Communication Sciences
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
Dr Mick Perkins
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Linguistics
Department of Human Communication Sciences
University of Sheffield
18/20 Claremont Crescent
Sheffield S10 2TA
Phone: (+44) (0)114 2222408/2222400
Fax: (+44) (0)114 2730547
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:27:00 +0200
From: UiL-OTS <UiL-OTS at let.uu.nl>
The Zentrum fr Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und
Universalienforschung in Berlin, Germany, and the Research Institute
of Language and Speech of Utrecht University, the Netherlands, have
available a jointly funded 3-year Ph.D. trainee position (with the
possibility of a 1-year extension) in
starting 1 Januari 1999.
Applicants should fulfil the following requirements:
- an internationally recognized M.A. or similar degree
- sophistication in Generative Theoretical Phonology.
- a strong background in Phonetics is recommended
- a willingness to be alternately affiliated to the Z.A.S. in Berlin
and Utrecht
Funding sources allow non-Dutch applicants only.
The monthly fee will be appr. US$ 900.
The Ph.D. degree will be taken at Utrecht University, under the joint
supervision of Dr. T.A. Hall (Berlin) and prof. Wim Zonneveld
Before 26 September, send 3 copies of a CV and a 5-page project
proposal and dissertation plan to the following addresses each:
Dr. T.A. Hall
Zentrum fr Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Jgerstrasse 10-11
10117 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: hall at zas.gwz-berlin.de
Prof. Wim Zonneveld
Research Institute for Language and Speech
Trans 10, 3512 JK
Utrecht, the Netherlands
e-mail: wim.zonneveld at let.uu.nl
Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS
Please note! The e-mail address changed to
uil-ots at let.UU.nl
voice: #31 (0)30-2536006
fax: #31 (0)30-2536000
postal adress:
Trans 10, 3512 JK,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1196
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