9.1716, Calls: Historical/Descripive Lin, Computational Lin

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Dec 4 08:59:24 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-1716. Fri Dec 4 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.1716, Calls: Historical/Descripive Lin, Computational Lin

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Wed, 2 Dec 1998 13:07:37 GMT
From:  M.Groefsema at herts.ac.uk (M.Groefsema)
Subject:  Linguistics Association of Great Britain

Date:  Wed, 2 Dec 98 16:03:22 EST
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Computational Linguistics

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 2 Dec 1998 13:07:37 GMT
From:  M.Groefsema at herts.ac.uk (M.Groefsema)
Subject:  Linguistics Association of Great Britain


           Spring Meeting 1999: University of Manchester

                 First Circular and Call for Papers

The 1999 Spring Meeting will be held from 8 to 10 April at Manchester
University. The Local Organiser is Philippa Cook
(mfux9phc at fs1.art.man.ac.uk).

Manchester is England's third (or possibly second) biggest city and as
such has facilities for any kind of music, dance, theatre, restaurants
and cafes. Apart from a vibrant city centre, the city also benefits
from the closeness to beautiful country side; the Lake district, the
Peak district and the mountains of North Wales are all within easy
reach for day trips.  Manchester can be easily accessed by road or by
rail and just south of the city is a major intrnational airport with
good rail connections with the city centre.

The University of Manchester, including the Hall of Residence where
the conference will be held, is situated just south of the city centre
and there are busses in both directions every few minutes.

Accommodation: Accommodation as well as all talks, book displays
etc. will be in Hulme Hall, a Hall of Residence, less than ten minutes
walk from the main University campus. All bedrooms are single, and
there is a choice between rooms with en suite facilities and rooms
with shared bathrooms/showers.

Travel: The University of Manchester is about five minutes drive from
junction 9 of the ring road M60 which is accessible from the M6 (north
or south) and the M62 (north east). There are frequent (and often
direct) trains to Manchester Piccadilly (or Manchester Victoria) from
most big cities in Britain. The train journey from London takes about
two and a half hour. The airport is less than half an hours drive from
the Hall of residence and it also has excellent train connections with
the city centre.

Events: The Linguistics Association 1999 Lecture on Thursday evening
will be delivered by Professor John McCarthy of the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst.

Professor McCarthy will also be participating in a Workshop on
'Applications of Optimality Theory to problems in prosody and
morphology' on Thursday afternoon. The workshop is organised by Wiebke
Brockhaus (University of Manchester); other contributors are Caroline
Fery (Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet), Ren Kager (Universiteit Utrecht)
and Nicholas Sherrard (University of Essex).

There will be a Language Tutorial on Turkish, given by Jaklin Kornfilt
(University of Syracuse).

There will be a Wine Party on the Tuesday evening, sponsored by the
Department of Linguistics.

Enquiries about the LAGB meeting should be sent to the Meetings
Secretary (address below). Full details of the programme and a booking
form will be included in the Second Circular, to be sent out in


The LAGB warmly welcomes submissions on any topic within the field of
linguistics - theoretical, descriptive or historical - regardless of
theoretical framework. Abstracts must arrive by 6 January 1999 and
should be sent in the format outlined below to the following address:
Professor R.  Hudson, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics,
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. Papers for
the programme are selected anonymously - only the President knows the
name of the authors.

Abstracts must be presented as follows: submit SEVEN anonymous copies
of the abstract, plus ONE with name and affiliation,
i.e. CAMERA-READY. The complete abstract containing your title and
your name must be no longer than ONE A4 page (21cm x 29.5cm/8.27" x
11.69") with margins of at least 2.5cm (1") on all sides. You may use
single spacing and type must be no smaller than 12 point. Type
uniformly in black and make any additions in black. Use the best
quality printer you can, since if the paper is accepted the abstract
will be photocopied and inserted directly into the collection of
abstracts sent out to participants. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR

The following layout should be considered as standard:

(title) Optimality and the Klingon vowel shift (speaker) Clark Kent
(institution) Department of Astrology, Eastern Mars University

The following guidelines may be useful:

1. Briefly state the topic of your paper.

2. If your paper is to involve an analysis of linguistic material,
   give critical examples, along with a brief indication of their
   critical nature.

3. State the relevance of your ideas to past work or to the future
   development of the field. If you are taking a stand on a
   controversial issue, summarise the arguments which lead you to
   take up this position.

The normal length for papers delivered at LAGB meetings is 25 minutes
(plus 15 minutes discussion). Offers of squibs (10 minutes) or longer
papers (40 minutes) will also be considered: please explain why your
paper requires less or more time than usual.

N.B. ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION DATES: These are always announced in the
First Circular for the Meeting in question. Any member who fears that
they may receive the First Circular too late to be able to submit an
abstract before the deadline specified can be assured that an abstract
received by the President by JANUARY 1 or JUNE 1 will always be
considered for the next meeting.

Conference Bursaries: There will be a maximum of 10 bursaries
available to unsalaried members of the Association (e.g. PhD students)
with preference given to those who are presenting a
paper. Applications should be sent to the President, and must be
received by 6 January 1999. Please state on your application: (a) date
of joining the LAGB; (b) whether or not you are an undergraduate or
postgraduate student; (c) if a student, whether you receive a normal
grant; (d) if not a student, your employment situation.  STUDENTS WHO
ARE SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT and wish to apply for funding should
include all the above details WITH THEIR ABSTRACT.

Committee members:

Professor Richard Hudson, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics,
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. E-mail:
dick at ling.ucl.ac.uk

Honorary Secretary
Professor Anna Siewierska, Department of Linguistics, University of
Lancaster, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW, E-mail:
A.Siewierska at lancaster.ac.uk

Membership Secretary
Dr. Kersti Brjars, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester,
MANCHESTER M13 9PL. E-mail: k.e.borjars at manchester.ac.uk

Meetings Secretary
Dr. Marjolein Groefsema, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hertfordshire,
Watford Campus, Aldenham, Herts. WD2 8AT. E-mail: m.groefsema at herts.ac.uk

Dr. Paul Rowlett, Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Salford, Salford
M5 4WT. E-mail: p.a.rowlett at mod-lang.salford.ac.uk

Assistant Secretary
Dr. April McMahon, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick
Avenue, CAMBRIDGE CB3 9DQ. E-mail: AMM11 at hermes.cam.ac.uk

Internet home page: The LAGB internet home page is now active at the
following address: http://clwww.essex.ac.uk/LAGB.

Electronic network: Please join the LAGB electronic network which is used
for disseminating LAGB information and for consulting members quickly. It
can be subscribed to by sending the message "add lagb" to:
listserv at postman.essex.ac.uk.

Future Meetings:

Autumn 1999     University of York.
Spring 2000     University College London.
Autumn 2000     University of Durham
Spring 2001     University of Leeds
Autumn 2001     University of Reading

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 2 Dec 98 16:03:22 EST
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  Computational Linguistics

               ACL '99 Student Session Call for Papers
37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
                          20--26 June, 1999
                        University of Maryland

    [You may find it easier to read this information on the Web at

1. Purpose

The goal of the student sessions is to provide a forum for student
members to present _work in  progress_ and receive feedback from
other members of the computational linguistics community.

The session will consist of paper presentations by student authors.
The number of papers accepted is contingent on the quality of the
submissions and the availability of presentation time during the
conference, but the student session will be at least half a day.  The
accepted papers will be published in a special section of the
conference proceedings.

Note that the student session and the main conference session are
independent; students are free to submit to either session, and each
submission will be evaluated independently and with respect to the
criteria set out by the respective organizing committees.

2. Requirements

Papers should describe original, unpublished work that is in progress
and demonstrates insight, creativity, and promise. Topics of interest
are the same as for the main conference or the thematic sessions.

2.1 Submission Restrictions

Due to differences in format requirements, papers submitted to the
main conference _cannot_ be considered for the student
sessions. Students may, of course, submit different papers to the main
conference and the student session, or papers on different aspects of
a particular problem or project. Note that for papers presenting joint
work, _all_ co-authors must be students.

Papers may be submitted to other conferences, but this must be clearly
indicated on the cover page.

The official language of the conference is English, and hence student
papers should be written in English.

2.2 Length

The maximum allowable length is 3 pages (about 1800 words), including

2.3 Format of Submission

Submissions packages should consist of a title page, followed by the

The title page should contain:
        o the paper's title;
        o the name and affiliations of the author(s);
        o a  complete address for each author;
        o an abstract;
        o a designation of the topic area(s) (one or two);
        o a statement about submission to other conferences (e.g.,
          'none' or a list); and
        o the paper ID code (see below).

We recommend that if the student authors plan to apply for travel
grants, that they include the application form (please see "Travel
Grants") with their paper submission.

2.4 Electronic Submission Code

To identify each paper, an ID code _must_ be acquired by filing an
electronic paper registration form
(http://www.mri.mq.edu.au/conf/acl99/register.html); upon successful
completion of this form, an ID code will be sent to the designated
author by e-mail. If you cannot access the electronic paper
registration form, send email to acl99 at mri.mq.edu.au with subject
IDFORM for an automatic reply.

2.5 Medium of Submission

Authors must submit their papers electronically.  Only in unusual
cases will hard copy submissions be allowed.

Electronic submissions should be either self-contained LaTeX source,
PostScript, or PDF (we encourage LaTeX submissions). PostScript
submissions must use a standard font. LaTeX submissions should not
refer to any other external files or styles except for the standard
styles for TeX 3.14 and LaTeX 2.09. The bibliography for a LaTeX
submission cannot be submitted as separate .bib file; the actual
bibliography entries must be inserted in the submitted LaTeX source

We strongly recommend the use of ACL-standard LaTeX or Word style
files for the preparation of submissions (please note that while we do
not accept Word-format files for electronic submission, postscript
files produced from them are acceptable). These styles include a place
for the required information such as ID code and word count, and allow
for a graceful transition to the style required for publication.
These files are available from the main conference web site at

If you cannot use the ACL-standard styles directly, a description of
the required format is at
http://www.mri.mq.edu.au/conf/acl99/style/substyle.html. If you cannot
access this web page, send email to acl99 at mri.mq.edu.au with subject
SUBSTYLE for an automatic reply.

2.6 Blind Reviewing

Since reviewing will be `blind', the heading of the paper should omit
author names and addresses (this information will be inlcuded in the
title page).  Self-references that reveal the authors' identity (e.g.,
"We previously showed (Smith, 1991) . . .  ") should be avoided.
Instead, use references in a neutral form (e.g., "Smith previously
showed (1991) . . . ").  Furthermore, avoid obvious giveaways in the
bibliography such as listings for unpublished in-house technical

2.7 Caveat

Papers outside the specified length and/or without an ID code are
liable to rejection without review.

2.8 Questions?

Enquiries to the co-chairs of the student session should be sent to
acl99-student at cs.utoronto.ca.

3. Travel Grants

Please see the student session web page for information about
available travel grants (http://cs.utoronto.cs/~melanie/acl/).

4. Schedule

Submissions must be received by 8 February 1999. Late submissions
(those arriving on or after 9 February 1999) will not be considered.
Acknowledgments will be emailed soon after receipt. Notification of
acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) by 29 March 1999.
Camera-ready copies of final papers must be received by 3 May 1999,
along with a signed copyright release statement.  Detailed formatting
guidelines will be provided to authors with their acceptance
notice. The student paper sessions will take place during the main
conference on June 23 -- 26, 1999.

LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1716

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