9.167, Confs: LSRL 28 & WML
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Feb 4 16:26:08 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-167. Wed Feb 4 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.167, Confs: LSRL 28 & WML
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 13:56:06 -0500
From: "Lisa A. Reed" <lar13 at psu.edu>
Subject: Conference program (Ling. Symp. & Math. Ling.)
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 13:56:06 -0500
From: "Lisa A. Reed" <lar13 at psu.edu>
Subject: Conference program (Ling. Symp. & Math. Ling.)
All talks will take place at the Nittany Lion Inn
200 West Park Avenue, State College, Pennsylvania
1-800-233-7505 or (814) 865-8500.
For additional information, consult the conference website at
Thursday, April 16, 1998
8:30 pm-11:00 pm Registration, Rotunda Lobby
8:30 pm-9:00 pm Refreshments, Ballroom D-E
9:00 pm Opening Remarks, Susan Welch, Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts,
Ballroom D-E
9:15 pm-10:15 pm Invited Lecture, Richard Kayne, New York University,
"Clitic Doubling, Movement, and Binding Theory," Ballroom D-E
Friday, April 17, 1998
8:00 am-9:00 am Coffee, Tea & Breakfast Rolls, Boardrooms I & II
8:30 am-11:30 am Registration, Rotunda Lobby
8:30 am-5:00 pm Book Exhibits, Colonial Rooms I & II
Special Open Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics
Title: What Should Linguists Expect From Mathematical Linguistics?
Boardrooms I & II
Chair: Lisa A. Reed, The Pennsylvania State University
9:00 am Carlos Martin-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University
Gheorghe Paun, Romanian Academy
Grzegorz Rozenberg, Leiden University &
Arto Salomaa, University of Turku
"X-Families: An Approach to the Study of Families of Syntactically Similar
10:00 am Walter J. Savitch, University of California, San Diego
"Computational Complexity in Language Models"
11:00 am-11:15 am Refreshment Break, Boardrooms I & II
Session 1, LSRL (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Heles Contreras, University of Washington
11:15 am Margarita Suner, Cornell University
"A Crosslinguistic View of Object Shift"
11:45 am Jon A. Franco, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao &
Errapel Mejias-Bikandi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"The Presuppositionality Condition on Spanish Clitic Doubled Objects"
12:15 pm Maarten de Wind, University of Amsterdam &
Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics
"Deriving Heavy NP-shift in French"
Session 2, WML (Assembly Room)
Chair: Carlos Martin-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University
11:15 am Relja Vulanovic, Kent State University
"Grammar Efficiency and the Historical Development of Word Order in French"
11:45 am Claude Del Vigna, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
"Commands as Binary Relations"
12:15 pm Javier Gutierrez-Rexach, The Ohio State University
"Generalized Minimalist Grammars"
12:45 pm-1:45 pm Lunch Break
Session 3, LSRL (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Grant Goodall, University of Texas at El Paso
2:00 pm Heles Contreras, University of Washington
"Negation in English and Spanish: Is There a Neg-Parameter?"
2:30 pm Ricardo Etxepare, L.E.I.A., Spain
"Paratactic Dependencies and Covert Merge"
3:00 pm Raffaella Zanuttini & Paul Portner, Georgetown University
"The Independence of Specifier and Head of CP"
3:30 pm Refreshment Break
3:45 pm Invited Lecture, Karen Zagona, University of Washington
"Tense Construal, Clausal Structure, and Feature Checking,"
Boardrooms I & II
Session 4, WML (Assembly Room)
Chair: Walter J. Savitch, University of California, San Diego
2:00 pm Manfred Kudlek, Universitat Hamburg
Carlos Martin-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University &
Alexandru Mateescu, Turku Centre for Computer Science
"An Infinite Hierarchy of Mildly Context-Sensitive Families of Languages"
2:30 pm Jose F. Quesada, Centro de Informatica Cientifica de Andalucia, Sevilla
3:00 pm Gerhard Jager, University of Pennsylvania
"On the Generative Capacity of Multi-Modal Categorial Grammars"
3:30 pm Valeria Mihalache, Turku Centre for Computer Science
"Grammar Systems: A Cooperating Distributed Framework for the Syntax of
Natural Languages"
4:00 pm Vincenzo Manca, Universita di Pisa
"Logical Splicing in Natural Languages"
4:30 pm-4:45 pm WML Closing Remarks
5:00 pm-6:00 pm Reception, Alumni Fireside Lounge
6:00 pm-7:45 pm Dinner Break
7:30 pm-8:00 pm Refreshments, Assembly Room
8:00 pm-9:00 pm Public Lecture on Historical Linguistics, Philip Baldi,
The Pennsylvania State University
"Reclaimimg the Linguistic Past," Assembly Room
Saturday, April 18, 1998
8:00 am-8:30 am Coffee, Tea & Breakfast Rolls, Boardrooms I & II
8:30 am-11:30 am Registration, Rotunda Lobby
8:30 am-5:00 pm Book Exhibits, Colonial Rooms I & II
Session 5 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Margarita Suner, Cornell University
8:30 am Christina M. Tortora, University of Michigan
"On the Non-Existence of Non-Agreeing i-Subjects in Romance"
9:00 am Grant Goodall, University of Texas at El Paso
"Passives and Arbitrary Plural Subjects in Spanish"
9:30 am Mihaela Pirvulescu & Yves Roberge, University of Toronto
"Romanian, Objects, and the Structure of Imperatives"
Session 6 (Assembly Room)
Chair: Holly J. Nibert, The Pennsylvania State University
8:30 am James P. Giangola, General Magic, Inc.
"The Optimization of Portuguese Verb Representations:
Vowel Harmony Revisited"
9:00 am Yolanda Rivera-Castillo, University of Houston-Downtown,
"Constraints on Stem Vowel Alternations and Dipthongization
in Spanish: A Lexical Account"
9:30 am Viola Miglio, University of Maryland
"Towards a Typology of Vowel Reduction Phenomena in Romance"
10:00 am Refreshment Break
Session 7 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Sandra Savignon, The Pennsylvania State University
10:30 am Marie-Therese Vinet, Universite de Sherbrooke
"Aspectual Modification and the Licensing of -tu pas in Quebec French"
11:00 am Julia Herschensohn, University of Washington
"Minimalist Access to UG in L2 French"
11:30 am J. M. Liceras, E. Valenzuela, E. Rosado University of Ottawa &
L. Diaz, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
"The Role of Morphological Paradigms in the Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge:
N-drop and Null Subjects in L1 and L2 Spanish"
Session 8 (Assembly Room)
Chair: Mary Ellen Scullen, University of Louisville
10:30 am Bernard Tranel, University of California, Irvine
"Optional Schwa Deletion: On Syllable Economy in French"
11:00 am Mariapaola D'Imperio & Sam Rosenthall, The Ohio State University
"Phonetics and Phonology of Italian Main Stress"
11:30 am Randall Gess, University of Utah
"Positional Faithfulness vs. Cue Preservation: The Case of Nasal Sequence
Resolution in Gallo-Romance"
12:00 pm-1:15 pm Lunch Break
1:30 pm Invited Lecture, Donca Steriade, University of California, Los Angeles
"Lexical Conservatism Effects in French Adjectival Liaison," Boardrooms I & II
Session 9 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Lisa Noetzel, Franklin and Marshall College
2:45 pm Jairo Nunes, Unicamp, Brazil &
Eduardo Raposo, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Ajectival Agreement in Portuguese Inflected Infinitives:
Against the Necessity of Non-Trivial Chains for f-Checking"
3:15 pm Aafke Hulk, University of Amsterdam &
Christine Tellier, Universite de Montreal
"Conflictual Agreement in Romance Nominals"
3:45 pm Marie Claude Boivin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Case-Feature Checking and its Consequences:
Evidence from en-cliticization in French"
Session 10 (Assembly Room)
Chair: Marie Gillette, The Pennsylvania State University
2:45 pm J. Clancy Clements, Indiana University
"Spanish Overt Case Marking and Basic Word Order: A Morphological Approach"
3:15 pm Vieri Samek-Lodovici, Universitat Konstanz
"On 'Ghost' Verbs in Italian Nominalizations and their Relevance for
the Unitary Base Hypothesis"
3:45 pm Anna M. Thornton, Universita dell'Aquila
"Gender and Inflectional Class Assignment in Italian Nouns"
4:15 pm Refreshment Break
Session 11 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Paul Portner, Georgetown University
4:30 pm Liliana Sanchez, Carnegie Mellon University,
"Null Objects in Contact Varieties of Spanish"
5:00 pm Tonia Bleam, University of Delaware
"Object Bare Plurals in Spanish and the Semantics of Personal a"
5:30 pm Javier Gutierrez-Rexach, The Ohio State University
"Group Indefinites"
Session 12 (Assembly Room)
Chair: Margaret Kehoe, The Pennsylvania State University
4:30 pm S.J. Hannahs, University of Durham
"Unexceptional Exceptions and French Glides"
5:00 pm Ellen M. Kaisse, University of Washington
"Resyllabification Precedes all Segmental Rules:
Evidence from Argentinian Spanish"
5:30 pm C. Wiltshire & E. Maranzana, University of Florida, Gainesville
"Geminates and Clusters in Italian and Piedmontese:
A Case for OT Ranking"
6:00 pm-6:30 pm Open Business Meeting, Boardrooms I & II
8:30 pm-10:00 pm Banquet, The Tavern Restaurant, 220 East College Ave.
Sunday, April 19, 1998
8:00 am-8:30 am Coffee, Tea & Breakfast Rolls, Boardrooms I & II
General Session 13 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Christine Tellier, Universite de Montreal
8:30 am Geraldine Legendre, Johns Hopkins University
"Revisiting French Stylistic and Complex Inversion"
9:00 am Jose Camacho, Rutgers University
"How Similar are Conjuncts?"
9:30 am Gorka Elordieta, University of California, Los Angeles
"Morphosyntax Driving Phonology: The Case of French Liaison"
10:00 am Refreshment Break
General Session 14 (Boardrooms I & II)
Chair: Geraldine Legendre, Johns Hopkins University
10:30 am Virginia Motapanyane,
University of New Brunswick, Saint John
"De-supines and Object-to-Subject Raising"
11:00 am Ana T. Perez-Leroux, The Pennsylvania State University
"Possessor Anaphors and the Structure of DPs"
11:30 am Luis Silva-Villar, University of California, Los Angeles &
Javier Gutierrez-Rexach, The Ohio State University
"Demonstratives and Feature Based Derivations"
Alternate Speakers:
Travis Bradley, The Pennsylvania State University
"Assibilation in Ecuadorian Spanish: A Phonology-Phonetics Account"
Elena Herburger, Georgetown University
"Lexical Ambiguity is not Always Evil: The Case of (ni)-ni"
Asun Martinez-Arbelaiz, Michigan State University
"Spanish Double CP: Evidence Against Government in Wh-Feature Selection"
Cecilia Poletto, Universita di Padova &
Raffaella Zanuttini, Georgetown University
"The Syntax of Imperatives: Evidence from Rhaetoromance"
The LSRL 28 Organizing Committee (Marc Authier, Barbara Bullock & Lisa
Reed) wishes to thank the following Penn State units for their financial
support of LSRL 28:
Continuing and Distance Education
The Research and Graduate Studies Office of the College of the Liberal Arts
The Department of French
The Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese
The Center for Linguistics
The Office of International Partnerships and Academic Linkages
The Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
The Department of Philosophy
The Department of Psychology
We would also like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Geoffrey
Conrad, Lori Fox Benson & Chuck Wilson in planning this meeting of the LSRL.
Additional thanks to the scholars who reviewed abstracts for LSRL 28:
Joseph Aoun, Julie Auger, Andrea Calabrese, Hector Campos, Gennaro
Chierchia, Heles Contreras, Violeta Demonte, Donka Farkas, Randall Gess,
Grant Goodall, Jorge Guitart, Barbara Hancin-Bhatt, James Harris, Julia
Herschensohn, Jose Hualde, Haike Jacobs, Juana Liceras, John Lipski, Diane
Massam, Jean-Pierre Montreuil, Alfonso Morales-Front, Donna Jo Napoli,
Rafael Nunez-Cedeno, Ana Perez-Leroux, Paul M. Postal, Lori Repetti, Yves
Roberge, Mario Saltarelli, Lisa Selkirk, Dominique Sportiche, Donca
Steriade, Margarita Suner, Esther Torrego, Bernard Tranel, Co Vet,
Marie-Therese Vinet, Amy Weinberg, Lydia White, Karen Zagona, Raffaella
Zanuttini & Maria-Luisa Zubizarreta.
Finally, we wish to thank Carlos Martin-Vide for organizing the concurrent
Workshop on Mathematical Linguistics; Robert Berwick & Walter J. Savitch
for serving on the WML Program Committee; and Philip Baldi for giving an
Outreach Lecture.
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-167
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