9.212, Sum: Optimality & Syntax Acquisition

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Thu Feb 12 17:46:39 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-212. Thu Feb 12 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.212, Sum: Optimality & Syntax Acquisition

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Date:  Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:59:46 +0100 (MET)
From:  Erica Thrift <KE.Thrift at let.uva.nl>
Subject:  Summary: Optimality & Syntax Acquisition

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:59:46 +0100 (MET)
From:  Erica Thrift <KE.Thrift at let.uva.nl>
Subject:  Summary: Optimality & Syntax Acquisition

	First, I would like to apologize for the delay in posting a
summary to the list, but here it is.  I would also like to thank John
Archibald, Elma Blom, Katherine Demuth, Mike Dickey, Lynn Alan Eubank,
Tanya Fedorikhina, Arild Hestvik, Carol Miller, Joe Pater, Yi-Ching Su
and Michael Thayer for their responses.  If I have missed anybody, I
apologize in advance!
	There is not very much on syntax and acquisition in OT out
there, so this is a fairly short list of references.  I am including
some papers which were written on the learnability of OT in general
(and with respect to phonology).  (Many of them are available on the
Rutgers Optimality Archive (ROA).)

Demuth, Katherine.  1995.  Questions, relatives and minimal
projection.  Language Acquisition 4: 49-71.

Demuth, Katherine.  1997.  Prosodic constraints on early phonological
words.  Paper presented at the conference on the Phonological Word,

Dickey, Michael K.  1995.  Inversion in child English and acquisition
in Optimality Theory.  In J. Beckman, S. Urbanczyk, and L.  Walsh
Dickey (eds).  University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in
Linguistics (UMOP) 18: Papers in Optimality Theory.  GLSA: 575-588.

Pater, Joe.  to appear.  Minimal Violation and Phonological
Development.  Language Acquisition 6(3).

Smolensky, Paul.  1996.  On the comprehension/production dilemma in
child language.  Linguistic Inquiry 27.

Smolensky, Paul.  1996.  The initial state and 'richness of the base'
in Optimality Theory.  Technical Report, Cognitive Science Department,
Johns Hopkins University.  (ROA 254-1196)

Tesar, Bruce & Paul Smolensky.  1996.  Learnability in Optimality
Theory.  Technical Report, Cognitive Science Department, Johns Hopkins
University and Rutgers Centre for Cognitive Science, Rutgers
University.  (ROA 156-1196)

Turkel, William.  1996(?).  The Acquisition of Optimality Theoretic
Systems.  Ms, University of British Columbia.

	I hope this is of interest to others; several people asked for
a summary.  If anyone knows of any other papers, please let me know!
Thanks very much for your help!

					Erica Thrift

Erica Thrift			
HIL/University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 134, Office 320
1012 VT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone:  +31 020 525 4635
Email:	ke.thrift at let.uva.nl

LINGUIST List: Vol-9-212

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