9.12, Sum: Preverbal utterance planning
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Wed Jan 7 10:11:04 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-12. Wed Jan 7 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.12, Sum: Preverbal utterance planning
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Date: Tue, 23 Dec 97 11:15:00 PST
From: "Crookston, Ian [HES]" <I.Crookston at lmu.ac.uk>
Subject: Preverbal utterance planning
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 97 11:15:00 PST
From: "Crookston, Ian [HES]" <I.Crookston at lmu.ac.uk>
Subject: Preverbal utterance planning
On 27 November I submitted the following query:
Does anyone know of any undergraduate reading about the preverbal aspects of
utterance planning? (Or "conceptualisation", to use Levelt's term). I teach
things about it, and in itself it is a nice student-friendly topic, but the
psycholinguistics textbooks don't seem to deal with it (my students
certainly don't count Levelt's _Speaking_ as a textbook).
Subareas include:
relationship of attention and encycopaedic memory to definiteness;
"linearisation" of a complex piece of information into a string of sentences
"perspective" (ie why you don't say _The fridge is on top of your pen_)
The sole "respondee" (as one of my managers would put it) was Eleanor
Batchelder, and her suggestions were:
Hand and Mind by David McNeill, University of Chicago Press, 1995
Conversational Organization and Its Development, ed. Bruce Dorval,
Vol. 38 in the series Advances in Discourse Processing, Ablex
Tannen, Deborah (1989), Talking voices: Repetition, dialogue, and
imagery in conversational discourse, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Further suggestions welcome to "i.crookston at lmu.ac.uk"
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-12
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