9.1033, Calls: Varieties of Eng, Culturally Situated Agents
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jul 15 11:01:43 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1033. Wed Jul 15 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1033, Calls: Varieties of Eng, Culturally Situated Agents
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors: Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless
you explain them in your text. Many people outside your area of
specialization will not recognize them. Also, if you are posting a
second call for the same event, please keep the message short. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 10:27:14 GMT
From: "P Bhaskaran Nayar" <pnayar at humber.ac.uk>
Subject: Varieties of English
Date: 13 Jul 98 11:46:48 EDT
From: PONeillBrown at doc.gov
Subject: Towards Culturally Situated Agents
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 10:27:14 GMT
From: "P Bhaskaran Nayar" <pnayar at humber.ac.uk>
Subject: Varieties of English
Second International Conference on Major Varieties of English
Lincoln University Campus, England
September 9-11, 1999
Conference theme: The English Language Today: Functions and
Plenary Speakers include:
Nicholas Coupland
Eric Fudge
Salikoko Mufwene
The main aim of the conference is to profile the changing global
presenceof English and the resulting effects on developments and
changes in the language today.
Paper proposals are invited on all aspects of the use of major
varieties of English today, in particular on the following themes:
Formal and functional developments and changes in English
Mediated uses of English
International profile of English
English and corporate culture
English language in literature
English and world communication
Competing target varieties fo learners
text and corpus analysis etc.
Submission of paper proposals
Abstracts of paper proposals should be no more than 250 words in
length, and should be double spaced. Please submit three copies, one
with name, affiliation and personal details (address for
correspondence, phone/fax numbers, e.mail address). Please mention at
the bottom what area or theme you believe your abstract covers
(e.g. Pragmatics, Media language, dialectology, political sociology
Send abstracts to reach no later than Dec. 15, 1998 to:
P. B. Nayar
Faculty of Arts and Technology
Lincoln University Campus
Brayford Pool
Lincoln, LS6 7TS
United Kingdom
Abstracts may also be submitted as an attachment to e.mail (one copy
with all information required) to: pnayar at ulh.ac.uk
Papers should be targeted for a half-hour slot, of which at least 10
minutes will be reserved for post-presentation discussion. So the
available time for actual paper presentation will be 20 minutes.
Notification of acceptance will be made by March 15, 1998
Lincoln University has an attractive, modern campus with excellent
facilities, on a scenic location in the historic cathedral city of
Lincoln. Lincoln is well connected by rail and road from London (120
miles) Manchester (90 miles) and Nottingham (40 miles).
The registration package includes two nights in very modern,
comfortable on-campus rooms with ensuite bath and self-catering
facilities at very moderate prices. An additional night will cost 15.
There are also several hotels in the city within walking distance from
the campus. The cost ranges from 50 to 80 per night.
Full conference package:
Registration + on campus accommodation for two nights + two breakfasts
150 Registarion only: 120
Daily registration: 45 Conference dinner on 10/9/99 25 (optional) All
rates include lunch(es) and refreshments on the days of attendance.
There will be a late surcharge on registrations received after June 1,
All presenters will receive detailed information package. For
enquries and additional information, contact:
The Conference Secretary - MAVEN II
Faculty of Arts and Technology
Lincoln University Campus
Brayford Pool
Lincoln, LN6 7TS
Tel: +44 1522 886251
Fax: +44 1522 886021
e.mail: pnayar at ulh.ac.uk
Information and updates also available on our website at
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: 13 Jul 98 11:46:48 EDT
From: PONeillBrown at doc.gov
Subject: Towards Culturally Situated Agents
Issues in Cross Cultural Communication
24th of November 1998, SINGAPORE
Culture underlies every aspect of social behavior and influences
communication style, personality, character, motivation, knowledge and
cognition. There is an extensive body of work on cross-cultural
differences in communication styles in the linguistics and cultural
anthropology literature.
In the intelligent user interface design community, over the years,
fueled by the recognition that different types of users are motivated
by different needs and goals, attention has been given to the
development of adaptive user interfaces. However, this line of
research and development has given little consideration to the
influence that culture plays in shaping what users want out of the
computational experience. In order to create interfaces that
accommodate different user styles, therefore, it is important to
understand these cultural influences, since, in many cases, a user
will react to interfaces on the basis of cultural background.
Similarly, if we are to view an agent, software or robot as a social
member of a "cyber society, " then that agent must be able to invoke
cultural knowledge in order to communicate flexibly with human users
and possibly other agents. If agents are reflective only of their
designers' communicative behaviors and are not able to adapt to the
styles of other agents which they meet in heterogeneous, distributed
environments and virtual reality worlds, then our agents may be
trapped in a Tower of Babel.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss cultural influences as they
(may) inform interactions among human and software agents. This
workshop is intended to attract participants from those communities
concerned with such a perspective of communication.
The workshop aims to be interdisciplinary in nature and is therefore
open to contributions from various research fields. The topics which
the workshop addresses are relevant, for instance, in: anthropology,
sociology, sociolinguistics, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), CSCW,
machine learning, adaptive systems research, collaborative virtual
environments, multi-media multi-user environments, ethnology, social
sciences, psychology and cognitive science.
The scope of this workshop includes, but need not be restricted to the
following topics:
* the nature of cross cultural communication, including case studies
and examples
* the origin and evolution of communication
* linguistic and ethnographic studies of cross cultural communication
* negotiation strategies among humans from different cultural
* negotiation strategies among agents informed by different cultural
* user interfaces and new media for cross cultural communication
* the impact of Internet technology on cross cultural communication
* culturally situated metaphors in interface, machine and agent design
* ethnomethodology in interface and agent design
* culturally dependent metaphors and language of describing and
talking about humans, machines and agents: influences on the design
process, theory/model building, and scientific experimentation
* case studies of program execution problems due to agent to agent and
human to agent miscommunication
* standards which are open to the development of multiple ontologies
of mult iagent communication in heterogeneous environments
* working examples of culturally adaptive agents in multiagent or
human-agent systems
Papers should address these topics in the context of how they relate
to issues in agent design and agent behavior.
Participation and Submission of Papers
The workshop will comprise a few keynote talks, a panel discussion
with participants from different research areas and presentations of
preliminary findings by workshop participants.
Participants will be selected by the organizing committee (see below)
based on submitted papers.
Potential participants who wish to present their work at the workshop
should submit a short paper (up to 5,000 words) or extended abstract
(1,500 to 2,500 words). Contributions should describe work in
progress, completed work, positions, or give significant insight into
the issues on cross cultural communication. Other potential
participants should send a statement of interest (one page), briefly
describing their work and their interest in the workshop.
Some of the participants will be asked to contribute a paper to the
final working notes. All participants will be invited to bring a
poster presenting their work.
Submissions should be sent by e-mail (ascii, unix compatible
PostScript, or rtf) to the Workshop Chair, Takashi Kido,
msc-kido at po1.infosphere.or.jp
For more information about the workshop, please contact the Workshop
Chair, Takashi Kido, msc-kido at po1.infosphere.or.jp
* Abstracts/Papers due by: July 18 1998
* Notification of Acceptance: September 20, 1998
* Camera-ready version of Final Paper due: October 18, 1998
* Date of Workshop: Sunday, November 22, 1998
Kido Takashi
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- --------
Patricia O'Neill-Brown
Asia Pacific Technology Program
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, DC, USA
Kerstin Dautenhahn
Department of Cybernetics
University of Reading
- --------
Stephen Smoliar
FX Palo Alto Laboratory
- --------
Workshop Chair
Please send abstracts/papers or any questions to
Kido Takashi
NTT MSC SDN BHD (437563-H)
Letter Box No. 37, 18th Floor, UBN Tower
No. 10. Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: +60 3 238 4077
Fax: +60 3 238 4037- 202 0476
E-mail: msc-kido at po1.infosphere.or.jp
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1033
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