9.854, Sum: Constructivism and Ling
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jun 9 22:12:48 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-854. Tue Jun 9 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.854, Sum: Constructivism and Ling
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Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:56:43 +0200
From: Ralf <Ralf.Vollmann at kfunigraz.ac.at>
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:56:43 +0200
From: Ralf <Ralf.Vollmann at kfunigraz.ac.at>
0. Introduction
I thank all the people who informed me about constructivist
linguistics approaches, and I was very happy to find some interested
linguists who would like to know more about constructivism or
constructivist linguistics. especially, i had some email discussions
which were/are very interesting.
Science-theoretically, "constructivism" is multi-facetted and far from
being a unified theory. there is a kind of common sense, however, the
smallest common denominator being probably the concept of
self-organisation of systems. // The main proponents of the new
scientific paradigm (as mentioned by colleagues) are: jean piaget;
heinz von foerster, e. von glasersfeld; humberto maturana, francisco
j. varela; siegfried j. schmidt, gebhard rusch; berger & luckmann,
and still some others.
1. Interested in (getting ((any) further) infos on) Constructivism:
Kath Copley <jcopley at laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au>
Gert Westermann <gert at cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Kazuko Shinohara <k-shino at sainet.or.jp>
Friederike Spitzl-Dupic <friederike.spitzl-dupic at wanadoo.fr>
Charles Belair <belair at acsu.buffalo.edu>
David Scarratt <dscarrat at ind.tansu.com.au>
Martin Stegu <martin.stegu at wu-wien.ac.at>
Martin Stegu <martin.stegu at phil.tu-chemnitz.de>
Susana Sotillo <SOTILLOS at alpha.montclair.edu>
Richard Schrodt <richard.schrodt at univie.ac.at>
Wolfgang Schulze <W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de>
Tobias Schoofs <tschoofs at spinfo.uni-koeln.de>
Juergen Broschart <am004 at mail1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>
Anita Fetzer <Anita.Fetzer at po.uni-stuttgart.de>
Sylvia Moosmueller <moosm at kfs.oeaw.ac.at>
Ralf Vollmann <Ralf.Vollmann at kfunigraz.ac.at>
2. Web pages:
2.1. linguists
http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~wschulze/ (Wolfgang Schulze)
http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~gert (Gert Westermann)
http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~gert/publications/cogsci98.ps (Gert
http://crl.ucsd.edu/~bates/ (Elisabeth Bates)
2.2. constructivist websites:
(some may be wrong or inadequate...
had no time to check again.)
http://www.univie.ac.at/cognition/constructivism/HvF.htm (on Heinz von
http://swi.ml.org/aegee/brainstorm.html (organisers of workshops)
3. Constructivist work in linguistics:
Two people informed me about the linguistics section ("Linguistik und
Konstruktivismus") at a recent congress (30.04.-03.05.1998) in
Heidelberg, 'Ways of Worldmaking; The Reality of Constructivism II'
("Weisen der Welterzeugung"), a section organised by Juergen
Broschart, University of Koeln <am004 at rs1.rrz.uni-koeln.de>. Please
have a look at
http://www.heidelberger-gruppe.com/kongress/kongress2.html for details
about this event, where a complete list of the speeches can be found.
Gert Westermann (gert at cogsci.ed.ac.uk), Centre for Cognitive Science,
University of Edinburgh, works on constructivist approaches to
language and cognition; he has recently developed a constructivist
neural network that learns the English Past Tense. (see
Martin Stegu's <martin.stegu at wu-wien.ac.at> works contain
constructivist linguistics approaches in communication research. Cf.
http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~hsto/ and reference below.
Anita Fetzer <Anita.Fetzer at po.uni-stuttgart.de> is doing research in
context - contextual function based on Habermas's concept of validity
claim, Goffman's frame analysis, systemic grammar, and
ethnomethodology, and is interested in work done on SOCIAL
Susana Sotillo's <SOTILLOS at alpha.montclair.edu> recent paper presented
at the March 1997 AAAL conference on language learning partnerships
and the co-construction of an electronic zpd is to be submitted for
publication. It is not explicitly on constructivism, but has
considered this theory. (see
Wolfgang Schulze <W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de> is working on a
constructivist language theory ("Konstruktivistische Sprachtheorie"),
in which the "grammar of scenes and scenarios" is developed. A book
series is going to appear, cf. http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~wschulze/.
Tobias Schoofs <tschoofs at spinfo.uni-koeln.de> is working within a more
"classical" constructivist framework (a la piaget). Especially, he and
his colleagues are designing machine translation programs whose
semantic problems are to be solved with artificial neural networks
(ANNs). Cf. http://spinfo1.spinfo.uni-koeln.de/lps/lpsengl.html
I myself will mention here the international child language
acquisition project directed by wolfgang u. dressler
<ulli at ling.univie.ac.at> from vienna, austria. its main theory is
exposed in dressler & karpf 1995 (see below).
Cognitive grammarians (Scott DeLancey <DeLancey at darkwing.uroegon.edu>,
George Lakoff and others) have been mentioned to be working in a quite
similar way. Constructivist ideas are also said to be found in 'more
cognitivist' linguistics (e.g. Steven Pinker, etc.).
Special interest was uttered whether syntax has ever been analysed in
a constructivist way. -- After what I found out now, I would hint to
the work of Scott DeLancey and other cognitive grammarians, who indeed
are proceeding similarly to what might be a constructivist approach,
although without using this label, see
"http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~DeLancey/prohp.html" for electronic
papers. -- Cf. also Schulze above, of course.
4. Litterature:
Stegu, Martin 1997: Semiotik und (pluraler) Konstruktivismus. in:
Bernard Jeff (ed.): Welt der Zeichen, Welt der Dinge. Wien: OeGS (=
Angewandte Semiotik 15).
Fetzer, Anita 1997: Konversationsanalyse und Konversationsunterricht.
Zeitschrift fr Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht [online],
2,1. http://www.ualberta.ca/~german/ejournal/-ejournal.html, pp.29
Fetzer, Anita n.d.: Contextualization in a German-English context:
face-wants/needs and information-wants/needs. In Raasch,
Albert. (ed.). Language teaching to adults, http://www.phil.uni-
I quoted only electronic papers here; for more references, please
contact Anita Fetzer
- cf. also the homepages of the above-mentioned colleagues for
- ------
Schulze, Wolfgang 1998: Person - Klasse - Kongruenz (PKK). Fragmente
einer Kategorialtypologie des einfachen Satzes in den ostkaukasischen
Sprachen. Band I: Die Grundlagen. Mnchen: Lincom, to appear.
- ------
Dressler, Wolfgang U. & Annemarie Peltzer-Karpf 1995: The theoretical
relevance of Pre- and Protomorphology in language acquisition. in: G.
Booij & J. van Marle (eds.): Yearbook of Morphology 1994, 99-122.
Dressler, Wolfgang U. (ed.) 1997: Studies in Pre- and Protomorphology.
Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, Katarzyna (ed.) 1997: Papers and Studies in
Contrastive Linguistics 33. Poznan.
Gillis, Steven (ed.) 1998: Antwerp Papers In Linguistics. Vol 95.
Universiteit Anwerpen.
Humberto Maturana & Francisco Varela [1987]. The Tree of Knowledge:
The Biological Roots of Human Understanding. Shambhala : Boston &
London. [orig.: El arbol des conocimiento // German: Der Baum der
- -------
Berger, Peter L. & Thomas Luckmann 1966: The social construction of
reality. [= B&L 1969: Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der
Wirklichkeit. Eine Theorie der Wissenssoziologie. Fischer Tb.]
Hirschauer, Stefan 1993: Die soziale Konstruktion der Transsexualitt.
- -------
Foerster, H. v. et al. (1992) Einfhrung in den Konstruktivismus.
Mnchen: Piper.
For publications by Heinz von Foerster, Ernst von Glasersfeld, and
others, please have a look at the above-mentioned websites.
So thank you all once again for the information. please keep on
informing or contacting me. best regards, ralf vollmann
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