9.322, FYI: Translation,NEH,Summer Studies,Soviet Census
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Mar 5 01:43:56 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-322. Thu Mar 5 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.322, FYI: Translation,NEH,Summer Studies,Soviet Census
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Editors: Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 12:12:01 -0800
From: "Dr. Jose L. Varela-Ibarra" <Jvarela at UTB1.UTB.EDU>
Subject: Translation Studies Forum
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:50:00 -0500
From: "Aikin, Jane" <JAikin at neh.gov>
Subject: NEH Fellowships 1999-2000
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 22:42:07 +0100
From: Tobias Scheer <scheer at naxos.unice.fr>
Subject: 5th Central European Summer School
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 14:00:08 +0000
From: Trond Trosterud <Trond.Trosterud at hum.uit.no>
Subject: Announcement: Soviet ethnicity and lg prof data available online
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 12:12:01 -0800
From: "Dr. Jose L. Varela-Ibarra" <Jvarela at UTB1.UTB.EDU>
Subject: Translation Studies Forum
Second Translation & Interpreting Studies Research Forum
December 3-6, 1998
The University of Texas at Brownsville's Translation Studies Program
and the University Student Translation & Interpreting Society invite
you to present a paper, organize a panel or conduct a workshop.
Please submit an abstract and brief bio as soon as possible to:
Dr. Jose L. Varela-Ibarra
Translation Studies, Modern Languages
UTB, 80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, Texas 78520 USA
or by e-mail to: jvarela at utb1.utb.edu (it's a number one after the
first utb not a letter l)
Voice mail: 956-544-8216
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 14:50:00 -0500
From: "Aikin, Jane" <JAikin at neh.gov>
Subject: NEH Fellowships 1999-2000
NEH Fellowships, 1999-2000
Deadline: May 1, 1998
The National Endowment for the Humanities announces the 1999-2000
competition for NEH fellowships. These fellowships provide
opportunities for individuals to pursue advanced research in the
humanities. Applicants may be faculty members of colleges and
universities, staff members of colleges and universities, or faculty
and staff members of primary and secondary schools. Scholars and
writers working independently or in institutions such as museums,
libraries, and historical associations or in institutions with no
connection to the humanities also are eligible to apply.
Projects supported by NEH Fellowships may contribute to scholarly
knowledge or to the general public's understanding of the humanities.
Such work might eventually produce scholarly articles, a monograph on
a specialized subject, a book-length treatment of a broad topic, an
archaeological site report, a translation, an edition, or an other
scholarly tool.
Citizenship: Applicants should be U.S. citizens, native residents of
U.S. jurisdictions, or foreign nationals who have been legal residents
in the U.S. or its jurisdictions for at least three years immediately
preceding the application deadline.
Eligibility: Scholars affiliated with institutions granting the
Ph.D.in the subject area of the project should apply to the
Fellowships for University Teachers Program. Scholars affiliated with
institutions not granting the Ph.D. in the subject area of the
project, scholars affiliated with other types of organizations, and
independent scholars should apply to the Fellowships for College
Teachers and Independent Scholars Program. Applicants whose
professional training includes a degree program must have received
their degrees or completed all official requirements for them by the
application deadline. Persons seeking support for work leading toward
a degree are not eligible to apply, nor are active candidates for
degrees. Further information on the two programs is available in the
printed guidelines.
Stipends and Tenure: Tenure must cover an uninterrupted period of from
six to twelve whole months. The earliest date that fellows may begin
tenure is January 1, 1999, and the latest is the start of the spring
term of the 1999-2000 academic year, or April 1, 2000 for those who
are not teachers. Tenure periods for teachers must include at least
one complete term of the academic year.
A stipend of $30,000 will be awarded to those holding fellowships for
a grant period of from nine to twelve months. A stipend of $24,000
will be awarded to those holding fellowships for a grant period of
from six to eight months.
Submission of Applications: All applications must be postmarked on or
before May 1, 1998. Please note that the Endowment does not accept
applications submitted by fax or e-mail. Applicants will be notified
of the decisions on their applications by mid-December 1998.
Application Materials and Information
For application materials and further information, point
your browser to the NEH web site: <http://www.neh.gov>
Fellowships for University Teachers:
e-mail: fellowsuniv at neh.gov
Phone: 202-606-8466
Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent
e-mail: fellowscollind at neh.gov
Phone: 202-606-8467
Mail inquiries:
NEH Fellowships, Room 318
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20506
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 22:42:07 +0100
From: Tobias Scheer <scheer at naxos.unice.fr>
Subject: 5th Central European Summer School
5th Central European
Summer School in Generative Grammar
Debrecen - Hungary
3 - 21 August 1998
Under the auspices of GLEE (Generative Linguistics
in Eastern Europe) and GLOW
A generative grammar summer school which is:
. high level (teachers from leading research centres)
. intensive (3 weeks of interactive learning and research)
. very inexpensive (no fees at all, very low local living costs)
. charming (a university town with an exciting history and a
peaceful campus in the middle of a small forest)
The summer school offers intensive discussions of generative
linguistics. It will feature syntax, phonology, psycho-linguistics and
semantics; in each case debating the results of the latest research,
current issues and open problems. This will take the form of:
-about 20 advanced seminars focussing on current research issues.
-a general introduction to generative linguistics as well as a core
set of introductory overviews for each subdomain
The school is open to students and scholars from all over the world -
East and West alike: it is cheap enough for everybody to attend, and
it also includes discussion of Germanic, Romance and Slavic
languages. Care has been taken to make it particularly suited to
Eastern European participants. Classes will be taught in English.
(list to be completed, check on the web page)
Introductory courses to subfields
Co-taught Introduction to Generative Linguistics
Marcel Den DIKKEN Amsterdam Introduction to Syntax
Gillian RAMCHAND Oxford Introduction to Semantics
Haike JACOBS Nijmegen/Amsterdam Introduction to Nonlinear Phonology
Maria-Teresa GUASTI
(to be confirmed) Sienna Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Stella DE BODE UCLA Introduction to Neurolinguistics
Christopher PINON Dusseldorff Introduction to modal logic with
applications for linguists
Intermediate/ Advanced courses
Philippe SCHLENKER (MIT) Philosophy of Language
Lea NASH (Paris) From GB to Minimalism
Haike JACOBS (Nijmegen/Amsterdam) Optimality Theory in Phonology
Ur SHLONSKY (Geneva) Research Methods
David ADGER (York) Syntax - Morphology Interface
Daniel BURING (Cologne) The Syntax and Semantics of Binding Theory
Zelko BOSKOVIC (UConn) Storrs Issues in Slavic Syntax
Tobias SCHEER (Nice) Syllable Structure in Government Phonology
>>>>>>>>>>>> DEADLINE <<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>> The application must be received by <<<<<<
15 MAY 1998
to apply, just send your...
- family name; first name
- nationality
- email address
- regular address
.. to application at nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
or, by regular mail, to:
Tobias Scheer
Universite de Nice
98, Boulevard Edouard Herriot
B.P. 3209
F-06204 Nice Cedex 3
fax: +33 4
Fees There are no fees. The school is free.
Note: This school is entirely free and offers grants, thanks to (i)
donations, (ii) it is entirely self-organised by volunteering
linguists. You can contribute to this organisation through a donation.
Accommo-cheap "University Residences" are available. The price
(not dation definitive) should be about 17,50$ per week in four-bed
rooms, or 36$ in two-bed rooms. Reservations will be accepted for
entire weeks only (i.e. August 2-8, 9-15, 16-22).
Students from Eastern European countries can apply for:
Accomodation grants covering on-site accommodation
Living grants helping to cover living costs
Travel grants covering the trip to and from the summer
Visa grants covering expenses for visas
The four types of grants are not exclusive.
If you are from an Eastern European country and wish to receive a
grant, add to the application form:
- which grant(s) you apply for (travel, accomodation, visa, living)?
- for travel and visa grants: how much will your ticket and/or visa
cost (in US$, please identify their price separately)?
- a brief description of your previous linguistics studies.
- a brief description of your motivation for the summer school.
- are you interested in introductory or advanced classes?
- which are your fields of interest within linguistics?
Practical Information: All relevant information (where is Debrecen,
how do I get there, etc.) will be sent upon receipt of the
registrations, and will also be available on internet at:
The 98 Summer School offers two electronic addresses for
1. application at nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
This address is for applications and queries only. You will first
receive an automated notification and then a personal reply by an
2. discussion.debrecen at nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Upon registration, you will be subscribed to this discussion list.
Beware, when you send a message to this address, *everybody* will
receive it: all students, all teachers, all organisers. Use it only
for things that might be of interest to everybody. Personal queries to
organisers should be sent to the first address above (ie.
application at ...).
-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 14:00:08 +0000
From: Trond Trosterud <Trond.Trosterud at hum.uit.no>
Subject: Announcement: Soviet ethnicity and lg prof data available online
I am glad to announce that I now have made the
Soviet Language and Ethnicity Censuses
available on the net:
The site contains ethnic affiliation, 1st and 2nd language proficiency
for all Soviet citicens in 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989. The 1979 data
contain regional information for some republics. The site contains
assimilation data estimated by the socalled Silver formula.
The original censuses contain much more data than I can provide
(cross-referenced to age, region, rural/urban), but at least I give
you the main data for each language.
I hope that this will stimulate the research on language retention and
shift in general and on the situation in the former Soviet Union in
special. I will encourage you to read my introductory remarks before
using the data, cf. http://www2.isl.uit.no/trond/sintr.html. The intro
also contains the original references, so that you can go there and
find the data missing from my site.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Trond Trosterud t +47 7764 4763
Lingvistisk institutt, Det humanistiske fakultet h +47 7767 3639
N-9037 Universitetet i Tromso f +47 7764 4239
trond at isl.uit.no http://www2.isl.uit.no/trond/index.html
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
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