9.494, TOC: Langues et Grammaire II & III: Phonologie
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Mar 30 15:25:35 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-494. Mon Mar 30 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.494, TOC: Langues et Grammaire II & III: Phonologie
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Editor for this issue: Anita Huang <anita at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 23:58:45 -0100
From: patrick sauzet <sauzet at pratique.fr>
Subject: "Langues et Grammaire" Proceedings
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 23:58:45 -0100
From: patrick sauzet <sauzet at pratique.fr>
Subject: "Langues et Grammaire" Proceedings
Papers presented to Languages and Grammar Conferences
(Colloques Langues et Grammaire :Saint Denis 1995, Paris 1997)
edited by Patrick Sauzet
A publication of Departement SDL (Universite de Paris 8)
circ. 150 p. - To appear : May 1998
Price FF 120,00
(after April the 30th, end of the subscription : FF 150,00)
Table of contents (subject to alteration) :
- Sabrina Bendjaballah (Paris 7) :
Aspects apophoniques de la vocalisation du verbe Berbere
- Marie-Helene Cote (MIT) :
Saillance Phonetique et constraste dans la reduction des groupes
consonantiques : le cas du franczais quebecois.
- Elsa Gomez-Imbert (CNRS) :
Nasality in Barasana.
- Esther Herrera-Zendejas (el Colegio de Mexico) :
Les palatales dans la phonologie du Mixe : un cas de segments
simples et
- Haike Jacobs (Universite de Nimegue - Universite Libre
d'Amsterdam) :
Changement linguistique : Optimalite et articulation secondaire.
- Uffe Bergeton Larsen (USC) :
Vowel length, 'raddoppiamento sintattico' and the selection of
the definite article in italian.
- Long Peng (Hongkong Polytechnic University) :
Syllable Structure Constraints and their Implications for [-nasal].
- Patrick Sauzet (Paris 8 - URA)
'Enamourer', 'enivrer', 'enorgueillir' : le statut des prefixes.
- Tobias Scheer (Paris 7 - Nice) :
La structure interne des consonnes.
Please send me ..... cop(y/ies) of LANGUES ET GRAMMAIRE II&III PHONOLOGIE.
Select an option for payment :
Option 1 : [ ] Please find enclosed a cheque* or an international postal
money order of FF 120.00 x ... = ........ or (FF 120.00 + 18.00F**) x ... =
to the order of : ARLV
*In francs and drawn against a French bank. We cannot accept Eurocheques.
**Add FF 18 per copy for postage in case you do not wish to come and get
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Return before April the 30th 1998 to :
Colloque Langues & Grammaire
Dept Sciences du langage
Universite Paris 8
2, rue de la Liberte
F-93526 Saint Denis cedex 02 (France)
N.B. A volume LANGUES & GRAMMAIRE III : SYNTAXE will be in subscription soon
(publication is scheduled for November/December 1998).
Liste des Correspondants des RLV / RLV Correspondent List
- Israel :
Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot
29, rue Sirkin
Herzlia 46392 (Israel)
<hbzh at post.tau.ac.il>
- USA :
Christiane Fellbaum
8, Evergreen Circle
Princeton NJ O8540 USA
<fellbaum at clarity.princ eton.edu>
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<galves at turing.uni camp.br>
- Belgium : Liliane Tasmowski de Ryck
De Pintelaan 287
B-9000 Gand (Belgique)
<tasmo at uia.ua.ac.be>
- United Kingdom :
Georges Tsoulas
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
University of York
York-YO1 5DD
England - UK.
<gt3 at unix.york. ac.uk>
- Portugal : Maria-Francesca Xavier
Pc Pasteur no9-6 dt.
1000 Lisboa (Portugal)
<xmfmbb at dns.fcs h.unl.pt>
NB : You may pay your subscription to ARLV correspondents, but in any case
return subscription forms to :
Colloque Langues & Grammaire
Dept Sciences du langage
Universite Paris 8
2, rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint Denis cedex 02 (France)
FF 120,00 represents FB 800,00; L 12,00; DM 36,00; esc. 4.000,00; US $
20,00; (add FB 120,00; L 1.50; DM 6; esc. 600,00; US $ 3; for postage)
ARLV : "Amis des Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes" is a nonprofit
association the aim of which is to support linguistic research in general
and specifically the "Revue Linguistique de Vincennes".
RLV : "Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes" is a Review published in the
University of Paris 8.
FRANCE PRATIQUE - http://www.pratique.fr
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-494
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