9.1525, Calls: Multilingual OCR, EACL'99
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Nov 1 23:03:27 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1525. Sun Nov 1 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1525, Calls: Multilingual OCR, EACL'99
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
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the text.
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:23:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Tin Kam Ho <tkh at research.bell-labs.com>
Subject: Multilingual OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 98 15:48:11 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: EACL'99 Student CFP
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:23:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Tin Kam Ho <tkh at research.bell-labs.com>
Subject: Multilingual OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
International Workshop on
Performance Evaluation Issues in
Multilingual OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Sunday, September 19, 1999, Bangalore, India
(just before ICDAR'99 -- Int'l Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition)
Tapas KANUNGO University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
Henry S. BAIRD Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA USA
Badr AL-BADR King Abdulaziz City, Saudi Arabia
Torsten CAESAR Siemens ElectroCom, Germany
Bhabatosh CHANDA ISI Calcutta, India
Doug COOPER Southeast Asian Software Research Center, Thailand
Andreas DENGEL DFKI, Germany
Steve DENNIS U. S. Government, USA
Xiaoqing DING Tsinghua University, P.R. China
David DOERMANN University of Maryland, USA
Michel GILLOUX Service de Recherche Technique de la Poste, France
Robert M. HARALICK University of Washington, USA
Tin Kam HO Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA
Donna HARMAN National Institute for Standards & Technology, USA
Jonathan HULL Ricoh CRC, USA
Fumitaka KIMURA Mie University, Japan
Hsi-Jian LEE National Chiao Tung University, R.O. China
Seong-Whan LEE Korea University, Korea
Tomohiko MORIOKA Japan Advanced Institute for Science & Tech., Japan
S. P. MUDUR National Center for Software Technology, India
Yasuaki NAKANO Shinshu University, Japan
Philip RESNIK University of Maryland, USA
A. Lawrence SPITZ Document Recognition Technologies, USA
Ching Y. SUEN Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Yuan Yan TANG Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Vadim TERESCHENKO ABBYY Software House, Russia
Jun TSUKUMO NEC, Kanagawa, Japan
Toru WAKAHARA NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Japan
This workshop will explore evaluation methodologies for multilingual OCR
systems. By `multilingual' we mean to include systems that are capable
of reading more than one language in the same document, as well as
one-language-per-document systems that can be easily retargeted to new
languages. We hope to bring together researchers from many countries to
discuss these and related questions:
-- What methodologies should be used to evaluate multilingual OCR systems?
How do we compare accuracies across languages?
-- What ground-truthed data sets are now available in various languages?
What kind of datasets need to be collected? How is this to be
achieved? Which organizations might be willing to support such an
the effort?
-- What multilingual OCR evaluation tools and error visualization tools
are available or should be developed?
-- What OCR evaluation methods and metrics will be useful for OCR-based
machine translation and cross-language information retrieval?
-- What are the most pressing open research problems, promising dissertation
topics, etc?
This will be a one-day workshop for a maximum of 70 participants.
Each participant will submit an extended abstract which will be distributed
at the Workshop. All participants are expected to contribute to the
At the outset of the workshop, three volunteers will present brief, informal
summaries of the i) methodologies, ii) corpora, and iii) tools mentioned in
the submitted abstracts. Then we will split up into three working groups,
focused on these topics, and proceed to discuss key issues, attempt to resolve
questions, compile lists of resources, and draw up recommendations. Finally,
in a plenary session, representatives of each group will present their
recommendations and invite general discussion. There will be several
opportunities for informal discussion and socializing.
After the workshop, the organizing committee will compile a Workshop Summary,
based on the working group notes, and make it available on the Web. It is
hoped that the workshop will stimulate cooperative follow-on activities
that will accelerate the pace of research in multilingual document image
Each potential participant or group of participants should submit an extended
abstract, electronically via E-mail (in plain ASCII), no later than March 30,
1999 to:
Tapas Kanungo
Center for Automation Research
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
E-mail: mlocr at cfar.umd.edu
The abstract should include the name, address, telephone, fax, and email
address of the author(s). It should ordinarily be limited to six printed
pages including references (no figures, please). Longer submissions
may be admitted in special cases, e.g. for catalogues of resources.
Accepted abstracts will be distributed at the Workshop and posted
on the Workshop website.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 98 15:48:11 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: EACL'99 Student CFP
We are pleased to announce the first Call for Student Papers for EACL'99
(Bergen, Norway 8--12 June 1999).
The call (text version below) can be found at
The conference home page is at
The Student Session Programme Committee
Jonas Kuhn, Student chair
Atro Voutilainen, Faculty co-chair
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Student Sessions
at the
9th Conference of the
European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
June 8 - 12, 1999
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The goal of these sessions is to provide a forum for student members
to present WORK IN PROGRESS and receive feedback from other members of
the computational linguistics community. The sessions will consist of
paper presentations by student authors. The accepted papers will be
published in a special section of the conference proceedings. Note
that the existence of the student sessions does not influence the
treatment of student-authored papers submitted to the main conference.
Rather, the aim of the student sessions is to provide a separate track
emphasizing students' work in progress rather than completed work.
Papers should describe original, unpublished work in progress that
demonstrates insight, creativity, and promise. Topics of interest are
the same as for the main conference. Papers submitted to the main
conference cannot be considered for the student sessions. Students
may, of course, submit DIFFERENT papers to the main conference and the
student session, or papers on different aspects of a particular
problem or project. Note that for papers presenting joint work, ALL
co-authors have to be students.
The maximum allowable length is 3 pages (about 1800 words), including
references. Papers should be headed by a title page containing the
paper ID code (see below), title, a short (5 line) summary, up to
three general keywords specifying the subject area (e.g., "French
syntax, machine translation"), the word count (excluding figures and
bibliography) and a notice of multiple submission, if required. Since
reviewing will be `blind', the title page of the paper should omit
author names and addresses. Furthermore, self-references that reveal
the authors' identity (e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) . . .
") should be avoided. Instead, use references of the form "Smith
previously showed (1991) . . . " Care should be taken to avoid obvious
giveaways in the bibliography such as listings for unpublished
in-house technical reports. Papers outside the specified length and/or
without an ID code are liable to rejection without review.
To identify each paper, an ID code must be acquired by filing an
electronic paper registration form:
On successful completion of this form an ID code will be sent to the
designated author by e-mail.
Authors may submit their papers electronically or in hard copy. Electronic
submission is strongly preferred.
Electronic submissions should be either self-contained LaTeX source,
PostScript or PDF (we encourage LaTeX submissions). PostScript
submissions must use a standard font. LaTeX submissions should not
refer to any other external files or styles except for the standard
styles for TeX 3.14 and LaTeX 2.09. The bibliography for a LaTeX
submission cannot be submitted as separate .bib file; the actual
bibliography entries must be inserted in the submitted LaTeX source
We strongly recommend the use of ACL-standard LaTeX:
http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/eacl99/style/eaclsub.sty (plus bibstyle
acl.bst) or Word style files (MSWord_template.rtf) for the preparation
of submissions. These styles include a place for the required
information such as ID code and word count, and allow for a graceful
transition to the style required for publication.
If you cannot use the ACL-standard styles directly, a description of
the required format is at
http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/eacl99/style/substyle.html. If you cannot
access this web page, send email to eacl99 at cogsci.ed.ac.uk with
subject SUBSTYLE for an automatic reply.
Electronic submissions should be sent to
eacl99-student at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Hard copy submissions should consist of four (4) paper copies of each
paper (printed on both sides of the page if possible) should be
submitted to the following address:
c/o Jonas Kuhn
IMS, Univ. Stuttgart
Azenbergstr. 12
70174 Stuttgart
Enquiries to the Student Session Committee by email at
eacl99-student at ims.uni-stuttgart.de.
Submissions must be received by 18 January 1999. Late submissions
(those arriving on or after 19 January 1999) will not be considered.
Acknowledgements will be emailed soon after receipt. Notification of
acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) by 10 March 1999.
Camera-ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column
format, preferably using a laser printer, must be received at the main
Programme Committee in Edinburgh by 19 April 1999, along with a signed
copyright release statement. Detailed formatting guidelines will be
provided to authors with their acceptance notice. The student paper
sessions will take place during the main conference on 9-11 June 1999.
The conference will be held in Bergen, Norway from 8 through 12 June,
1999. See the conference home page http://www.hit.uib.no/eacl99/ for
local arrangements information. The Local Arrangements Committee is
chaired by Koenraad de Smedt. The Local Arrangements Committee can be
reached at:
Humanities Information Technologies
University of Bergen
Alligaten 27
5007 Bergen
PHONE: +47 5558-8008
FAX: +47 5558-9470
EMAIL: eacl99 at uib.no
The student session committee is co-chaired by Atro Voutilainen
(University of Helsinki) and Jonas Kuhn (University of Stuttgart).
Atro Voutilainen Jonas Kuhn
Department of General Linguistics IMS, Univ. Stuttgart
P.O. Box 4 Azenbergstr. 12
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki 70174 Stuttgart
Finland Germany
PHONE: +358 9 191 23 507 (office) PHONE: +49-711-121-1354
FAX: +358 9 191 23 598 FAX: +49-711-121-1366
EMAIL: atro.voutilainen at helsinki.fi jonas at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
18 Jan Submitted student papers due in Stuttgart
10 Mar Decisions on programme sent to authors
19 Apr Final versions of papers due in Edinburgh
9-11 Jun Student sessions at conference in Bergen
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1525
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