9.1566, Calls: Chinese/Machine Translation, Southern Dialects
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Nov 7 09:10:28 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1566. Sat Nov 7 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1566, Calls: Chinese/Machine Translation, Southern Dialects
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
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the text.
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 1998 12:33:26 +0900
From: ren at its.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
Subject: Chinese and Oriental Language/Machine Translation
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 10:14:53 -0800
From: Janet Bing <jbing at odu.edu>
Subject: Southeast Conference on Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 1998 12:33:26 +0900
From: ren at its.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
Subject: Chinese and Oriental Language/Machine Translation
Call for Papers (New)
Communications of COLIPS- an International Journal of The Chinese and
Oriental Languages Information Processing Society
will publish a special issue on Machine Translation
The International Journal of Communications of COLIPS is devoted to the
publication of original theoretical and applied research in Chinese and
oriental languages computing(languages). In particular, this special
issue focuses on the field of "Machine Translation".
In recent years, many researchers, both in academia and in industry, have
taken up the challenge to build systems capable of translating oriental
vlanguages and the other languages, both written text and spoken languages.
This special issue is dedicated to reporting the state-of-the-art
and/or state-of-the-practice in Machine Translation (MT). Original papers
in all areas of research in this field, including, but not limited to,
the following are invited:
- Methodologies for MT (rule-based, statistics-based, knowledge-based,
function-based, etc.)
- Automatic or Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Translation Knowledge
- Practical MT Systems
- Translation Aids (translation memory, terminology databases, etc.)
- Speech and Dialogue Machine Translation
- Natural Language Analysis and Generation Techniques
- Dictionaries and Lexicons for MT Systems
- Text Corpora for MT
- User Interfaces
- Evaluation Techniques
- Mutil-Linguages MT
- Translation Corpora
- MT and Related Technologies
Original papers which are not submitted to, under reviewed by and
published or to be published in other journals or conferences in any areas
of MT are invited to this special issue for possible publication. The
publication language is ENGLISH or CHINESE. Paper submissions to the
special issue should be in the Communications COLIPS format. Information
for the format authors can be found at:
We need electronic copies in WORD, rtf, PostScript or Latex.
Authors should send FOUR copies of their paper to the following special
issue editor Prof. Ren by January 20, 1999:
Dr. Fuji Ren
Faculty of Information Sciences
Hiroshima City University
3-4-1, Ozuka-Higasi, Asa-Minami-Ku
Hiroshima, 731-3194, Japan
Fax:+81-82-830-1584 or +81-82-830-1792
Email:ren at its.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
Submission deadline: January 20, 1999.
Author Notification: March 20, 1999.
Final Version: May 5, 1999.
Publication : June, 1999.
Dr. Fuji Ren
Faculty of Information Sciences
Hiroshima City University
3-4-1, Ozuka-Higasi, Asa-Minami-Ku
Hiroshima, 731-3194, Japan
Updated information on the special issue as well as the Communication
COLIPS is available at:
Authors also can contact with chairman of COLIPS:
Dr. Lua Kim Teng
School of Computing,
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119260
Fax 65-7794580
Tel 65-8742782
Email: luakt at comp.nus.edu.sg
- ----
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 10:14:53 -0800
From: Janet Bing <jbing at odu.edu>
Subject: Southeast Conference on Linguistics
Spring 1999
Linguistics for the Twenty-first Century
CALL FOR PAPERS: Due December 7
Old Dominion University will host the Spring 1999 meeting of SECOL,
which will be held at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott in Norfolk,
Virginia on April 8th, 9th and 10th. We will be celebrating the 30th
anniversary of the founding of the organization.
The featured speakers for the spring meeting are William Labov of the
University of Pennsylvania and Walt Wolfram of North Carolina State
University. Labov will make a presentation on "The Triumph of Southern
Sound Changes," showing that certain elements of southern dialect are
now found to be occurring throughout North America.
Walt Wolfram's presentation will be on "The Southern Context(s) of
Earlier AAVE." Based on his examination of longstanding African American
communities in the Pamlico Sound area of North Carolina, he argues that
Earlier African American speech was much more diverse than the
contemporary version of the vernacular and explains why AAVE has
undergone such a dramatic movement toward a normative vernacular over
the last half century. In addition, Natalie Schilling-Estes will
moderate a discussion by a group of younger scholars on "Fieldwork for
the New Century," which will deal with ethical issues, approaches to
fieldwork, current and emerging technologies, and fieldwork priorities
for the
21st century.
Abstract Guidelines
Please send six copies of an abstract of your paper --not to exceed 300
words-- to the SECOL Office for the consideration of the Program
Committee. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THE ABSTRACTS so they may be judged
Please copy and fill out the following form and staple it to one copy of
your abstract. After the papers are refereed, we will notify you of the
committee's decisions. The abstracts must arrive at the SECOL Office no
later than 7 December 1998.
I. Give the title of the paper at the top of the page. Do not give your
name or other identifying information. Abstracts will be judged by the
Program Committee without the knowledge of the identity of the authors.
II. The abstracts should not be longer than 300 words. They must be
typewritten, double-spaced, and the copies may be xeroxed.
III. A statement of the topic or purpose of the paper should be
included, preferably as the first paragraph.
A. If your paper involves the analysis of linguistic materials, give
appropriate examples, along with a brief indication of why they are
important to your argument.
B. If your paper is to present the results of experiments and you do not
yet have those results, indicate the nature of the experiments and why
the results will be significant.
C. State the relevance of your ideas to past work or to the future
development of the field.
D. State your conclusion (however tentative); avoid saying things like
"A solution to this
problem will be presented." If you are taking a stand on a controversial
issue, do not simply say which side you take; summarize the arguments
that lead you to take this position.
Indicate special equipment needs:
All papers for this meeting should be designed for 20 minutes delivery
time. Abstracts must arrive at the SECOL Office no later than 7 December
1998. Send six copies of your
abstract to:
Marvin Ching or Joan Weatherly
Southeastern Conference on Linguistics
Department of English
The University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1566
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