9.1592, Confs: Comparative German Syntax
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Thu Nov 12 09:54:26 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1592. Thu Nov 12 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1592, Confs: Comparative German Syntax
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Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 10:55:39 +0100
From: Christer Platzack <Christer.Platzack at nordlund.lu.se>
Subject: Comparative German Syntax Workshop
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 10:55:39 +0100
From: Christer Platzack <Christer.Platzack at nordlund.lu.se>
Subject: Comparative German Syntax Workshop
We invite you to participate in
14th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop,
Lund, Sweden, January 8-9, 1999.
The conference will take place in Biskopshuset (address: Biskopsgatan 1,
Lund), in the central part of Lund (about 200 meters south of the
Departments of Linguistics and Scandinavian Languages).
Preregistration fee: 80 SEK or 10 US dollars up to November 30, from
December 1 the preregistration fee is 160 SEK or 20 US dollars. On site
registration: 200 SEK or 25 US dollars.
Preregistration, including name and affiliation, can be sent to
Asa Wikstrom
c/o 14th CGS
Institutionen for nordiska sprak
Helgonabacken 14
223 62 Lund
We prefer cash (just put the preregistration fee in an envelope and send it
to Asa together with info about yourself). No kinds of checks are accepted.
Thursday, January 7, 1999
1800-2100 Reception at the Department of Scandinavian Linguistics,
Helgonabacken 14, 4th floor
Friday, January 8, 1999.
0900-1000 Liliane Haegeman (invited speaker): Negation in West Flemish and
the derivation of SOV word order
Coffee break
1030-1110 Thrhallur Eythrsson: VP order and clausal architecture in
1110-1150 Thorbjrg Hrarsdttir: VP-preposing in Icelandic.
1150-1230 Shalom Zuckerman: The underlying structure of embedded
participles in Dutch
Lunch break
1400-1440 Ute Bohnacker: Root infinitives in bilingual child Icelandic -
1440-1520 ystein Alexander Vangsnes: Optimal strategies for identifying D.
Coffee break
1540-1620 Peter Svenonius: The expression of negation in Germanic
1620-1700 Jhannes Gsli Jnsson: Case Absorption with -st-verbs in Icelandic
1700-1740 Cedric Boeckx: Quirky agreement in Icelandic, English and elsewhere
Saturday, January 9, 1999
0900-1000 Ken Safir (invited speaker): tba
Coffee break
1030-1110 Ursel Luhde: Aspectual features and argument structure
1110-1150 Elin Bech & Tor A. farli: The syntax of two types of
psychological verb in Germanic
1150-1230 Anna-Lena Wiklund: Distributed Syntax: Morphosyntactic parasites
and the path to PF
Lunch break
1400-1440 Mark de Vries: Extraposition of relative clauses as specifying
1440-1520 Kleanthes Grohmann: Multiple interrogatives, discourse
restrictions and quantifier interaction
Coffee break
1540-1620 Kersti Brjars, Kate Burridge & Sue Spence: For...to
constructions in varieties of German and English: consequences for clause
1620-1700 Reimar Mller: Prepositions as bare infinitival complementizers
in some Westgermanic languages
1710-1810 Jan-Wouter Zwart (invited speaker): Bare Argument Structure and
the Syntax of Middles
Peter Ackema: On the relation between inflectional features and V-to-I
Kerstin Hoge: Superiority effects in Yiddish multiple interrogatives
Abstracts and more info (hotel, how to go to Lund) available at
Christer Platzack
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1592
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