9.1473, Calls: LANGUES/Various topics, Dialogue & Prosody

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Oct 22 10:58:25 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-1473. Thu Oct 22 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.1473, Calls: LANGUES/Various topics, Dialogue & Prosody

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Wed, 21 Oct 1998 18:13:46 +0200
From:  Patrice Bonhomme <Patrice.Bonhomme at loria.fr>
Subject:  Journal LANGUES (Call) - Revue LANGUES (Appel)

Date:  Thu, 22 Oct 1998 09:47:50 +0200
From:  Marc Swerts <swerts at ipo.tue.nl>
Subject:  Workshop on dialogue and prosody

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 21 Oct 1998 18:13:46 +0200
From:  Patrice Bonhomme <Patrice.Bonhomme at loria.fr>
Subject:  Journal LANGUES (Call) - Revue LANGUES (Appel)


La revue LANGUES vient de publier son premier numro. Le second
sortira en dcembre 1998. Nous lanons maintenant un appel
communications pour le troisime numro. C'est une publication
trimestrielle (quatre numros par an).

	Cette publication, principalement francophone et lance sous
l'gide de l'Aupel-Uref, a pour but de favoriser le dialogue entre
tous les individus qui travaillent avec ou sur la langue, chercheurs,
enseignants de langue, etc.  Elle publiera donc des articles sur des
sujets varis, relevant de toutes les disciplines ou sous-disciplines
o la langue a sa place : linguistique (phonologie, morphologie,
lexicologie, syntaxe, smantique, pragmatique), socio-linguistique
(aspects sociaux et culturels de la pratique linguistique, variations
linguistiques, crolistique), linguistique applique (enseignement
d'une langue seconde, apprentissage de la lecture),
psycholinguistique, ingnierie de la langue (interprtation
automatique, traduction automatique, dialogue homme-machine,
gnration, parole, traitement de l'information, gestion des
corpus). Cette liste n'est pas limitative.

	La revue LANGUES s'accompagnera d'un serveur web accessible en
ligne o un ou plusieurs articles par numro de la revue seront
disponibles, ainsi que certains services, annonces de colloques,
tables des matires de revues, annonces de la publication d'ouvrages
ou de thses, etc. Elle s'accompagnera galement d'une liste
lectronique de discussion, principalement centre sur les articles
parus dans la revue, mais permettant aussi l'change sur d'autres

	La soumission d'articles en anglais est possible. Les articles
en anglais qui ont une double valuation positive seront traduits.

- -------------------------------

	Les chercheurs travaillant dans les domaines mentionns plus
haut ou dans des domaines connexes sont invits  soumettre des
articles de 20 pages (30 000 signes) maximum sur le sujet de leur
choix avant le 1 dcembre 1998. Les auteurs sont pris de respecter
les instructions aux auteurs, disponibles sur le web  l'adresse
http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr ou auprs de Catherine Lavau
((33) 01 46 73 06 65, fax: (33) 01 47 46 81 06 ou (33) 01 40 84 09
99).  Les illustrations ou tableaux sont bienvenus.

- ----------------------

Taille des articles : 20 pages (30 000 signes)
Format lectronique : Word 6 ou infrieur ou ascii (pour les autres formats,
nous consulter)
Date limite de rception des articles : 1 dcembre 1998
Rponse : 31 dcembre 1998
Articles dfinitifs  fournir pour le : 31 janvier 1998
Adresses lectroniques: <Isabelle.Blanchard at loria.fr>
Adresse postale : 	Isabelle Blanchard
                        Revue Langues
                        LORIA-CNRS, BP 239
                        54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
                        Tel : (33) 03 83 59 20 26
                        Fax : (33) 03 83 41 30 79

La soumission lectronique de rsums ou d'articles est possible aux adresses
indiques ci-dessus.

Rdacteurs en chef : Anne Reboul, Laurent Romary
- ------------------



The journal LANGUES has just issued its first volume. The second one will be
out in december 1998. We are now calling for papers for the third issue.
LANGUES will issue four volumes a year.

	This publication, which will mainly publish papers in French
and which is partly financed by AUPELF-UREF, aims to facilitate the
dialogue between all the people who work on or with language,
researchers, teachers of French, etc.  It will thus publish papers on
various subjects having to do with all the domains or disciplines
related to language: linguistics (phonology, morphology, lexical
semantics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), sociolinguistics (social
and cultural aspects of language and language use, linguistic
variations, creole studies), applied linguistics (teaching French as a
second language, learning to read), psycholinguistics, language
engineering (automatic understanding, automatic translation,
man-machine dialogue, production, speech analysis, information
retrieval, corpus processing). This is not an exhaustive list.

	LANGUES will be accompanied by an online web server where one
or more paper(s) per volume will be accessible, as well as some
services, conference announcements, tables of contents for other
scientific journals, new publications, theses, etc. It will also be
accompanied by an electronic mailing list, which will encourage
discussions about papers published in the journal and will allow
exchanges on other subjects as well.
	The submission of papers in English is possible. Papers in
English with two positive evaluations will be translated in French.

- ------------------
	Papers of 20 pages (30 000 characters) at most in the domains
mentioned above or in related domains can be submitted before the 1rst
of december 1998.  Papers in French should respect the instructions to
authors which are available on the web at
http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr or which can be obtained through
Catherine Lavau ((33) 01 46 73 06 65, fax: (33) 01 47 46 81 06 or (33)
01 40 84 09 99). Illustrations or schemas are welcome.

- ---------------
Papers size: 20 pages (30 000 characters)
Electronic format: Word 6 or lower, or ascii (for other formats, please
contact us)
Deadline for paper reception: 1 december 1998
Notification of acceptance: 31 december 1998
Final version due on: 31 january 1999
Email addresses: <Isabelle.Blanchard@ loria.fr>
Snail mail address: Isabelle Blanchard
                    BP 239
                    54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
                    Tel: (33) 03 83 59 20 26
                    Fax: (33) 03 83 41 30 79

Submission of abstracts or papers by Email is possible at the adresses
indicated above.

Editors: Anne Reboul, Laurent Romary
- ------

  bonhomme at loria.fr               |      Office : B.228
  http://www.loria.fr/~bonhomme   |      Phone  : 03 83 59 30 52
   * Serveur Silfide  : http://www.loria.fr/projets/Silfide
   * Projet Aquarelle : http://aqua.inria.fr

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 22 Oct 1998 09:47:50 +0200
From:  Marc Swerts <swerts at ipo.tue.nl>
Subject:  Workshop on dialogue and prosody


You are invited to submit an abstract plus title to the


The IPO, Center for Research on User-System Interaction in Eindhoven
(The Netherlands), in association with the Eindhoven University of
Technology (TUE) and the European Speech Communication Association
(ESCA), is pleased to announce a 3-day workshop on dialogue and
prosody, which will take place in the Eindhoven area in the week before
Eurospeech `99.  Anyone dealing with  theoretical, empirical,
computational or experimental approaches to the interplay between
dialogue and prosody is invited to submit an abstract. We specifically
welcome those contributions of which the content is directly relevant
for human-computer interaction.

Now that spoken dialogue systems are becoming more sophisticated,
increasing demands are placed on the way these systems deal with
prosody, both in the generation of system utterances as in the
processing of user utterances. On the one hand, appropriate prosody
may facilitate the processing of system utterances by users of a
dialogue system. On the other hand, dialogue systems may profit from
taking into consideration prosodic information of user utterances at
different levels of representation. However, for experts in the area
of prosody it is not always easy to link their work to the developments
in the domain of dialogue modelling, whereas researchers working in the
area of dialogue modelling often are rather naive with respect to
prosodic modelling. The goal of the workshop is bringing together
researchers from both domains  to provide either group with a better
view of developments in the other domain and in this way stimulate

The format of the workshop will consist of keynote presentations by
experts in the field of dialogue and prosody modelling, combined with
oral and poster presentations of accepted papers. All presentations
will be plenary. All contributions to the workshop will be published in
workshop proceedings, that will consist of 4-page camera-ready papers.
As an additional result of the workshop, the organizers intend to
produce a working document that will contain an overview of the
state-of-the-art, some open research questions, and position statements
regarding the theme of dialogue and prosody.  In order to maximize the
possibilities for fruitful discussion, the number of participants will
be limited to about a hundred. Priority wil be given to persons with
accepted papers on a first-come first-served basis.

Questions in this domain that could be addressed at the workshop are
for instance:

- Which prosodic features of user utterances help the system to improve
performance with respect to ASR, speech understanding, and dialogue
management (turn-taking, back-channeling)?

- How can those features be extracted automatically and be made
available at the right time?

- With which prosodic features should system utterances be provided to
help the user extract the information conveyed by the system, and to
improve the fluency of the interaction?

- To what extent are prosodic characteristics of user utterances in
their interactions with dialogue systems different from those in
human-human interaction?

- How do we deal with prosodic variability in interactions between
humans and machines, for instance due to level of expertise (novices
versus experts)?

Researchers working in this domain are invited to email a 400-words
abstract (plain ascii format), together with title, affiliation and
keywords to diapro at ipo.tue.nl
If electronic submission is not possible, please send 5 copies of a
1-page abstract to

IPO, Center for Research on User-System Interaction
ETRW on Dialogue and Prosody
P.O. Box 513
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

Gosta Bruce (Sweden)
Nick Campbell (Japan)
Carlos Gussenhoven (The Netherlands)
Julia Hirschberg (USA)
Daniel Hirst (France)
Merle Horne (Sweden)
Jill House (UK)
Stephen  Isard (UK)
Johanna Moore (UK)
Elmar Noeth (Germany)
Anton Nijholt (The Netherlands)
Mari Ostendorf (USA)
Thomas Portele (Germany)
Stephen Pulman (UK)
Angelien Sanderman (The Netherlands)
Elizabeth Shriberg (USA)
David Traum (USA)
Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten (The Netherlands)
Marilyn Walker (USA)

The ETRW on Dialogue and Prosody will take place in the Koningshof
conference center, which is located in a rural setting in Veldhoven,
at close distance from Eindhoven (www.koningshof.nl).


JANUARY 15, 1999: Deadline for submission of title and abstract

MARCH 1, 1999: Notification of acceptance,  Instruction for authors,
Information on accommodation

JULY 1, 1999: Deadline for 4-page camerady-ready paper, Early

SEPTEMBER 1-3, 1999: ETRW on Dialogue and Prosody

For further information, please contact Marc Swerts (swerts at ipo.tue.nl)
or Jacques Terken (terken at ipo.tue.nl). Updated information will
also be available at http://www.tue.nl/ipo/sli/etrw.html

LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1473

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