9.1354, Confs: Konvens 98, TWLT14, Syntax
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Sep 30 15:21:26 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1354. Wed Sep 30 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.1354, Confs: Konvens 98, TWLT14, Syntax
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Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:08:51 +0100
From: Bernhard Schroeder <B.Schroeder at uni-bonn.de>
Subject: Konvens98
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:36:34 +0200
From: Thijs Westerveld <Thijs.Westerveld at cs.utwente.nl>
Subject: TWLT14: Language technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 16:03:46 PST
From: "Jessica Hamilton" <Jhamilt at Hermes.usc.edu>
Subject: Diachronic and Synchronic Studies of Syntax of East Asian languages
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:08:51 +0100
From: Bernhard Schroeder <B.Schroeder at uni-bonn.de>
Subject: Konvens98
Computer, Linguistik und Phonetik zwischen Sprache und Sprechen
Computers, Linguistics, and Phonetics between Language and Speech
4. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natuerlicher Sprache
4th Conference on Natural Language Processing
Oct. 5-7, 1998, University of Bonn, Germany
Organized by:
Gesellschaft fuer Linguistische Datenverarbeitung (GLDV)(responsible in
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)
Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI), FA 1.3 "Natuerliche Sprache"
Informationstechnische Gesellschaft/Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Akustik
Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Artificial Intelligence (OeGAI)
Subjects of the conference are all areas of language processing dealing
with language in its written or spoken form. Special attention will be
paid to approaches focussing on the structural and the
phonological/phonetic aspects of computer-aided/based language research
and aimed at bridging the gap between both aspects.
Conference languages are German and English.
*** Monday, Oct., 5 1998
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tutorials:
Christian Otto: Sprachtechnologie fuer das Internet
(Participants of the conference who would like to attend
the tutorial are asked to send a short message to the
conference office (konvens98 at uni-bonn.de).)
2:00 p.m. Opening
2:30-4:00 p.m. Section 1: Prosody
Kai Alter, K. Steinhauer, A. D. Friederici, J. Matiasek, H. Pirker:
Exploiting Syntactic Dependencies for German Prosody:
Evidence from Speech Production and Perception
Erhard Rank, Hannes Pirker: Realization of Prosody in a
Speech Synthesizer for German
Maria Wolters, Petra Wagner: Focus Perception and Prominence
2:30-4:00 p.m. Workshop: Evaluation of the linguistic performance
of commercial machine translation systems
Part 1: Results of the evaluation of commercial machine translation
Rita Nuebel, Uta Seewald: Zur Relevanz linguistisch orientierter
Evaluationen Grundlagen des vom AK "Maschinelle Uebersetzung"
der GLDV initiierten Evaluationsverfahrens
Stephan Mehl, Martin Volk: Zur Problematik der maschinellen
uebersetzung von Nebensaetzen zwischen den Sprachen Englisch
und Deutsch
Ulrike Ulrich: Probleme bei der maschinellen Uebersetzung
mit domaenentypischen sprachlichen Phaenomenen von appellativen
Texten mit kommerzieller Intention (Internetseiten der Hotelbranche)
4:15-4:45 p.m. Workshop: Part 1 (continued)
Rita Nuebel: Phaenomenspezifische Evaluation maschineller Uebersetzung
Beispiel von Koordinationen
Workshop Part 2: Methods and tools of MT evaluation
Judith Klein, Sabine Lehmann: MUe-Evaluation mit DIET
Joerg Schuetz: Blueprint: Evaluation im Usability Lab
4:30-6:00 p.m. Section 2: Grammar Engineering
Brigitte Krenn: A Representation Scheme and Database for
German Support-Verb Constructions
Jonas Kuhn: Towards Data-intensive Testing and Applications of a
Broad Coverage LFG Grammar Partial Target Specifications
As a Filter on Parser Output
Stefan Mehl, Hagen Langer, Martin Volk: Statistische Verfahren
zur Zuordnung von Praepositionalphrasen
6:15 p.m. Plenary Session
Manfred Pinkal: Von der Sprachphilosophie zur Sprachtechnologie
Stand und Perspektiven der semantischen Verarbeitung
7:30 p.m. Reception
*** Tuesday, Oct., 6 1998
09:0010:30 a.m. Section 3: Speech Recognition/Synthesis
Thomas Portele: Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Speech Synthesis
Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel: Das Projekt GlobalPhone: Multilinguale
Christian-M. Westendorf, M. Wolff: Automatische Generierung von
Aussprachewoerterbuechern aus Signaldaten
09:0010:30 a.m. Workshop Part 3: Results of the evaluation of
commercial machine translation systems
Uta Seewald: Textsortenspezifische Evaluation maschineller
Uebersetzung am Beispiel von Instruktionstexten
Martin Volk: Probleme bei der maschinellen Uebersetzung von
idiomatischen Wendungen
Jutta Marx: Bewertung von MT-Systemen aus Benutzersicht:
Evaluierung im Projekt MIROSLAV
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 Plenary Session
Gerrit Bloothooft: A European Masters in Language and Speech
12:00-1:00 p.m. Presentation of Posters
Posters see below
2:00-3:00 p.m. Section 4: Parsing
Hagen Langer: Experimente mit verallgemeinerten Lookahead-Algorithmen
Stefan Riezler: Statistical Inference and Probabilistic Modeling
for Constraint-Based NLP
2:003:00 p.m. Workshop Part 4: Reports from industrial users
Carmen Andres Lange: Erfahrungen mit Logos
Ursula Bernhard: Bemerkungen zur Evaluation maschineller
Uebersetzungssysteme aus Anwendersicht
3:305:00 p.m. Section 5: Dialogue and Semantics
Bernd Ludwig, Guenther Goerz, Heinrich Niemann: User Models,
Dialog Structure, and Intentions in Spoken Dialog
Manfred Stede, Stefan Haas, Uwe Kuessner: Understanding and
Tracking Temporal Descriptions in Dialogue
Bernhard Schroeder: Unifikation hoeherer Ordnung und strikte
syntaktische Abhaengigkeit
3:305:30 p.m. Workshop Teil 5: Evaluation from provider and user
Margaret King: Evaluation Design: the EAGLES Framework
Juergen Kinscher: Vor- und Nachteile elektronischer Uebersetzungshilfen
und Uebersetzungsprogramme, von der Textbausteinsammlung bis zur
automatischen Voll|bersetzung
Hans Haller: Maschinelle (Roh-)Uebersetzung als Vorlage bei
einer Fachtextuebersetzung: Bericht |ber ein Experiment
Rita Nuebel, Uta Seewald: Resuemee und Ausblick auf weitere
5:00-6:00 p.m. Poster Forum
*** Wednesday, Oct., 7 1998
9:0010:30 a.m. Section 6: Grammar and Tagging
Kordula De Kuthy, Walt Detmar Meurers: Reducing the Complexity of
a Theory of Unbounded Dependencies: Evidence Against Remnant
Movement in German
Stefan Langer: Zur Morphologie und Semantik von Nominalkomposita
Martin Volk, Gerold Schneider: Comparing a Statistical and a
Rule-based Tagger for German
9:0010:30 a.m. Section 7: Translation and Generation
Munpyo Hong: Treating the Multiple-Subject Construction in a
Constraint-based MT-System
Juergen Wedekind: Probleme der ambiguitaetserhaltenden Generierung
11:00 a.m. 12:00 Section 8: Phonetics and Psycholinguistics
Reinhard Rapp: Das Kontiguitaetsprinzip und die Simulation des
Assoziierens auf mehrere Stimuluswoerter
Adrian P. Simpson: Characterizing the Formant Movements of
German Dipthongs in Spontaneous Speech
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 Section 9: Information Retrieval
Michael Hess: Antwortextraktion ueber beschraenkten Bereichen
T. Kemp, M. Weber, P. Geutner, J. Guertler, P. Scheytt,
M. Schmidt, B. Tomaz, M. Westphal: Automatische Erstellung einer
Video-Datenbank: das View4You-System
12.00 (noon) Plenary Session
13.00 p.m. Closing Session
Istvan S. Batori, Krisztian Nemeth, Holger Puttkammer:
in etymologischen Woerterbuechern anhand der Uralischen
Gregor Buechel: Ein WWW-gef|hrtes System zur datenbankgestuetzten
Segmentierung von Satzteilen und zur Analyse praepositionaler
Karl Ulrich Goecke, Jan-Torsten Milde: Situations- und
Aktionsbeschreibungen durch einen teilautonomen Montageroboter
Johannes Heinecke, Ingo Schroeder: Multilevel Representation of the
Robust Analysis of Language
Alexandra Klein, Matthias E. Koelln, Soenke Ziesche: Towards
Generating Dialogue Contributions Under Resource Constraints
Jacques Koreman, Bistra Andreeva, William J. Barry: Die Abbildung
akustischer Parameter auf phonetische Merkmale in der
automatischen Spracherkennung
Doris Muecke: CMC: Prosodische und extralinguistische Notationsformen in
textbasierten Konferenzsystemen
Sandro Pedrazzini, Pius ten Hacken: Centralized Lexeme Management and
Distributed Dictionary Use in Word Manager
Barbertje Streefkerk, Louis C.W. Pols: Prominence in Read Aloud Dutch
Sentences as Marked by Naive Listeners
Petra Wagner: Mutual Constraints at the Phonetics-Phonology-Interface
Parallel to the conference there will be a book and industry exhibition.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hess
Prof. Dr. Winfried Lenders
Dr. Thomas Portele
Dr. Bernhard Schroeder
Dr. Ernst Buchberger, Wien (OeGAI)
Dr. Stefan Busemann, Saarbruecken (GI)
Prof. Dr. Dafydd Gibbon, Bielefeld (DGfS)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hoeppner, Duisburg (GI)
Prof. Dr. Roland Hausser, Erlangen (GLDV)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hess, Bonn (ITG/DEGA)
Prof. Dr. R. Hoffmann, Dresden (ITG/DEGA)
Dr. Tibor Kiss, Heidelberg (DGfS)
Prof. Dr. Winfried Lenders, Bonn (GLDV)
Dr. Harald Trost (OeGAI)
Gisela von Neffe
Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik
der Universitaet Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
D-53115 Bonn
Internet: http://www.ikp.uni-bonn.de/Konvens98/index.en.html
Email: konvens98 at uni-bonn.de
Phone: +49-228-735638
Fax: +49-228-735639
KONVENS 98 will take place at the University of Bonn's Central Building,
which is situated in the city's centre, in walking distance from the
main railway station.
(Participants of the conference who would like to attend
the tutorial are asked to send a short message to the
conference office (konvens98 at uni-bonn.de.)
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:36:34 +0200
From: Thijs Westerveld <Thijs.Westerveld at cs.utwente.nl>
Subject: TWLT14: Language technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval
December 7-8 1998, University of Twente, The Netherlands
On 7 and 8 December 1998, the fourteenth international Twente Workshop
on Language Technology (TWLT14) will take place at the University of
Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. The topic of this workshop will be
"Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval"
TWLT14 will focus on the increasingly important role of human language
technology in the indexing and accessing of written and spoken
documents, video material and/or images, and on the role of language
technology for cross-language retrieval and information
extraction. The workshop will address the role of language and speech
processing both in terms of existing approaches and implementations,
in terms of theoretical foundations, and/or emerging directions of
Monday 7 December
09:00 Registration
10:00 Opening
Session 1: Cross-language IR
10:15 Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI (Multilinguality/MULINEX)
10:45 Paul Buitelaar / Klaus Netter, DFKI (MIETTA)
11:15 Break
11:30 Franciska de Jong / Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente
12:00 David Hull, XEROX Grenoble (CLIR)
12:30 Lunch
Session 2: NLP, IE/IR and Multimedia
14:00 Arjen de Vries, University of Twente (Querying Multimedia
14:30 Doug Appelt, SRI (NL+ IE)
15:00 Break + Demos
16:00 Paul van der Vet, University of Twente (Domain Modelling)
16:30 Karen Sparck-Jones, Cambridge University (NL+IR)
17:30 Drinks
Tuesday 8 December
Session 3: Video and Image Processing
09:00 Stanley Peters, Stanford University (Tools and methods)
09:30 Andres Salway/ Khursid Ahmad, University of Surrey (Video
10:00 Wim van Bruxvoort, VDA (subtitle processing/Pop-Eye/Olive)
10:30 Break
11:00 Istar Buscher, SWR (Euromedia)
11:30 Arnold Smeulders (Language and Image Processing)
12:00 Kees van Deemter (Picture Retrieval)
12:30 Lunch
Session 4: Speech retrieval
14:00 Martin Wechsler, ETH Zurich
14:30 Steve Renals, University of Sheffield (THISL)
15:00 Wessel Kraaij / Joop van Gent , TNO-TPD (Das+)
15:30 Break
16:00 Closing Session
The regular workshop fee is Dfl. 175,- and covers a copy of the
proceedings, lunches, coffee and tea during the breaks, and an
informal reception. Students may apply for a reduced fee.
The workshop secratariat can make hotel reservations.
More information on the workshop as well as a registration form can be
found at http://wwwseti.cs.utwente.nl/Parlevink/Conferences/twlt14.html
TWLT14 is organised in cooperation with the PARLEVINK-
project of the University of Twente by:
Klaus Netter - DFKI, Germany
email: netter at dfki.de
Franciska de Jong - University of Twente, Computer Science
email: fdejong at cs.utwente.nl
Djoerd Hiemstra - University of Twente, Computer Science
email: hiemstra at cs.utwente.nl
For further information please contact the organisers, preferably by
email, or otherwise via the workshop secretariat:
Department of Computer Science/PARLEVINK
University of Twente Phone: +31 53 4893680
P.O. Box 217, Fax: +31 53 4893503
7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 16:03:46 PST
From: "Jessica Hamilton" <Jhamilt at Hermes.usc.edu>
Subject: Diachronic and Synchronic Studies of Syntax of East Asian languages
A Symposium on Diachronic and Synchronic Studies of Syntax of East Asian
November 6-8, 1998, at University of Southern California
Preliminary Program
(Rooms to be announced later)
Friday (11/6)
9:00 Welcoming remarks
9:15-10:10 "More on the distribution of negative NPs"
James Huang, University of California, Irvine
10:10-11:05 "On parametrizing existential quantification"
Wei-tien Dylan Tsai, Tsing Hua University
11:15-12:05 "The category of ba in Mandarin Chinese"
Yafei Li, University of Wisconsin, Madison
12:05-1:00 "The early history of the perfective construction"
Tsu-lin Mei, Cornell University
Lunch Break
2:00-2:55 "Classifiers and the count/mass distinction"
Keiko Muromatsu, MIT
2:55-3:50 "A synchronic and diachronic study of plurality in Mandarin
Audrey Li, USC, and Yuzhi Shi, Stanford University
4:05-5:00 "Empty determiners and nominalization in East Asia"
Andrew Simpson, SOAS
5:00-5:55 "The functional structure of the noun phrase in Korean"
James Yoon, Seoul National University
6:30 Banquet
Saturday (11/7)
8:45-9:40 "Anaphoric relations in Japanese: some preliminary remarks"
Hajime Hoji, USC
9:40-10:35 "Kare, a distal demonstrative or a third person pronoun?"
Yukinori Takubo, Kyusyu University
10:45-11:40 "On the relation between the deictic use and the
non-deictic use of the Japanese
Satoshi Kinsui, Osaka University
11:40-12:35 "Two types of scrambling constructions in Japanese"
Ayumi Ueyama, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Lunch Break
1:35-2:30 "On irrealis in Korean"
Nam-kil Kim, USC
2:30-3:25 "Person and evidentiality in Japanese"
Carol Tenny, MIT
3:35-4:30 "On the status of functional categories in Korean"
Hedon Ahn, Kon Kuk University
4:30-5:25 "Causatives and scope ambiguity"
Soowon Kim, University of Washington
5:35-6:30 "Judgments, point of view and the interpretation of causee
noun phrases"
S.-Y. Kuroda, UCSD
Sunday (11/8)
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:55 "A computational approach to case and word order in Korean"
William O'Grady, University of Hawaii at Manoa
9:55-10:50 "Anaphoric relations in covert syntax"
Yoshihisa Kitagawa, Indiana University
11:05-12:00 "Some historical considerations on place words in Chinese"
Alain Peyraube, EHESS-CNRS
12:00-12:55 "Proxy categories in phrase structure theory and the Chinese VP"
Waltraud Paul, EHESS-CNRS
12:55- 1:50 "Adjuncts and word order typology in East Asian languages"
Tom Ernst, Rutgers University and Temple University
For further information, please contact: Hajime Hoji (hoji at usc.edu), Audrey
Li (audreyli at usc.edu), or Nam-kil Kim (nkim at usc.edu).
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