10.485, Calls: Amsterdam Coloquium, New Journal
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Apr 2 13:30:54 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-485. Fri Apr 2 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.485, Calls: Amsterdam Coloquium, New Journal
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 11:38:07 +0200
From: Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium <ac99 at wins.uva.nl>
Subject: Amsterdam Colloquium
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 20:40:13 +0300
From: Nikitas Assimakopoulos <assinik at unipi.gr>
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 11:38:07 +0200
From: Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium <ac99 at wins.uva.nl>
Subject: Amsterdam Colloquium
December 17 -- 21, 1999
The Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium will be held from Friday 17 until
Tuesday 21 December 1999, at the University of Amsterdam. The
Amsterdam Colloquia aim at bringing together logicians, philosophers,
linguists and computer scientists who share an interest in the formal
semantic study of natural and formal languages. The spectrum of topics
covered ranges from descriptive (semantic analyses of all kinds of
expressions) to theoretical (logical and computational properties of
semantic theories, philosophical foundations).
The program of the Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium includes seven invited
lectures by renowned experts in the field, as well as 40 talks
selected by an international program committee. The invited speakers
-> Irene Heim (MIT, Massachusets)
-> David Kaplan (UCLA, Los Angeles)
-> Bill Ladusaw (UCSC, Santa Cruz)
-> Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh)
-> Richmond Thomason (University of Pittsburgh)
-> Ede Zimmermann (IMS, Stuttgart)
Furthermore two thematic sessions are planned, on "Non-Monotonics and
Natural Language" and "Discourse and Communication. Structured
Information Exchange".
*Submission of abstracts for the regular program*
The Colloquium has room for 40 contributed talks of approximately 40
minutes. Authors may submit an *anonymous* abstract of *two pages* (at
most 1000 words). The abstract must include a short 10 line *summary*
clearly indicating subject matter and conclusions.
A *separate leaflet* should specify the author's name, affiliation, postal
address, e-mail address plus the title of the contribution. Submission by
e-mail is encouraged, provided that the abstract, summary and personal
details are in postscript.
Abstracts can also be submitted for presentation at one of the thematic
sessions. In this case the leaflet should clearly state so. Submissions
which are not accepted for presentation at the thematic sessions, can still
be accepted for presentation in the regular program.
The *deadline* for submission of abstracts is September 1, 1999. Authors
will be notified of acceptance by October 15. Extended 6 page abstracts,
*to be included in the proceedings*, are due November 15. The proceedings
will be distributed at the conference.
*Multiple submissions* are allowed, but no single author is allowed to give
more than one presentation. In case authors are involved in more than one
submission, one or more of which are co-authored, then it should be
indicated clearly which author is actually going to give the presentation.
*Important dates*
-> 15-05-97 Second Call for papers
-> 01-09-97 Deadline for submissions
-> 15-10-97 Notification of acceptance
-> 15-11-97 Deadline for Proceedings
=> 17 -- 21 December 1999 Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium
The Amsterdam Colloquia are organized every two years under the
auspices of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)
of the University of Amsterdam. The organizing committee of the
Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium consists of Paul Dekker, Gwen Kerdiles,
Michiel van Lambalgen, Frank Veltman and Marco de Vries.
For further information, contact:
Organizing Committee Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium
ILLC/Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, NL 1012 CP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
http://www.illc.uva.nl/AC99/ mailto:AC99 at wins.uva.nl
for practical arrangements contact the ILLC office at
mailto:illc at wins.uva.nl
but to speed up processing please mention
"AC99", "Registration" etc in the subject header
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 20:40:13 +0300
From: Nikitas Assimakopoulos <assinik at unipi.gr>
Title of the Journal :
Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches
[ JASS ]
The mission of the "Journal of Applied Systems Studies" is on the
development of methodologies based on the laws and rules of various
sciences. New designs and functional methodologies are composed for
applications in business, operational and social, as well as biological
phenomena. The objectives of the "Journal of Applied Systems Studies" are
to widespread the science of systems and present the research and
application results of its domain. As the science rapidly changes and
grows, resources and time become more precious, "Journal of Applied Systems
Studies" provides the very best information and analysis to keep up to date
with the latest developments and approaches to other scientific domains,
through the application of systems approaches upon them.
The "Journal of Applied Systems Studies" aims to:
To provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and information of
studying the systems and the methodologies, tools and products used to
design, measure and achieve it.
To promote awareness of the crucial role of systems studies in the
effective construction of the information systems developed, used, and/or
maintained by organizations in pursuit of their business objectives.
To provide a vehicle for the publication of academic papers related to
all aspects of soft and hard system approaches.
The "Journal of Applied Systems Studies" addresses all aspects of systemic
analysis from both a practical and an academic viewpoint. It invites
contributions from practitioners and academics, as well as national and
international policy, standard making bodies, and sets out to be the
definitive international reference source for such information.
The readership of the "Journal of Applied Systems Studies" consists of
academics, systems managers, computer scientists, information scientists,
and researchers in applied system theory, as well as those involved in
management, operations and political science in different scientific
discipline i.e. Universities, Consulting Firms, Enterprises and Industries.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest to JASS include, but are not limited to:
Applications of cybernetics using the viable system model
Applications of interactive planning methodology
Applications of soft systems methodology
Applied cybernetics in medicine
Applied living systems
Cognitive patterns
Complex systems
Conceptual systemic models
Control systems
Critical systems thinking
Culture of peace
Decision support systems
Dynamical systems approaches
Electronic service systems (Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Deltanet)
Human-centered systems
Human-computer interaction
Intelligent systems engineering
Intelligent tutoring systems
Knowledge based systems
Knowledge ecology
Law systems
Multimedia systems
Problem structuring approaches
Project management using systemic approaches
Religious systems
Semiotic approaches
Social systems design
Systemic metaphors
Systemic reengineering
Systems - metasystems and decisions - metadecisions
Systems and design education
Systems approaches for information systems
Systems thinking for total quality management
Total systems intervention
Virtual communities
We seek papers that improve on the best academic research or the best
practical applications. Submitted papers should be motivated by the
problems they address with compelling examples from real or potential
applications. Systems papers must contain either a new methodology or
interpreted results through well known methodology(ies) on real systems or
simulations based on representative traces from real systems. Proposals for
special issues, especially on emerging topics, are also welcome.
Editor-in-Chief :
Nikitas A. Assimakopoulos,
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus,
80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., GR-185 34 Piraeus, Greece.
Email : assinik at unipi.gr
Honorary Editor :
Bela H. Banathy,
President of the International Federation for Systems Research
& International Systems Institute, USA.
Editor :
Russell L. Ackoff,
Chairman of the Board of INTERACT, USA.
Associate Editors :
William Acar, Kent State University, USA. Paul Ballonoff, Ballonoff
Consulting, USA. Bela Antal Banathy, President of ISSS and International
Systems Institute, USA. Michele Barbi, Istituto di Biofisica del C.N.R.,
Italy. Bernard De Baets, University of Gent, Belgium. Frantisek Carkovic,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. Tony Chan, University of Aizu, Japan.
Alexander Christakis, CWA, Ltd., Interactive Management Consultants, USA.
John Darzentas, University of the Aegean, Greece. Martine Dodds, University
of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Daniel Dubois, University of Liege, Belgium.
Patrik Eklund, Umea University, Sweden. Peter Erdi, Academy of Sciences,
Hungary. Marta Franova, Universite Paris Sud, France. Wojciech Gasparski,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. Ewa Grabska, Jagiellonian University,
Poland. Raymond Ison, The Open University, UK. Gyuri Jaros, University of
Sydney, Australia. Cliff Joslyn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. John
Karkazis, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece. Manolya
Kavakli, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. Etienne Kerre, University
of Gent, Belgium. Peter Kokol, University of Maribor, Slovenia. Petr
Lansky, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Brian Lees, University of
Paisley, UK. Yi Lin, President and Director of the International Institute
for General Systems Studies, China. Vladimir Marik, Czech Technical
University, Czech Republic. Abraham Mehrez, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Israel. Fr. George Metallinos, University of Athens, Greece. Gerald
Midgley, University of Hull, UK. Toshizumi Ohta, University of
Electro-Communications, Japan. Anthony Panayotopoulos, University of
Piraeus, Greece. Luis Rocha, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. James
Rose, Ceptual Institute, USA. Gordon Rowland, Ithaca College, USA. Timothy
K. Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan, R.O.C. Ross Smith, Deakin University,
Australia. Karl Svozil, University of Technology of Vienna, Austria. Steven
Totosy de Zepentek, University of Alberta, Canada. Lane Tracy, Ohio
University, USA.
"Cambridge International Science Publishing" , Cambridge, England.
Authors should send to the Editor-in-Chief via email (assinik at unipi.gr) the
paper in attached file(s) using "winzip32" for compression, with a
description in the body of the message, and by post a printed copy along
with the electronic file(s) submission on a 3 diskette which should
conform the following requirements :
1. Manuscripts must be submitted in English and spelling should be adapted
with The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Original papers (not published or not
simultaneously submitted to another journal) will be reviewed by three
anonymous referees. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the
author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the
publisher which it will insure the widest possible dissemination of
information under applicable copyright law.
2. The disk should be in IBM PC format; the files should be saved in
Microsoft Word for PC, version 97 for Windows. Any other word-processing
package will not be approved for submission. For artwork, figures and
tables should only use the Ms-Office 97 package facilities and must be
grouped and pasted, in the proper place, into the Word document.
3. Papers should be typed on one side of the paper. The pages should be
numbered consecutively at the bottom centre of the page. The length of the
paper should not exceed 10 journal pages (or about 5000 words), and hence
manuscripts should not exceed 15 typed single-space A4 (printing area 14.7
x 24.7 cm) pages including title page, abstract, text, figures, tables and
references. The number of artworks, figures and tables must be kept up to a
minimum. Do not start a new page after the title information and abstract.
Do not use tab for the first text line of each main section. Paragraphs
should be both right and left justified.
4. The fonts (typeface) is Times New Roman. The text type size should be 11
points. Please use the page set-up command to ensure that your paper is
prepared on A4 size paper (21 x 29.7 cm) using the default format for text
and margins at the top and the bottom of the page for Microsoft Word 97.
5. The title should be written on the first line of the first page, left
justified in upper and lower case letters (20-points bold). The authors'
names should be left justified two lines below the full title in upper and
lower case letters (14-points). Affiliation and mailing address (including
email) should follow left justified also in upper and lower case letters
6. Two lines below the author's name and affiliation start an abstract as
the first paragraph of the paper. The abstract should follow the title,
author's name, and mailing address on the first page (10-points) and must
be up to 150 words. At the end of the abstract, skip a line and then, left
justified, type "Keywords" (10-points bold) : followed by up to three (3)
sets of words that describe the focus and contribution of the paper
(10-points). The first set of keyword must be one of the topics of interest
to JASS. Skip two lines and then begin the body of the paper (after an
Introduction heading if required) immediately after the abstract.
7. All major headings are left justified. They are to be written in
12-points bold font and numbered consecutively followed by a period and the
default tab, with Arabic numerals, e.g., 1. Introduction. Do not put a
period after the text of the heading. Leave two lines above a major heading
and one line before the start of the next paragraph or second-level
heading. Subheadings are flush left in 11-points bold. There should be one
line space before and after this level of heading. The paragraph should be
numbered as a subsection of the previous major heading and the default tab
e.g., 7.1 Subheadings. Sub-subheadings are flush left, in italics and in
11-points type. The paragraphs should be numbered as a sub-section of the
previous subsection heading and the default tab e.g., 7.1.1
Sub-subheadings. There should be one line space before this level of
heading and after this level of heading and the following paragraph.
8. The electronic version of the art should be included in the attached
files and on the diskette, and it must be incoprorated into the
word-processing file. Figures should be labeled in the text as "Figure x".
Figure captions should be typed directly below the figure, in upper and
lower case (11-points), and centred.
9. Table captions should be centered above the table. Tables should be
included in the manuscript proper and referred to in the text as "Table x".
10. When numbering equations, enclose numbers in parenthesis ( ) and place
them flush with the right-hand margin. Refer to them in the text as
"Equation (x)".
11. Papers should be written without the use of footnotes.
12. Mathematical expressions and Greek or other symbols should be typed
using the facilities of Ms-Word 97 and must be written clearly with ample
spacing. Use the widely accepted symbols and abbreviations following the
style of BS 1991 Part 2 1954.
13. All papers should end with a conclusion which summarizes the value of
the work end, where appropriate, indicates possible directions for future
14. References must be indicated in the text by brackets [ ]. Identify
references in the text of the paper by typing the corresponding surname (or
first surname) and year in brackets e.g.: [Aauthor (1998)]. They are listed
alphabetically at the end of the paper under the major heading "References"
(12-point bold font) left justified. List authors alphabetically by the
first letter of the first author's surname name. Book titles and names of
journals should be printed in italics. Please adopt the following style for
references :
Aauthor, A. (1998). Title of Book. XYZ Press, New York.
Bauthor, B. and Aauthor, A. (1999). Title of Paper. Journal vol. 3(2), 1-20.
Cauthor, C., Aauthor, A., Bauthor, B., and Jones, G. (1996). Title of
Paper, in Title of Book, (E. Editor, ed.). XYZ Press, New York, 47-82.
For multiple papers in the same year by the same author(s):
Bauthor, B. and Aauthor, A. (1995A). Title of PaperA. JournalA vol. 3(5),
Bauthor, B. and Aauthor, A. (1995B). Title of PaperB. JournalB vol. 6(9),
15. If material has been published elsewhere, authors must obtain the
consent of the earlier publisher. Authors wishing to use material from the
JASS should consult the Editor-in-Chief.
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-485
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