10.538, Calls: Evolution of Language, Software Seminar

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Apr 14 19:19:39 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-538. Wed Apr 14 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.538, Calls: Evolution of Language, Software Seminar

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.


Date:  Tue, 13 Apr 1999 18:48:34 +0100 (MET DST)
From:  Conference Evolang <evolang at inf.enst.fr>
Subject:  Evolution of Language 2000 - CFP

Date:  Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:47:59 +0200 (MET DST)
From:  Jan Staudek <staudek at informatics.muni.cz>
Subject:  CFP SOFSEM 99

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 13 Apr 1999 18:48:34 +0100 (MET DST)
From:  Conference Evolang <evolang at inf.enst.fr>
Subject:  Evolution of Language 2000 - CFP

Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS     [deadline: November 8, 1999]

conference: T H E   E V O L U T I O N   O F   L A N G U A G E
	    Paris April 3-6, 2000
	    Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Tlcommunications
	    Paris - France

ORGANISED BY: Professor Jean Aitchison (Oxford University),
Dr. Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST Paris), Professor Jim Hurford
(Department of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh),
Dr. Chris Knight (Department of Sociology, University of
East London), Professor Luc Steels (Sony CSL and Vrije
Universiteit Brussel).

LOCAL ORGANISATION: Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST), Laleh Ghadakpour (CREA),
Frdric Kaplan (Sony CSL), Luc Steels (Sony CSL),  Franois Yvon (ENST).

	This will be the third conference in a series concerned
	with the evolutionary emergence of speech. From a wide
	range of disciplines, we seek to attract researchers
	willing to integrate their perspectives with those of
	modern Darwinism.

	The aim is to bring together linguists, computer scientists,
	anthropologists, palaeontologists, ethologists, geneticists,
	neuroscientists, and other scientists who are concerned with
	the question of the origin and evolution of language.

- -----------------------------
Jean Aitchison (Worcester College), Robert C. Berwick (M.I.T.),
Derek Bickerton (Univ. Hawa), Melissa Bowerman* (Max Planck Institute
for Psycholinguistics), Ted Briscoe (University of Cambridge Computer
Laboratory), Ren Carr (ENST), Bernard Comrie (University of Southern
California), Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST), Jean-Marie Hombert* (MSH
Rhne-Alpes), James R. Hurford (University of Edinburgh), Judy Kegl*
(University of Southern Maine), Simon Kirby (University of Edinburgh),
Chris Knight (University of East London), Andr Langaney (Muse de l'Homme),
Frederick J. Newmeyer (University of Washington), Michael Studdert-Kenedy*
(Haskins Laboratories), Luc Steels (Sony CSL & Vrije Universiteit Brussel),
Bernard Victorri (ENS Ulm).
					 * [to be confirmed]

Submission Instructions

Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts or short
papers (from 1 to 4 pages, max. 2000 words).  Submitted papers will be
refereed and selected for oral presentation (25/30 min) on the basis
of quality and relevance to the Conference topics.  Accepted abstracts
and papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and will be
made accessible through the web. Copies of the proceedings will be
available at the Conference. Authors of accepted contributions will be
asked to submit full length papers for a volume to be published after
the Conference by an international publisher.

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically
(MS Word preferred, but most formats will be recognised).

Please email your submission to evolang at infres.enst.fr
Don't forget to include the submission form in your message.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The deadline for submission is November 8th, 1999.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you cannot send your submission through e-mail, please send four
copies (and the submission form) to:

	J-L Dessalles
	ENST / Dep. InfRes
	46 rue Barrault
	F-75013 Paris - France

If you are planning to submit a paper or abstract, or if you simply
plan to attend the Conference, please send a mail to

	evolang at infres.enst.fr

You will be kept informed through e-mail of further useful information.

Submission Form
[ The first author should fill in the submission form
  and e-mail it to evolang at infres.enst.fr ]

Last NAME :
First Name :
Laboratory :
Organization/Affiliation :
Street Address :
City :
Postal code:
State/Province :
Country :
E-mail address for correspondence :
Fax :
Paper title :


Conference web site: http://www.infres.enst.fr/confs/evolang/
Call for papers:     http://www.infres.enst.fr/confs/evolang/cfp.html
EMAIL:               evolang at infres.enst.fr

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:47:59 +0200 (MET DST)
From:  Jan Staudek <staudek at informatics.muni.cz>
Subject:  CFP SOFSEM 99

- ---------------------------- CFP ------------------------------------

CALL FOR PAPERS                                                    :=

  |                         SOFSEM'99                          |
  |                                                            |
  |              XXVI-th Seminar on Current Trends             |
  |            in Theory and Practice of Informatics           |

                  November 27 - December 4, 1999
                    Devet-skal hotel, Milovy
                        Czech Republic

           more information -> URL: http://www.sofsem.cz

Organized by

  CSCS, Czech Society for Computer Science
  DCIT, Prague
  Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences, Prague
  Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno
  Utrecht University

in co-operation with
  ERCIM - the European Research Consortium
          for Informatics and Mathematics

- -----
- -----

SOFSEM (SOFtware   SEMinar) is  an  eight-day  international  conference
devoted to the theory and the practice of  software systems. Its program
consists of  a series  of  invited  talks  given by  prominent  academic
professionals   and researchers.    Contributed  talks   and posters  of
participants are also included  in the program  of SOFSEM.  The  working
language is English.

Invited talks and contributed talks are published by Springer-Verlag in
the  "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" series and distributed at the

 | Sofsem'99 is the 26th in the series of Sofsem seminars held annually.|
 | It is intended to foster cooperation among people working in various |
 |   areas of computer science. Its scientific program offers a unique  |
 |       opportunity to gain a relatively quick and representative      |
 |        overview about the selected parts of computer science,        |
 |                    presented by top researchers.                     |
 |   Its social program provides an optimum framework for discussions,  |
 |  meetings, establishing contacts, and socializing. Especially suited |
 |                 for young computer scientists.                       |

Program of Invited Talks
   Contributed Talks
Contact Addresses, Sofsem www-page
   Financial support
Local Arrangements, Venue, History

- ----
- ----
	Trends in Theory
	Core Technologies
	Software and Information Engineering
	From Data to Knowledge

- --------
- --------
  Advisory Board
  D. Bjorner, (UN University, IIST, Macau),
  P. van Emde Boas, (CWI Amsterdam, NL),
  M. Broy, (TU Munich, DE),
  M. Chytil, (ANIMA Praha, Prague, CZ),
  G. Gottlob, (TU Vienna, A),
  K. G. Jeffery, (CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK),
  M. Zemankova, (NSF, Washington DC, USA)

  Steering Committee
  J. Wiedermann, Chair (Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ)
  B. Rovan, Vice-Chair (Comenius University, Bratislava, SK)
  K. G. Jeffery (CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK)
  J. Pavelka (DCIT, Prague, CZ)
  F. Plasil (Charles University, Prague, CZ)
  I. Privara (Institute of Informatics and Statistics, Bratislava, SK)
  J. Staudek (Masaryk University, Brno, CZ)

  Programme Committee
  Jan Pavelka, DCIT, Prague, CZ, Chair
  Gerard Tel, Utrecht Univ, NL, Co-Chair
  Bernadette Charron, LIX Paris, FR
  Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University, NL
  Torben Hagerup, MPI Saarbrucken, DE
  Petr Hanacek, Tech. University Brno, CZ
  Vaclav Hlavac, CTU Prague, CZ
  Keith G. Jeffery, CLRC, UK
  Shmuel Katz, Technion, IL
  Mojmir Kretinsky, Masaryk University, CZ
  Klaus-Jorn Lange, Universitat Tubingen, DE
  Borivoj Melichar, CTU Prague, CZ
  Frantisek Plasil, Charles University, CZ
  Jaroslav Pokorny, Charles University, CZ
  Igor Privara, INFOSTAT, SK
  Branislav Rovan, Comenius University, SK
  Peter Ruzicka, Comenius University, SK
  Arno Siebes, CWI Amsterdam, NL
  Vaclav Sebesta, ICS Acad. of Sciences, CZ
  Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers Uni, SE
  Peter van Emde Boas, University of Amsterdam, NL
  Josef Vasica, DCIT Prague, CZ
  Filip Zavoral, Charles University, CZ

  Jiri Sochor, Masaryk University Brno, CZ, Secretary

  Organizing Committee
    Jan Staudek, MU Brno, CZ, Chair
    Miroslav Bartosek, Petr Hanacek, Dana Komarkova, Ales Krenek,
    Zdenek Malcik,     Tomas Pitner, Petr Sojka,     Tomas Staudek

- -----------
Invited Talks
- -----------

Trends in Theory
    Jozef Gruska, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ
      Quantum Challenges
    Juraj Hromkovic, University of Aachen, DE
      Stability of approximation algorithms for hard optimization problems
    Wojciech Rytter, Warsaw University, PL
      Algorithms on compressed strings and arrays

Core Technologies
    Wolfgang Appelt,GMD, Sankt Augustin, DE
      WWW based collaboration with the BSCW System
    Christian Bac, Guy Bernard, Didier Le Tien, INT Evry, FR
      Middleware and Quality of Service
    Jean-Marie Rifflet, Universite Paris 7, FR
      Chorus internals
    Noemi Rodrigues, Catholic University Rio de Janeiro, BR
      Dynamic Reconfiguration of CORBA-based Applications
    Doaitse Swierstra, University Utrecht, NL
    Ghica van Emde Boas, IBM Nederland N.V., NL IBM
      San Francisco: Java based business application components and
                     new ways to develop them

Software and Information Engineering
    Paolo Atzeni, University of ROMA III, IT
      Data bases and the World Wide Web, accomplishments and challenges
    Juan Biccaregui, CLRC-RAL, UK
      Exploiting formality in software engineering
    Ronald Cramer, ETH Zurich, CH
      Secure Multi-Party Computation
    Max Garzon, University Memphis, US
    Vaclav Rajlich, Wayne State University, Detroit, US
      Software change and evolution
    Peter Sloot, WINS, NL
      Distributed Simulation with Cellular Automata:
      Applications and Architecture

>>From Data to Knowledge
    Alejandro P. Buchmann, T. University, Darmstadt, DE
      Data warehousing
    Max Garzon, University Memphis, US
      Knowledge applications on human-computer interactions

    Martin Bogdan, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, University of Tuebingen, DE
      Application of artificial neural networks for different
      engineering problems
    Maxime Crochemore, University of Marne-la-Vallie, FR
      String algorithms and text compression
    Emil Pelikan, Czech Academy of Science, CZ
      Principles of Forecasting
    Dan Roth, University of Illinois, US
      Neural Nets Applications
    Willy Schilders, Philips Labs, NL
      Electronics design
    Stephan Tschoeke, University Paderborn, DE
      Real Life Project with Lufthansa

- ---------
- ---------
  The categories for submissions include Contributed Talks and Posters.
  Each submission should have a title giving the following information:

  - name, address, e-mail address, and phone/fax number of each author;
  - specification of one of the authors as the contact person.

  To submit, please send a postscript file  of your contribution via
  e-mail. With each submission, please e-mail also an abstract in
  plain ASCII.  Any other form of electronic submission should be
  consulted in advance with the PC sectretary.

  Contributed Talks

  8-page  drafts in English are  expected.   A full camera-ready copy of
  contributed talks  on current topics in Computer  Science should be no
  longer than  8-pages.  Presentation time  for contributed talks  is 25
  minutes. Contributed  talks  will be included  in  the Proceedings  of
  SOFSEM '99, published in the Lecture  Notes in Computer Science series
  by Springer-Verlag.

  The Organizing Committee will supply the authors of accepted
  contributed talks with detailed technical instructions and the LaTeX
  style file for the preparation of the camera-ready copy.

  We actively encourage posters describing work in progress.
  Final versions of two A4 page poster are expected.

  Submission of the contributed talk/poster      May 7, 1999
  Notification of acceptance / rejection         June 30, 1999
  Camera-ready copy of the talks                 August 25, 1999

- ---------------
Contact Addresses
- ---------------
  Sofsem www-page

  Communications and enquires should be adressed to:
                  sofsem at ics.muni.cz

  Submissions should be adressed to:
                  sochor at fi.muni.cz


  Jiri Sochor
  Faculty of Informatics
  Masaryk University
  Botanicka 68a,
  602 00 Brno
  Czech Republic

- --
- --
  Kc stands for Czech Crowns. USD for US dollars.

  Total cost covers the registration fees, accommodation, and
  meals for the whole (eight-day) seminar as well as the Proceedings.

  Full fees:

  type     single_room  double_room  Explanation
  of fee
  S1      10 800  Kc   10 000  Kc    total costs for CZ/SK participants
  S2         410  USD     380  USD   total costs for others


  If payment is made by 13th September 1999
  the following reductions apply:

  type     single_room  double_room  Explanation
  of fee
  S1       9 700  Kc    8 900  Kc    total costs for CZ/SK participants
  S3         380  USD     350  USD   total costs for others


     SOFSEM '96/97/98 was booked fully to capacity by the end of August so

  Note for CZ/SK participants:

  Accommodation - daily rates single room incl. brkf.           485,- Kc
                            one prsn in dble room incl. brkf.   385,- Kc
                            meals                               300,- Kc
                            refreshment                          40,- Kc
  Proceedings and conference fee                              3 310,- Kc


  Banking           : Ceska sporitelna Brno - mesto, Brno, Czech Rep.
  Account Name      : Ceska informaticka spolecnost, pobocka Brno
  Account Number    : 6851659-628/0800
  Details of Payment: Fill in your name, organization and the purpose of
                      payment: 'Sofsem 99 conference fee'.

  Before 1-st November, 80% of the total cost will be refunded;
  after  1-st November, 50% of the total cost will be refunded.
  No refund will be made once the seminar has started.

  Financial support

  You may apply   for   financial  support   to  partially cover    your
  accommodation    expenses.   A  strong  preference  will  be  given to
  undergraduate and graduate  students whose submissions for contributed
  talks  and/or    posters have been   accepted.   Your  application for
  financial    support  must reach   the   Organizing Committee  by 1-st
  August. We will let you know by 15-th August whether requested support
  will be granted for you.

- ------
- ------
ApS Brno, s.r.o., COMPAQ Computer, Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o.,
IBM CR, s.r.o., ORACLE Czech, s.r.o,

- ---------
- ---------
1) presenting non profit results

  Organizations and individuals are invited to participate with
  demonstrations of non-profit research results and literature

2) presenting commercial products

  Organizations are invited to submit exhibitions of commercial software
  systems, organisation profiles, literature exhibitions, etc.

  Please submit a description of the demonstration and
  exhibitions to the address at the end of this page.  It is the
  responsibility of the demonstrator to provide suitable equipment.
  Exhibitors should contact the following address for further details:

  Faculty of Informatics MU
  J. Staudek - SOFSEM '99
  Botanicka 68a
  602 00 Brno
  Czech Republic
  FAX:     +420-5-4121 2747
  e-mail: sofsem at ics.muni.cz

- ---------------------------------
Local Arrangements, Venue, History
- ---------------------------------
  For more information regarding SOFSEM'99 and Local Arrangements,
  Venue and SOFSEM History see Sofsem www-page


- ----------
- ----------
  To register, please mail the filled-in registration form and the
  notification of your payment to the OC (On-line registration
  from Sofsem WWW Home Page is also possible):

  Faculty of Informatics MU
  J. Staudek - SOFSEM '99
  Botanicka 68a
  602 00 Brno
  Czech Republic
  FAX:     +420-5-4121 2747
  e-mail: sofsem at ics.muni.cz

============================= cut here ================================

           SOFSEM 99 Registration Form
Please mail to     sofsem at ics.muni.cz
make signed copy
of Reg Form and
send/FAX it to     Faculty of Informatics MU
                   SOFSEM, Jan Staudek
                   Botanicka 68a
                   602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
                   FAX: +420-5-4121 2568

When sending paper mail, please, be sure to use service which is not
notoriously slow from your particular country.

Given name: ___________________    [] male  [] female

Middle initials: ______________

Family name: __________________

(for your name badge: ____________________ )

Affiliation: ________________

Address: ______________________________________________________



e-mail:    _____________________

fax:       ____________________

telephone: __________________

Amount Paid: __________________

Date of Payment:   __________________

Details of Payment:   ___________________________________________

Single / Double Room: __________

Vegetarian (Y/N):       _________

Passport No.
(CZ/SK - ROC/COP)     ______________________

Special requirements: __________________________________________


LINGUIST List: Vol-10-538

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