10.1183, Qs: Germanic Etymolgy, Punctuation, Arabski Paper

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Aug 11 01:50:35 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-1183. Tue Aug 10 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.1183, Qs: Germanic Etymolgy, Punctuation, Arabski Paper

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Date:  Mon, 9 Aug 1999 17:45:17 -0400
From:  "Vladimir Orel" <vladorel at iaw.on.ca>
Subject:  Germanic Etymology References

Date:  Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:13:37 +0200
From:  "Bart Geurts" <bart.geurts at mpi.nl>
Subject:  Quotation marks

Date:  Tue, 10 Aug 1999 09:27:31 +0100
From:  Pia Kohlmyr <Pia.Kohlmyr at eng.gu.se>
Subject:  Arabski 1979 paper

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 9 Aug 1999 17:45:17 -0400
From:  "Vladimir Orel" <vladorel at iaw.on.ca>
Subject:  Germanic Etymology References

References and offprints in Germanic etymology needed

Vladimir Orel (Bar-Ilan University) is currently working on a "Handbook of
Germanic etymology (Proto-Germanic Vocabulary)" and will appreciate any
biblio references or offprints related to the field of Germanic etymology
and historical grammar.

Vladimir Orel
Dept. of English, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
vladorel@ iaw.on.ca

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:13:37 +0200
From:  "Bart Geurts" <bart.geurts at mpi.nl>
Subject:  Quotation marks

I am interested in the history of punctuation, especially the origin and
development of quotation marks, but the literature I have looked at so far
is not very helpful. I would be grateful for any references on this subject.

Bart Geurts

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Max Planck Institute for psycholinguistics
Postbox 310
6500 AH Nijmegen
The Netherlands
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 10 Aug 1999 09:27:31 +0100
From:  Pia Kohlmyr <Pia.Kohlmyr at eng.gu.se>
Subject:  Arabski 1979 paper

Dear all,

I'm a doctoral student at the English Department, Göteborg University,
Sweden who is hunting for a report on error analysis by J Arabski. My
doctoral thesis is about error analysis based on composition material. I
have tried the university library here but they couldn't find anything with
a title matching my reference. Instead they found this e-mail address and
information that Dr Arabski could possibly be located through this address.
My question is if it is possible to find out anything more to add to my
reference in order for my library to find and order the report (or paper)
since I need it for my research in error analysis. The reference I have now

Arabski, J (1979) "Errors as indicators of the development of
interlanguage" Katowice: Uniwersytet Slasky

In the library they tell me it is not possible to locate this and they
suggested it is not the real title or that it is a special series printed
only for the university itself. I have tried the e-mail the librarians gave
me but so far nothing's come up. If anyone out there might have additional
information to this reference I'd be very grateful. I already have Dr
Arabski's paper from 1968 but generally his work form 1979 is quoted only
the reference in all my lists do not seem to help me find it.
Please send any info directly to me at this e-mail address:

Pia.Kohlmyr at eng.gu.se

Thanks in advance,
Pia K

Mrs Pia Kohlmyr (PhD student)           Phone:  Int +46 (0)31 773 17 67
Gothenburg University                   E-mail: Pia.Kohlmyr at eng.gu.se
Department of English                   Fax:    Int +46 (0)31 773 47 26
Box 200
SE 405 30 Gothenburg

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1183

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