10.1220, Sum: Classroom Posters

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Aug 20 17:53:29 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-1220. Fri Aug 20 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.1220, Sum: Classroom Posters

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Date:  Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:36:42 +0000
From:  "PAUL FOULKES" <lnppf at lucs-01.novell.leeds.ac.uk>
Subject:  Posters

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:36:42 +0000
From:  "PAUL FOULKES" <lnppf at lucs-01.novell.leeds.ac.uk>
Subject:  Posters

a few weeks ago I posted the following question:

- ---
We are looking to buy/borrow/beg/steal colourful language-related
posters, maps etc to brighten up the walls of our teaching rooms.
Can anyone suggest where we might get hold of such things?
- ---

thanks for the following replies:

Dick Hudson:

CUP have just produced a very bright and (we think) nice poster for
linguistics. It's just rolled off the press, and your dept should be
getting a copy soon (at least, it will if there's anyone there in the
LAGB). If you want to make sure, send a message to Emma Baxter, the
CUP editor who has been looking after this project -
ebaxter at cup.cam.ac.uk.

- ---

Gary Holton:

The ANLC used to have a nice linguistic map of Alaska.
The Alaska Native Language Center now has a new website at

The site includes an online version of the ANLC publications
catalog, as well as brief information about each of Alaska's 20
Native languages.

- ---

Deborah D K Ruuskanen:

Not always language related, but lovely pictures - and sometimes maps
- can be had for free from tourist bureaus, I mean the tourist
information services of the various US States, and closer to you
perhaps, Scotland and Wales. Ireland, too - and maybe even
England. Each US State maintains a web page with an email address - I
wrote to them snailmail and explained what I wanted and why, and was
positively inundated with super posters. My favourites were the
Scottish castles and the Texas wildflowers - complete with both common
(US English) and Latin names.

- ---

Paul Fallon:

For my office, I got a very colorful poster of the Ethiopic syllabary
(rearranged for pedagogical purposes so similar symbols are together).
I got it from:

Sankofa Video and Bookstore
2714 Georgia Ave, NW
Washington DC

I'm sorry I don't have the ZIP (postal) code.  I do know there are
several different types of posters.

This just in from the latest edition of the Society for the Study of
the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA): The Exploratorium of
San Francisco has published a 21" x 33" wall chart of the principal
language families of the world, with sidebars showing major groups and
estimated number of speakers.

You can order on line and see a small version at:
The price is US$15.95 plus shipping.

- ---

Terry J. Klokeid:

Various branchews of the Candian government have, over the years,
published maps and posters about, variously, official languages
(viz. English and French) and First Nation languages. There may also
be something published recently in connection with the new Territory
of Nunavut that would suit your postering needs.

You could try enquiring at the Canadian High Commission to see if they
happen to have such items on hand.

- ---

Mark Mandel:

See http://www.ling.upenn.edu/phono_atlas/ , which has a number of
maps of current US dialect facts.

- ---

Peter Jacobs:

I got a great map from a museum in Eugene, Oregon.  It has all the
native languages of the Northwest Coast of North America.  It is
published by the Press of the Oregon Historical Society.  I don't know
where to obtain it now.  I bought it when I was going to school in
Oregon.  They may sell it on campus at the University of Oregon.  The
only problem with the map is some of the language boundaries.

Paul Foulkes
Department of Linguistics and Phonetics
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

p.foulkes at leeds.ac.uk
tel: 0113-233 3564 (secretary: 233 3563)

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1220

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