10.1865, Calls: Language/Mind (Amended), Computational Ling

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Dec 4 00:44:48 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-1865. Fri Dec 3 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.1865, Calls: Language/Mind (Amended), Computational Ling

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
		    Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Lydia Grebenyova <lydia at linguistlist.org>
		    Naomi Ogasawara <naomi at linguistlist.org>
		    James Yuells <james at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Sudheendra adiga <sudhi at linguistlist.org>
                      Qian Liao <qian at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>

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or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
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Date:  Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:59:22 +0800
From:  ELLCONLK <ellconlk at nus.edu.sg>
Subject:  Language in the Mind Conference (Amended)

Date:  Fri, 3 Dec 99 16:25:54 EST
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  ACL-2000 Call for Theme Proposals

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:59:22 +0800
From:  ELLCONLK <ellconlk at nus.edu.sg>
Subject:  Language in the Mind Conference (Amended)

(This is an amended call for papers. Please note the *correct* Registration
Fee for Students, and Prof. James Lantolf's present academic affiliation
below.  Thanks.)

		*First Call for Papers*


Organised by: Department of English Language and Literature
National University of Singapore

Monday 4 - Wednesday 6 September 2000
Venue:  Fort Canning Lodge

The Conference will focus on issues related to the role of the mind in
the learning and use of language. Such issues could include questions
about the extent to which language is an innate mental process and the
extent to which it is out there in society. It could also include, for
example, questions about the mental processes involved in the
acquisition of language, in the reception and production of language,
and in the mental activities of social interaction.

Keynote speakers: 		Professor Jean Aitchison, University of
				Professor Rod Ellis, University of Auckland
				Professor James Lantolf, Pennsylvania State

Subject to final arrangements, each keynote speaker will additionally take
part in a workshop, a symposium, or a closing debate.

Proposals for parallel paper presentations, symposiums and workshops are
invited on any aspects of research and education that relate to the theme of
"Language in the Mind?"  Proposals will be particularly welcome in the
following areas:

*	Language acquisition and development
*	Neurolinguistics
*	Psycholinguistics
*	Sociolinguistics
*	Linguistic analysis
*	Discourse analysis
*	Composition studies
*	Language teaching methodology and materials

The conference aims to attract wide interest among academic researchers,
teacher educators, and teachers in schools. Proposal writers are encouraged
to specify which of these groups might form an appropriate target audience
for their presentations.

Call for Papers, Symposiums and Workshops

Proposals for parallel paper presentations, symposiums and workshops
are invited on any aspects of research and education that relate to
the conference theme.  As the same terms can mean different things at
different conferences, we briefly describe each type of
session. "Short" and "Long" are comparative values, not absolutes.

Parallel papers: 	
Speakers present a clearly focused issue, and give a summary of a
research study and its findings (Short Parallel Papers) or a more
comprehensive account (Long Parallel Papers). Position papers on major
themes, if thoroughly researched, will also be considered. For both
Short and Long categories, the organisers envisage no more than three
parallel sessions at any one time.

Short Parallel Papers: 20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes
discussion. Presentations should be concise, not rushed, and should
not exceed 20 minutes. The organisers expect a total of around 25
papers in this category. (Three mornings)

Long Parallel Papers: 45 minutes presentation, 15 minutes
discussion. Presentations should be thorough, not rushed, and should
not exceed 45 minutes. The organisers expect a total of around ten
papers in this category. (One afternoon)

One combined proposal is invited from each symposium team. Three or
four speakers present position papers on a single agreed issue,
devoting equal time to each, and allowing at least 30 minutes at the
end for discussion. Total duration: 2 hours.  The organisers would
like to offer two symposiums in parallel on the final
afternoon. Diversity of viewpoints on a common theme will be
particularly welcome.

These are active participatory sessions. Workshop leaders (one or more
per workshop) briefly present an activity that relates to the
conference theme and that can be expected to engage the participants.
All workshop participants then work on this activity, for at least
half the available time. Workshop leaders provide support and feedback
as needed.  Outcomes and experiences are discussed, and workshop
leaders and other participants summarise the implications of the
activity for the conference theme.

Short Workshops: total duration 90 minutes.

Long Workshops: total duration 3 hours.
The organisers hope to offer two long and two short workshops, or some other
combination, on one afternoon.

For all events, abstracts of not more than 300 words are invited by 31 March
Notification of outcome: By 30 April 2000.

Please send the proposal and abstract to:
Conference Secretary, Language in the Mind?
Department of English Language and Literature,
FASS, 7 Arts Link Block AS5,
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117570
Republic of Singapore
Or by e-mail to: ellconlk at nus.edu.sg <mailto:ellconlk at nus.edu.sg>

Registration Fees:
Before 31 July 2000	S$180 + S$5.40 (3%GST)
After 31 July 2000	S$200 + S$6.00 (3%GST)
Students		S$120 + S$3.60 (3%GST)

Registration forms available on-line at the conference web-page
http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/ell/langmind or from the Conference Secretary at
the above postal or e-mail address.

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 3 Dec 99 16:25:54 EST
From:  Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject:  ACL-2000 Call for Theme Proposals

                 ACL-2000 CALL FOR THEME PROPOSALS

ACL-00 Conference:
  The 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for
  Computational Linguistics

  Hong Kong
  October 3--6, 2000

  The Association for Computational Linguistics would like to encourage
  the submission of papers on substantial, original, and unpublished
  research on all aspects of computational linguistics. To broaden both
  the thematic coverage and geographical origin of submissions, we are
  continuing the special theme sessions format introduced in the 1999
  ACL conference.  Some proportion of the conference will be given over
  to special sessions, somewhat like a special issue of a journal,
  organized around themes proposed by members of the NLP community.  The
  aim is to incorporate some of the intensity and excitement of the
  traditional pre/post-conference workshops, without replacing those
  workshops---we expect, as has become traditional, that there will also
  be a set of workshops that will remain separate from the main
  meeting. This call invites proposals for thematic sessions in
  accordance with the considerations below; a final Call For Papers,
  that includes the list of selected themes will be sent out in

  What is a Thematic Session?

  We are soliciting proposals for themes that will provide a sufficient
  number of quality papers to form one or two sessions (3-4 papers per
  session) in the main conference. Proposers of accepted themes, who
  will become the chairs of those sessions, will have similar
  responsibilities to those of workshop organizers in terms of arranging
  reviewing and the delivery of camera ready copy. However, the papers
  will be scheduled as part of the main sessions and will be published
  as part of the main conference proceedings. The quality of theme
  papers is expected to be equal to that of the papers in the general
  sessions of the conference.  In terms of subject area coverage, we
  expect thematic sessions will be closer to workshop topic areas in

  Format of Theme Proposals

  The theme proposals should be approximately two pages in length and
  should be divided into the following headings.

    Chair Details: Name, address, email, telephone number, fax

    Theme Title:

    List of Topics: This should include some keywords describing the
    topics to be covered by the theme. This information will be used
    primarily to check for overlap with other proposed themes.

    Summary: A brief description of the proposed subject area, and summary
    of why the inclusion of the proposed theme would meet the aims of
    theme sessions.

    Viability of Theme: Given the number of papers that can populate one
    or two sessions at the conference and the typical ACL acceptance
    rates, to be viable a theme should receive 10--30 submissions. In this
    section, proposers of the theme should provide evidence that
    sufficient number of submissions can be expected.  Such evidence for
    the viability of the theme might include the citation of workshops,
    symposia, special journal issues etc. in the theme topic.  In
    situations of emerging fields, such evidence may not be available. In
    lieu of such evidence, proposers might provide evidence for an
    existing community interested in the topic by providing a list of
    people who have indicated interest in the theme. Of course, proposers
    can offer other types of evidence to show that a sufficient number of
    submissions can be expected.

    Proposed Review Committee: Each paper submitted should be reviewed by
    at least three people. As part of the proposal, proposers should
    suggest a potential review committee who are likely to serve on the
    committee if the proposal is accepted. The list would also demonstrate
    the spread of interest in the area in the community, encouraging both
    international participation and the participation of a broad range of
    researchers, including both senior members of the community and
    graduate students.

  Theme proposals should be submitted to the email address provided
  below.  Proposers of themes are encouraged to indicate their plans in
  advance of the submission date by sending email to this
  address. Informal enquiries as to what might work as a theme can also
  be directed to this address.  Possible themes might be topics like:
  NLP and Information Retrieval (or topics that include a community in
  the periphery of language technology); Methods for Asian Language
  Processing; Computational Linguistic Issues in Alternate/Augmentative
  Communication; Spoken Dialog Systems; Multi-lingual Language
  Processing.  These examples are provided only as indications of the
  variety of topic areas that will be considered. A list of theme topics
  included in the ACL 1999 conference can be found by following appropriate
  links from http://www.mri.mq.edu.au/conf/acl99/.

  Important Dates

   This call issued:                        December 3, 1999

eme he submissions deadline:                January 7, 2000

   Notification of selected themes:         January 17, 2000

   Call for papers:                         January 20, 2000

   Paper submissions deadline:              March 31, 2000 (approx. date)

   Notification of acceptance:              June 15, 2000 (approx. date)

  General Submission Questions

  Co-chairs for the ACL-99 program are Chang-Ning Huang and K. Vijay-Shanker.
  All queries regarding the program should be sent to acl2k at cis.udel.edu;
  this forwards to both co-chairs.

  Submission Format

  Theme proposals should ideally submitted in ascii by email to
  acl2k at cis.udel.edu with the subject: "ACL99 THEME PROPOSAL".
  PostScript, PDF and Word files will be accepted if they print on the
  first try.  Hardcopy proposals should be faxed or mailed to both of
  the chairs, clearly labeled "ACL99 THEME PROPOSAL". Proposals should
  be received by 5pm GMT on January 7, 2000.

   Chang-Ning Huang (Co-Chair)              K. Vijay-Shanker (Co-Chair)

   Microsoft Research, China	            Dept. of Computer Science
   5F, Beijing Sigma Center                 University of Delaware
   No.49, Zhichun Road                      Newark, DE 19716, USA
   Beijing 100080, P.R.C

   cnhuang at microsoft.com                    vijay at cis.udel.edu
   Tel: (86-10)6261-7711 -5760              Tel: +1 302 831 1952
   Fax: (86-10)8809-7305                    Fax: +1 302 831 8458

   Hitoshi Iida (General Chair)             Aravind K. Joshi (Honorary Chair)

   Speech and Language Information          Department of Computer and
          Processing Lab                          Information Sciences
   SONY Computer Science Labs, Inc.         University of Pennsylvania
   Tokyo 141-0022, Japan                    Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

   iida at csl.sony.co.jp                      joshi at linc.cis.upenn.edu
   Tel: +81 3 5448 4380                     Tel: +1 215 898 0359
   Fax: +81 3 5447 1942                     Fax: +1 215 573 9247

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1865

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