10.1963, Confs: Corpus Linguistics / Modern Hebrew
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Dec 19 05:03:55 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1963. Sun Dec 19 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1963, Confs: Corpus Linguistics / Modern Hebrew
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Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 21:24:58 +0200
From: Uri Horesh <urihores at post.tau.ac.il>
Subject: Symposium: Corpus Linguistics / Modern Hebrew
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 21:24:58 +0200
From: Uri Horesh <urihores at post.tau.ac.il>
Subject: Symposium: Corpus Linguistics / Modern Hebrew
FEBRUARY 3-4, 2000
Thursday, February 3, 2000
The Joseph W: Jones Room, Woodruff Library
9:00-9:30 AM Opening Addresses:
- Rebecca Chopp, Provost
- Gordon Newby, Chair, Middle Eastern Studies
Session 1: Methodology I
- ----------------------
9:30-10:30 AM John Sinclair, The University of Birmingham, England
and the Tuscan Word Center, Italy
- Corpus Linguistics: The State of the Art
10:30-11:10 AM Jack Du Bois, The University of California, Santa Barbara
- The Corpus of Conversational American English
11:10-11:30 AM Coffee Break
Session 2: Methodology II
- -----------------------
11:30 AM-12:10 PM Elena Tognini-Bonelli, The University of Lecce
and the Tuscan Word Center, Italy
- Corpus Linguistics and the Teaching of Languages
12:10-12:50 PM Dominic Glennon, Cambridge University Press, England
- Computational Aspects
12:50-2:00 PM Lunch break
Session 3: Other Corpora
- ----------------------
2:00-2:40 PM Otto Jastrow, The University of Erlangen-Nuerenberg, Germany
- The Corpus of Palestinian Arabic
2:40-3:20 PM Debra Spitulnik, Emory University
- Documenting Bemba Language Change (Zambia)
Through Corpus Linguistics
3:20-3:40 PM Coffee Break
Session 4: Sociology and Statistics
- ---------------------------------
3:40-4:10 PM Shlomo Izre'el, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- The Emergence of Modern Hebrew
4:10-4:50 PM Eliezer Ben Rafael, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Israel as a Multilingual Society
4:50-5:30 PM Giora Rahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Sampling of Population and the
Formation of a Representative Corpus
5:30-5:50 PM Respondent: Regina Werum, Emory University
The Faculty Dining Room, Dobbs University Center
Public Lecture:
- -------------
8:00-9:00 PM John Sinclair, The University of Birmingham, England
and the Tuscan Word Center, Italy
- Lexical Grammar: A New and Revolutionary Look at Language
Friday, February 4, 2000
Session 5: Modern Hebrew I
- ------------------------
9:00-9:40 AM Yaakov Bentolila, Ben Gurion University, Israel
- Spoken Modern Hebrew across Generations
9:40-10:20 AM Shmuel Bolozky, The University of Massachussetts, Amherst
- Phonological and Morphological Variation in Spoken Hebrew
10:20-11:00 AM Geoffrey Khan, Cambridge University, England
- Modern Hebrew Syntax: The State of the Art
11:00-11:20 AM Coffee Break
Session 6: Modern Hebrew II
- -------------------------
11:20 AM-12:00 PM Mira Ariel, Tel Aviv University, Israel
and The University of California, Santa Barbara
- Why Would a Pragmatician Need a Corpus of Spoken Hebrew?
12:00-12:40 PM Benjamin Hary, Emory University
& Shlomo Izre'el, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Toward the Compilation of the Corpus of Spoken Hebrew
12:40-2:00 PM Lunch break
Session 7: Discussion
- -------------------
2:00-3:00 PM Demonstrations of Computer Programs:
Jack Du Bois (The Santa Barbara Corpus);
Dominic Glennon (CUP Corpus)
3:00-4:30 PM Discussion of Programming and Other Technical Issues
For more information, please contact Professor Benjamin Hary
<bhary at learnlink.emory.edu> OR Professor Shlomo Izre'el
<izreel at post.tau.ac.il>.
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1963
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