10.221, Calls: L2 Learning, Generative Grammar/Slovenia
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Feb 11 12:50:20 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-221. Thu Feb 11 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.221, Calls: L2 Learning, Generative Grammar/Slovenia
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
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Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
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Editor for this issue: Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
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the text.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:05:39 +0100
From: Mia Victori <Mia.Victori at uab.es>
Subject: Links & Letters/L2 Learning
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:33:35 +0100 (CET)
From: Milena.Sheppard at uni-lj.si
Subject: Pronouns in Generative Grammar/Slovenia
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:05:39 +0100
From: Mia Victori <Mia.Victori at uab.es>
Subject: Links & Letters/L2 Learning
Issue 7: Autonomy in L2 Language Learning
Contributions are welcomed for the 2000 issue of Links and Letters, the
core of which will be devoted to the development of autonomy in L2
language learning in any of its manifestations. A large number of areas
of interest are relevant to the subject: self-directed learning,
self-access learning, learner training, learner strategies and strategic
training, learners' beliefs, developing autonomy accross cultures, open
learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning (including E-mail and
Internet applications for autonomous L2 learning), among others. There
will also be the possibility of publishing articles of special interest
in other areas of SLA / Applied Linguistics within a miscellany section.
We welcome survey articles, articles which present a debate within their
field, research articles, or articles which make recent research
accessible to the non-specialist. We also welcome reviews of recent
books (published since 1995) relevant to the issue. Other proposals,
such as interviews and annotated bibliographies will also be considered.
Articles: between 15 and 20 written pages (30 lines /60 spaces per
line), 3 copies, in English.
Reviews: maximum length 4 pages (30 lines/60 spaces per line), 3
copies, in English.
Squibs: maximum length 8 pages (30 lines/ 60 spaces per line), 3
copies, in English.
NEW Deadline: May 15, 1999.
If you wish to contribute, please contact us for further style
sheet/electronic format specifications:
Links and Letters
Issue 7: Mia Victori (issue editor).
Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanstica,
Facultat de Lletres, Edifici B,
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona,
080193 Bellaterra,
Barcelona (Spain).
Phone: (34 3) 581 15 67/ 581 27 85
Fax: (34 3) 581 20 01
E-mail: Mia.Victori at uab.es
LINKS & LETTERS Further Information:
Links & Letters is a refereed journal in the field of English Studies.
Each issue is organised around a Topic, and the philosophy of the
journal is to try to make often complex topics accessible to an
interdisciplinary public. Besides the Articles and Review sections,
there is an Interview Section with one or more well-known scholars in
the field answering questions. From issue 3 on there is a Bibliography
section with a selected and commented bibliography of key publications
(books and periodicals) in the field aimed at orienting the interested
reader who would like to know more. Finally there is an open Notes and
News section: short squibs and replies to previous issues are welcome,
information about forthcoming events, new publications, and anything
else our readers would like to make of it.
REMEMBER... The aims of Links & Letters are
To connect specialists and non specialists alike by making specialised
disciplines accessible to an interdisciplinary public
To make complex areas simpler and more understandable
To be open to readers' needs and ideas
To keep former students in touch with what's going on in the academic
Subscriptions: We welcome subscriptions at the following rate per issues
1 - 4: 2000 ptas. ($16 approx.), & 5: 2700 ($ 19 approx.) per issue,
mail charges not included. Please write to Links & Letters
(subscriptions) at the editor's address or e-mail: ilfib at cc.uab.es
Exchanges: We welcome institutional exchanges. Enquiries should be
addressed to Links & Letters (exchanges) at the above address, or
e-mail: ILFIB at cc.uab.es
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:33:35 +0100 (CET)
From: Milena.Sheppard at uni-lj.si
Subject: Pronouns in Generative Grammar/Slovenia
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Workshop on
A workshop on pronouns is being organized in the framework of
the 32nd Annual Meeeting of SOCIETAS LINGUISTICA EUROPAEA, to
be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8-11 July, 1999.
Abstracts are invited for 30-minute presentations on the following
(and related) topics:
- Syntactic and semantic problems of derivation of pronouns
- Pronominal clitics
- PRO and its controller
- (Small) pro and Pro-drop languages.
Abstracts should be no longer than 400 words and should be anonymous.
The PREFERRED method is BY EMAIL. Abstracts should be addressed to
marija.golden at guest.arnes.si
At the top of the abstract please include the name(s), affiliation
and address of the author(s). Please leave several blank lines between
this information and the abstract proper (title and text), to
facilitate anonymous review.
The DISPREFERRED method is by regular mail. Send 3 copies of the
abstract, accompanied by a card stating the name(s) of the author(s),
postal and e-mail addresses and the title of the paper to the
following address:
Milena Milojevic Sheppard
Department of English and American Studies
Faculty of Arts
Askerceva 2
1000 Ljubljana
Anyone intending to participate should register for the Societas
Linguistica Europaea Meeting at the conference address below, by
March 15, 1999.
SLE Conference
Department of Translation
and Interpreting Fax: +386 61 221-310
Faculty of Arts
Askerceva 2 E-mail: mojca.golob at guest.arnes.si
1000 Ljubljana
Additional information is available at the SLE'99 web site:
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-221
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