10.1034, Books: Theoretical Ling (Syntax, Semantics, Typology)

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Tue Jul 6 02:39:00 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-1034. Mon Jul 5 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.1034, Books: Theoretical Ling (Syntax, Semantics, Typology)

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors:  Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
                    Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
                    Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

Assistant Editors:  Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
		    Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>

Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.


Date:  Thu, 01 Jul 1999 15:21:35 +0200
From:  LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject:  Theoretical ling: Typology of Iterative Constructions

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 01 Jul 1999 15:21:35 +0200
From:  LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject:  Theoretical ling: Typology of Iterative Constructions

Viktor S. Xrakovskij (ed.), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Linguistic Research, Saint-Petersburg

The present book has been prepared by the Language Typology Workshop
of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Linguistic Research.

	The book continues the earlier studies of the Workshop
addressing the syntactic structure of the sentence:
(ed. A.A. Kholodovich) Typology of Causative Constructions, "Nauka":
Leningrad, 1969, (ed. A.A.  Kholodovich) Typology of Passive
constructions, "Nauka": Leningrad, 1974, (ed. V.P. Nedjalkov) Typology
of resultative constructions, Amsterdam 1988, etc.

	The monograph focuses on the semantic category of multiplicity
of situations realized in utterances. The main objective of this work
is, by proceeding from content to form, to determine grammatical,
lexical, and contextual means of expressing the specific meanings of
plurality, viz. the iterative, the multiplicative, and the
distributive both in a single language and in different languages.

	The book consists of three parts. Part 1 outlines the theory
suggesting one of the possible ways of interpreting the category of
situational plurality.

	Part 2 has four sections and 24 chapters describing the
category of situational plurality in structurally different languages.
These descriptions are quite uniform and, on the whole, are based on
the theory presented in Part 1. Section A (Chapters 1-7) deals with
languages which use special grammatical markers to express the
iterative, multiplicative, and distributive. Section B (Chapters 8-15)
focuses on languages having specific grammatical means to express the
iterative. Section C (Chapters 16-20) describes languages that have
tense forms combining with iterative adverbials. Section D (Chapters
21-24) deals with languages where iterative meanings are expressed by
adverbials. It is easily seen that this classification lays no claims
to strict precision, its immediate aim being an intuitively acceptable
classification of linguistic data. This Part was prepared by a large
group of authors, including T. G. Akimova (English), E. V. Golovko
(Aleut), E. A. Gruzdeva (Nivkh), E. E. Kordi (French),
N. A. Kozintseva (Armenian), I. V. Nedjalkov (Even), V. P. Nedjalkov
(Chukchee), M. A.  Smirnova (Hausa), N. M. Spatari (Cambodian) ,
V. A. Stegnij (Klamath), N. B. Vaxtin (Eskimo), A. P. Volodin
(Itelmen), V. A. Plungian (Chamalal), D. M. Nasilov (Turkic
languages), I. S. Bystrov (Vietnamese), S. Je. Jaxontov (Chinese),
Ju. P. Knyazev (Slavic languages), G. Z. Poumpyan (Arabic),
V. M. Alpatov (Japanese), B. A.  Zaxarjin (Hindi),
E. \138. Geniushiene (Lithuanian), V. P. Litvinov (Ewe),
S. M. Kibardina (German), and Agus Salim (Indonesian). The three
interpretations of the category of plurality presented in Part 3
(written by L. A. Biriulin, G. G. Silnitskij, I. B. Dolinina) differ
from the theory developed in the preceeding chapters both in their
general approach and in specific aspects of analysis. The book is
supplied with an extensive bibliography.

ISBN 3 89586 178 2.
LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 04.
Pb. 540 pp. USD 90 / DM 138 / pound sterling 50. 2nd printing 1999.

Ordering information for individuals: Please give us your creditcard
no.  / expiry date or send us a cheque. Prices in this information
include shipment worldwide by airmail. A standing order for this
series is available with special discounts offered to individual

LINCOM EUROPA, Paul-Preuss-Str. 25, D-80995 Muenchen, Germany; FAX +4989
New titles: http://home.t-online.de/home/LINCOM.EUROPA/new1.htm;
LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de.
Viktor S. Xrakovskij (ed.), Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Linguistic Research, Saint-Petersburg

The present book has been prepared by the Language Typology Workshop of
the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of  Linguistic Research.
	The book continues the earlier studies of the Workshop addressing the
syntactic structure of the sentence: (ed. A.A. Kholodovich) Typology of
Causative Constructions, "Nauka": Leningrad, 1969, (ed. A.A.
Kholodovich) Typology of Passive constructions, "Nauka": Leningrad,
1974, (ed. V.P. Nedjalkov) Typology of resultative constructions,
Amsterdam 1988, etc.
	The monograph focuses on the semantic category of multiplicity of
situations realized in utterances. The main objective of this work is,
by proceeding from content to form, to determine grammatical, lexical,
and contextual means of expressing the specific meanings of plurality,
viz. the iterative, the multiplicative, and the distributive both in a
single language and in different languages.
	The book consists of three parts. Part 1 outlines the theory suggesting
one of the possible ways of interpreting the category of situational
	Part 2 has four sections and 24 chapters describing the category of
situational plurality in structurally different languages.  These
descriptions are quite uniform and, on the whole, are  based on the
theory presented in Part 1. Section A (Chapters 1-7) deals with
languages which use special grammatical markers to express the
iterative, multiplicative, and distributive. Section B (Chapters 8-15)
focuses on languages having specific  grammatical  means to express
the  iterative. Section C (Chapters 16-20) describes languages that have
tense forms combining with iterative adverbials. Section D (Chapters
21-24) deals with languages where iterative meanings are expressed by
adverbials. It is easily seen that this classification lays no claims to
strict precision, its immediate aim being an intuitively acceptable
classification of linguistic data. This Part was prepared by a large
group of authors, including T. G. Akimova (English), E. V. Golovko
(Aleut), E. A. Gruzdeva (Nivkh),  E. E. Kordi (French), N. A. Kozintseva
(Armenian), I. V. Nedjalkov (Even), V. P. Nedjalkov (Chukchee), M. A.
Smirnova (Hausa), N. M. Spatari (Cambodian) , V. A. Stegnij (Klamath),
N. B. Vaxtin (Eskimo), A. P. Volodin (Itelmen), V. A. Plungian
(Chamalal), D. M. Nasilov (Turkic languages), I. S. Bystrov
(Vietnamese), S. Je. Jaxontov (Chinese), Ju. P. Knyazev (Slavic
languages), G. Z. Poumpyan (Arabic), V. M. Alpatov (Japanese), B. A.
Zaxarjin (Hindi), E. \138. Geniushiene (Lithuanian),  V. P. Litvinov (Ewe),
S. M. Kibardina (German), and Agus Salim (Indonesian). The three
interpretations of the category of plurality presented in Part 3
(written by L. A. Biriulin, G. G. Silnitskij, I. B. Dolinina) differ
from the theory developed in the preceeding chapters both in their
general approach and in specific aspects of analysis. The book is
supplied with an extensive bibliography.

ISBN 3 89586 178 2.
LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 04.
Pb. 540 pp. USD 90 / DM 138 / pound sterling 50. 2nd printing 1999.

Ordering information for individuals: Please give us your creditcard no.
/ expiry date or send us a cheque. Prices in this information include
shipment worldwide by airmail. A standing order for this series is
available with special discounts offered to individual subscribers.

LINCOM EUROPA, Paul-Preuss-Str. 25, D-80995 Muenchen, Germany; FAX +4989
New titles: http://home.t-online.de/home/LINCOM.EUROPA/new1.htm;
LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de.


If you buy one of these books please tell the publisher or author
that you saw it advertised on the LINGUIST list.

            Publisher's backlists

The following contributing LINGUIST publishers have made their
backlists available on the World Wide Web:

1999 Contributors:

Major Supporters:

Arnold Publishers
Blackwell Publishers
Elsevier Science, Ltd.
Holland Academic Graphics (HAG)
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Lincom Europa
MIT Press (Books Division)
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Mouton de Gruyter
Summer Institute of Linguistics

Other Supporting Publishers:

Cascadilla Press
CSLI Publications:
Finno-Ugrian Society
Indiana University Linguistics Club
Pacific Linguistics
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Vaxjo:Acta Wexionesia

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1034

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