10.960, Books: Theoretical Linguistics
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Jun 18 19:21:17 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-960. Fri Jun 18 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.960, Books: Theoretical Linguistics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:41:00 +0200
From: LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject: Theoretical ling; Language and Location in Space and Time
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:41:00 +0200
From: LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject: Theoretical ling; Language and Location in Space and Time
Petr Zima & Vladimir Tax (eds.)
Charles University, Prague
This is a collection of papers prepared within the framework of the
research project Communications, Contacts and Barriers in Different
Cultures and Regions of Europe and Africa (IFSC / IZV, Charles
University, Prague, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic Project No
403/96/0787). The major part of the papers published within this
volume was presented either at the international workshop Language and
its Stratification in Space and Time held in Prague in 1996, or at
various disciplinary (linguistic) and multidisciplinary
(sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic) round-tables organized in 1996
and 1997 by this research group in cooperation with the Charles
University and the Prague Linguistic Circle. The multidisciplinary
character of the project offered even outlooks in philosophical and
cognitive aspects of the linguistic expression of existence and its
location in space and time. That is why the present volume was
prepared in cooperation with a philosopher and a participant from the
Max Planck Institute for Sociolinguistics. In spite of the fact that
language data and situations dealt with by these papers involve
different language types, families and areas deserving different
cultures in several regions of two continents, the original versions
of certain papers were subject to discussions, and a sort of
coordination and homogenisation was attempted. As several authors of
the present team are also members of the Groupement de Recherche
Europ\233en No 1172 of the Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (Paris) "Diffusion Lexicale" (Caron, Cyffer,
Jungraithmayr, Nicola\239, Zima), the main focus of most papers was on
languages of the Sahel-Sahara region of Africa. However, contrasting
with data from languages of other regions both in Africa (Bantu) and
in Europe (Indo-European in general, and Romance or Baltic languages
in particular) proved very useful and offered opportunities for
attempting more universal conclusions.
Papers presented by Eleonore Adwiraah, Thomas Bearth, Siegmund
Brauner, Cecile Canut, Bernard Caron, Norbert Cyffer, Nella
Vladimirovna Gromova, Tomas Hoskovec, Herrmann Jungraithmayr,
Robert Nicolai, Eric Pederson, Zdenek Pinc, Jan Sabrsula, Petr
ISBN 389586 540 0.
LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 07.
190 pp.USD 62 / DM 94 / \163 33.
Ordering information for individuals: Please give us your creditcard no.
/ expiry date or send us a cheque. Prices in this information include
shipment worldwide by airmail. A standing order for this series is
available with special discounts offered to individual subscribers.
LINCOM EUROPA, Paul-Preuss-Str. 25, D-80995 Muenchen, Germany; FAX +4989
New titles: http://home.t-online.de/home/LINCOM.EUROPA/new1.htm;
LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de.
If you buy one of these books please tell the publisher or author
that you saw it advertised on the LINGUIST list.
Publisher's backlists
The following contributing LINGUIST publishers have made their
backlists available on the World Wide Web:
1999 Contributors:
Major Supporters:
Arnold Publishers
Blackwell Publishers
Elsevier Science, Ltd.
Holland Academic Graphics (HAG)
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Lincom Europa
MIT Press (Books Division)
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Mouton de Gruyter
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Other Supporting Publishers:
Cascadilla Press
CSLI Publications:
Finno-Ugrian Society
Indiana University Linguistics Club
Pacific Linguistics
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Vaxjo:Acta Wexionesia
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-960
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