10.361, Confs: Adverbs Conference Program
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Mar 8 21:32:52 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-361. Mon Mar 8 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.361, Confs: Adverbs Conference Program
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Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:47:00 +0100
From: Peter Svenonius <sven at hum.uit.no>
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:47:00 +0100
From: Peter Svenonius <sven at hum.uit.no>
Announcing a Conference on
at the University of Tromsoe
April 17-18, 1999
This is a preliminary program. Check the website at
for up to date information.
SATURDAY, April 17, 1999
09:00-10:00 Invited Speaker: ARTEMIS ALEXIADOU, Zentrum fur allgemeine
''Low' adverbs across verbal and nominal clauses'
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 HUBERT HAIDER, University of Salzburg:
'Adverb placement in VO and OV: Convergence between structure and
11:30-12:30 KRISTIN M. EIDE & INGHILD FLAATE, NTNU Trondheim &
University of Troms:
'Adverbial small clauses in German and Norwegian'
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Invited Speaker: THOMAS ERNST, Rutgers University:
'Adjuncts and the structure of VP'
14:30-15:30 SATU MANNINEN, University of Edinburgh:
'Why "adverb" is a lexical case'
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 ASYA PERELTSVAIG, McGill University:
'On accusative adverbials in Russian and Finnish'
17:00-18:00 DAVID ADGER & GEORGE TSOULAS, University of York:
'Case features and the licensing of circumstantial adverbials'
19:00-20:30 Dinner
20:30-21:30 Special event: Knut Bergsland Lecture: CHRISTER PLATZACK,
University of Lund
21:30- Party
SUNDAY, April 18, 1999
09:00-10:00 Invited Speaker: JOAO COSTA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa:
'Adverbs as adjuncts to non-universal functional categories:
evidence from Portuguese'
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 CHRISTOPHER LAENZLINGER, Universite de Geneve:
'Adverb syntax and phrase structure'
11:30-12:30 JOEL HOFFMAN:
'On adverb placement and adjunction sites'
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Invited Speaker: HENRIETTE DE SWART:
'Optimal interpretations: The case of temporal adjunct clauses'
'The Italian adverb ancora and additive words'
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 KERSTIN HANSSON, University of Lund:
'The case of manner adverbials - a semantic and conceptual approach'
17:00-18:00 ADAM WYNER:
'Against the neo-Davidsonian event argument: A neo-Kimian alternative'
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-361
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