10.481, FYI: Conf. list, Accent, Comp. ling., Transcription
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Mar 31 19:29:34 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-481. Wed Mar 31 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.481, FYI: Conf. list, Accent, Comp. ling., Transcription
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 14:09:47 +1000 (EST)
From: Peter White <peterw at lingua.arts.uq.edu.au>
Subject: Latest Conference List
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 21:38:25 +0100
From: bob.sand at which.net
Subject: Foreign Accent Syndrome
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 99 19:01:17 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: EACL'99 Call for Exhibits
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:14:12 +0300
From: Milena Dobreva <dobreva at math.bas.bg>
Subject: Summer school announcement
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 14:09:47 +1000 (EST)
From: Peter White <peterw at lingua.arts.uq.edu.au>
Subject: Latest Conference List
Dear colleagues,
The April conference list update is now ready and installed due to Easter
week a few days early.
The list may be found at http://www.cltr.uq.edu.au/conf.html
Any corrections, new conferences, suggestions, etc. should go to me
(signature below).
Peter White
Peter White
Centre for Language Teaching and Research
University of Queensland, Qld 4072
Tel: +61 7 3365 6893; Fax: +61 7 3365 7077
Email: peterw at lingua.cltr.uq.edu.au
Web: http://www.cltr.uq.edu.au/users/peter.white
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 21:38:25 +0100
From: bob.sand at which.net
Subject: Foreign Accent Syndrome
I have first-hand information on FAS.
If you are interested, please contact me.
Thank you
Sonja C
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 99 19:01:17 EST
From: Priscilla Rasmussen <rasmusse at cs.rutgers.edu>
Subject: EACL'99 Call for Exhibits
EACL '99 Exhibit
Bergen, June 8-12, 1999
Call for sponsoring and commercial demonstrations
The Ninth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics invites the participation of commercial
partners at its Exhibit programme. Participation can be either
through an official sponsorship or by hiring an exhibit space. Please
consult the following webpage:
Please get in touch with eacl99 at hit.uib.no before April 16, 1999.
-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:14:12 +0300
From: Milena Dobreva <dobreva at math.bas.bg>
Subject: Summer school announcement
Summer School Announcement
The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences organizes a summer school entitled _Digital Preservation
of Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printed Books_ to be held in Sofia,
Bulgaria, from 26 July to 13 August.
Digital preservation of medieval manuscripts is inevitable without
encoding of the manuscript texts. Our school program covers the issues
of TEI transcription of primary sources and building lexically
annotated corpora of medieval texts.
The school is organized under the auspices of the Bulgarian Minister
of Culture, Ms. Emma Moskova.
The faculty of the school are distinguished specialists from the USA,
the UK, Greece, the Czech republic, Denmark and Bulgaria.
Visits to major manuscript repositories in Bulgaria are included into
the program. Participants willing to share their own experience in the
field will present short papers.
The event is supported by Open Society Institute - Budapest.
GRANTS for participants from Central and Eastern Europe and former
Soviet Union are available.
The deadline for application is April 15, 1999.
More information about the school, including preliminary program and
application form, is published on the web-site
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-481
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