10.672, Books: Germanic Linguistics

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Thu May 6 04:23:11 UTC 1999

LINGUIST List:  Vol-10-672. Thu May 6 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 10.672, Books: Germanic Linguistics

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Tue, 04 May 1999 11:45:03 +0200
From:  LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject:  The Altai Dialect of Plautdiitsch, R. Nieuweboer

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 04 May 1999 11:45:03 +0200
From:  LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de (LINCOM EUROPA)
Subject:  The Altai Dialect of Plautdiitsch, R. Nieuweboer

(West-Siberian West-Siberian Mennonite Low German)
Rogier Nieuweboer, University of Groningen

Plautdiitsch, the language used by Menno-nites in many parts of the
world, is a descendant of the West Prussian Low German dia-lects once
spoken in the Weichsel delta area. Many of its characteristiscs can be
explai-ned by the two centuries of isolati-on from other (Low) German
dialects and by con-tacts with other languages, especially
Russian. The Altai dialect of Plautdiitsch, although still mutually
intelligible with other varieties of the language, shows a number of
peculiarities. Some of these are developments of traits common to all
Plautdiitsch dialects, others have arisen as a result of the
increasingly intensive contacts with the Russian speaking
surroundings. Apart from a short historical introduction, The Altai
Dialect of Plautdiitsch consists of two parts.  The first contains
chapters on phonetics and phonology, the place of the Altai dialect in
the Plautdiitsch diasystem, morfology (the case system), syntax (the
auxiliary d\246une 'to do'), contact phenomena (elements from Germanic
and Slavonic languages; code switching), and orthography. The second
part contains interviews in Plautdiitsch with an English
translation. Topics discussed by the informants include the history of
the Mennonites in Russia, everyday life in Siberia, contacts with
other ethnic Germans and Russians, and emigration to Germany.

Part I: 1. The phoneme system of Siberian Plautdiitsch. 1.1.
Methodology. 1.2. The phonetic transcription. 1.3. Word list. 1.4.
Phoneme description. 1.5. The vowel phoneme inventory. 1.6. The
consonant phoneme inventory. 2. The place of West Siberian Plautdiitsch.
2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Data from recordings of various forms of
Plautdiitsch. 2.3. The vowel phoneme in a historical perspective -
Labov's chain shift theory. 2.4. Material from descriptions of various
forms of Plautdiitsch. 2.5. Towards a historical phonology of
Plautdiitsch. 2.6. Conclusions. 3. Morphology: the case system. 3.1.
Introduction. 3.2. Analysis of Low German dialects. 3.3. Analysis of
some varieties of Plautdiitsch. 3.4. Conclusions. 4. The verb 'to do' as
an auxiliary. 4.1. Semantic functions and distribution. 4.2. Aspect:
some definitions. 4.3. Analysis of examples from Low German texts. 4.4.
Auxiliary 'to do' in Siberian Mennonite Low German. 4.5. Auxiliary 'to
do' in other varieties of Mennonite Low German. 4.6. Aspect in Russian.
4.7. The rise of aspect. 4.8. Conclusions. 5. Plautdiitsch in contact
with other languages. 5.1. Languages in contact. 5.2. Russian and
Standard German elements in Plautdiitsch. 5.3. Code switching. 6.
Towards a spelling of Plautdiitsch. 6.1. Does Plautdiitsch need an
orthography? 6.2. Low German orthography. 6.3. Analysis of existing
Plautdiitsch orthographies. 6.4. Some proposals for a Plautdiitsch
orthography. Conclusions. Part II: Plautdiitsch texts. Introduction.
Speaker 1-6.

ISBN 3 89586 936 8.
LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 07.
Ca. 360. USD 86.50 / DM 138 /  \163 50.
Publication date: May 1999.
Info: LINCOM.EUROPA at t-online.de,
http://home.t-online.de/home/LINCOM.EUROPA, LINCOM EUROPA,
Paul-Preuss-Str. 25, D-80995 Muenchen, Germany, FAX +49 89 3148909.


If you buy one of these books please tell the publisher or author
that you saw it advertised on the LINGUIST list.

            Publisher's backlists

The following contributing LINGUIST publishers have made their
backlists available on the World Wide Web:

1998 Contributors:

Major Supporters:

Addison Wesley Longman
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Garland Publishing
Holland Academic Graphics (HAG)
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Mouton de Gruyter
Oxford University Press
Summer Institute of Linguistics

Other Supporting Publishers:

Anthropological Linguistics
Cascadilla Press:
CSLI Publications:
Finno-Ugrian Society
Francais Practique
MIT Press (Books Division)
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics

LINGUIST List: Vol-10-672

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