10.1658, Books: Basque & Romance Ling, Metonymy, Phonetics
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Nov 2 16:25:18 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1658. Tue Nov 2 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1658, Books: Basque & Romance Ling, Metonymy, Phonetics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
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Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 11:13:40 -0400
From: Paul Peranteau <paul at benjamins.com>
Subject: Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 11:20:33 -0400
From: Paul Peranteau <paul at benjamins.com>
Subject: K. Panther & G. Radden, Metonymy in Language and Thought
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:58:33 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Kirk Sullivan <kirk at ling.umu.se>
Subject: Variation in Consonant Clusters in Standard Swedish: PHONUM 7
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 11:13:40 -0400
From: Paul Peranteau <paul at benjamins.com>
Subject: Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics
John Benjamins Publishing is please to announce the following work
dedicated to Prof. Mario Saltarelli:
Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics.
Papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli.
Jon FRANCO Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao) , Alazne LANDA (Universidad del
Pais Vasco) and Juan MARTíN (The University of Toledo, Ohio) (eds.)
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 187
US & Canada: 1 55619 964 3 / USD 79.00 (Hardcover)
Rest of world: 90 272 3693 3 / NLG 158.00 (Hardcover)
This volume contains fifteen articles on current theoretical issues in
Basque and Romance linguistics. Even though Basque and Romance
languages are typologically different and have different genetic
origins, one thousand years of coexistence have shown certain
parallelisms in their respective grammars. It is Mario Saltarelli that
first offered a formal linguistic account of phonological and
syntactic phenomena that occur in these two language groups. Thus,
this compilation of articles in both Basque and Romance linguistics
not only pays tribute to Saltarelli's work by acknowledging his
formalization of this relational insight, but also comprises state of
the art research on languages with strong geographical and historical
Fifteen reviewed articles written by sixteen top scholars in the field
provide fresh analyses of long standing challenging phenomena in
Romance and Basque linguistics such as geminates, the evolution of
Basque plosives, clitic doubling, clitic clustering, directionality of
clitization, the role of agreement, focus, the interaction of voice
and aspect, unaccusativity, semantic interpretation and syntactic
structure of Determiner Phrases, obviation, control, and anaphoric and
pronominal binding. This variety of topics however is unified by
limiting the contributions to the four major formal areas of
linguistics, and to one single framework, Generative Grammar, although
in some of its many incarnations such as Minimalism, Optimality
Theory, and Relational Grammar. All this, along with the number of
languages covered by the authors (Aragonese, Basque, Catalan, French,
Galician, Gascon, Italian and many of its dialects (Ligurian,
Piedmontese, Tuscan...), Classical and Late Latin, Occitan, Brazilian
and European Portuguese, Romanian, Old and Modern Spanish among
others), makes the book of great value to any linguist working in
Romance or Basque linguistics.
Contributions by: Luigi Burzio; Héctor Campos; Heles Contreras;
Violeta Demonte; José Ignacio Hualde; Marta Luján; Juan Martín;
Michael Mazzola; Errapel Mejías-Bikandi; Jon Ortiz de Urbina; Claudia
Parodi & Carlos Quicoli; Eduardo Raposo; Margarita Suñer; Dieter
Wanner; Karen Zagona.
John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Offices: Philadelphia Amsterdam:
Websites: http://www.benjamins.com http://www.benjamins.nl
E-mail: service at benjamins.com customer.services at benjamins.nl
Phone: +215 836-1200 +31 20 6762325
Fax: +215 836-1204 +31 20 6739773
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 11:20:33 -0400
From: Paul Peranteau <paul at benjamins.com>
Subject: K. Panther & G. Radden, Metonymy in Language and Thought
John Benjamins Publishing is pleased to announce this newly available work:
Metonymy in Language and Thought.
Klause-Uwe PANTHER and Günter RADDEN (University of Hamburg) (eds.)
Human Cognitive Processing 4
US & Canada: 1 55619 204 5 / USD 95.00 (Hardcover)
Rest of world: 90 272 2356 4 / NLG 190.00 (Hardcover)
Metonymy in Language and Thought gives a state-of-the-art account of
metonymic research. The contributions have different disciplinary and
theoretical backgrounds in linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology
and literary studies. However, they share the assumption that metonymy
is a cognitive phenomenon, a "figure of thought," underlying much of
our ordinary conceptualization that may be even more fundamental than
metaphor. The use of metonymy in language is a reflection of this
conceptual status. The framework within which metonymy is understood
in this volume is that of scenes, frames, scenarios, domains or
idealized cognitive models.
The chapters are revised papers given at the Metonymy Workshop held in
Hamburg, 1996.
Contributions by: Günter Radden & Zoltán Kövecses; Raymond W. Gibbs,
Jr.; Gilles Fauconnier & Mark Turner; Ken-ichi Seto; Beatrice Warren;
Peter Koch; Andreas Blank; Louis Goossens; Olaf Jäkel; Richard
Waltereit; Paul Pauwels; René Dirven; Christian Voßhagen; Kurt
Feyaerts; Klaus-Uwe Panther & Linda Thornburg; Brigitte Nerlich, Zazie
Todd & David D. Clarke; Anne Pankhurst.
John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Offices: Philadelphia Amsterdam:
Websites: http://www.benjamins.com http://www.benjamins.nl
E-mail: service at benjamins.com customer.services at benjamins.nl
Phone: +215 836-1200 +31 20 6762325
Fax: +215 836-1204 +31 20 6739773
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:58:33 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Kirk Sullivan <kirk at ling.umu.se>
Subject: Variation in Consonant Clusters in Standard Swedish: PHONUM 7
The recently published volume "Variations in Consonant Clusters in
Standard Sweden" (Robert Bannert and Peter Czigler) PHONUM 7 Reports in
Phonetics, Umea University is now available via the internet.
gives access to the pdf files for each chapter.
The spontaneous speech (100mins) collected in the project can
be downloaded in ESPS/Waves format from
Duration data and word lists can also be found at
If you buy one of these books, please tell the publisher or author
that you saw it on LINGUIST.
The following publishers contribute to the support of The LINGUIST List:
Arnold Publishers
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge UP
Cascadilla Press
Elsevier Science Ltd.
Holland Academic Graphics
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Lincom Europa
MIT Press (Books)
Mouton deGruyter
Multilingual Matters
Oxford UP
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Anthropological Linguistics
Athelstan Publications
Finno-Ugrian Society
International Pragmatics Assoc.
IULC Publications
Linguistique Africaine
Vaxjo: Acta Wexionesia
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1658
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