10.1676, Confs: Romance Languages: "Going Romance"
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Thu Nov 4 13:52:50 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1676. Thu Nov 4 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1676, Confs: Romance Languages: "Going Romance"
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Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 14:28:06 CET
From: "Jeroen van de Weijer" <vdweijer2000 at hotmail.com>
Subject: Romance languages
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 14:28:06 CET
From: "Jeroen van de Weijer" <vdweijer2000 at hotmail.com>
Subject: Romance languages
The Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL) and the Utrecht
Institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS) are pleased to present the
preliminary programme of
Going Romance 1999
Thirteenth Symposium on Romance Linguistics
Leiden University, December 9-11
with a workshop on Negation on December 11.
The program appears on the web, please see
and is also reproduced below.
Registration: The registration fee will be NLG 50.00, to be
paid at the conference site. Please notify us by e-mail
(ziegelaar at rullet.leidenuniv.nl) if you wish to participate.
Organizing committee: Reineke Bok-Bennema (Groningen), Denis Delfitto
(UiL/OTS Utrecht), Yves D'Hulst (HIL/Leiden), Jenny Doetjes (UiL/OTS
Utrecht), Frank Drijkoningen (Uil OTS Utrecht), Pieter Muysken (HIL/Leiden),
Johan Rooryck (HIL/Leiden), Petra Sleeman (HIL/Amsterdam)
Going Romance
Preliminary programme of both the conference and the workshop on
Thursday 9 december 1999
building 1103, room 329 (Nonnensteeg)
9.15 Opening and welcome by Pieter Muysken, Leiden University
9.30 - 10.30 Invited speaker; Gemma Rigau, Universitat Auto`noma
de Barcelona: On Temporal Presentational Constructions in
10.30 - 11.10 Raffaella Folli, University of Oxford:
Causative/Inchoative alternations in Italian
11.10 - 11.30 Coffee/tea
11.30 - 12.10 Ana Lu'cia Santos, Universidade do Minho:
On the status of the by-phrase: evidence from full passives and
absolute past participles in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan
12.10 - 12.50 Jaume Mateu Fontanals, Universitat Auto`noma de
Barcelona: Locative and locatum verbs revisited. Evidence from
12.50 - 14.15 Lunch
14.15 - 14.55 Javier Gutie'rrez-Rexach, Ohio State University:
Spanish exclamatives and the semantics of the left periphery
14.55 - 15.35 Michela M. Ippolito, MIT: The Syntax of Temporal
Subordinate Clauses
15.35 - 16.00 Coffee/tea
16.00 - 16.40 Monique Dufresne, Fernande Dupuis and Mireille
Tremblay, Queen's University: On the modularity of grammar and
its restrictive effect on change
16.40 - 17.40 Invited speaker; Cecilia Poletto, Universita` di
Padova: Criteria for Wh-movement: from Wh-in situ to Wh-doubling
Friday 10 december 1999
building 1173, room 008 (Witte Singel 25)
9.30 - 10.30 Invited speaker; Eduardo Raposo, University of
California at Santa Barbara: to be announced
10.30 - 11.10 Maria J. Maza, University of Newcastle upon Tyne:
Phonetic data and functional explanation in phonology: The case
of laxness vowel harmony in Granada Spanish
11.10 - 11.30 Coffee/tea
11.30 - 12.10 Manuela Ambar and Rita Veloso, Universidade de
Lisboa: On the nature of wh phrases: extraction, Wh-in situ and
word order evidence from Portuguese, French, Hungarian and Tetum
12.10 - 12.50 Brechtje Post, University of Nijmegen/University of
Cambridge: An autosegmental-metrical account of French
12.50 - 14.15 Lunch
14.15 - 14.55 Alexandra Cornilescu, University of Bucharest: On
Focusing and Wh-Movement in Romanian
14.55 - 15.35 Nicola Munaro, Universita` di Padova:
Indefinite relatives as defective Wh-elements: evidence from the
North-Western Italian dialects
15.35 - 16.00 Coffee/tea
16.00 - 16.40 Juan Carlos Castillo, University of Iowa/University
of Maryland: Weak Pronouns in Old Spanish
16.40 - 17.20 Jean-Marie Marandin, Universite' Paris VII:
French Subject Inversion in Subjunctive Clauses
18.30 Conference dinner
Linda Escobar (Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona), In favour
of a more complete typology of anaphoric expressions: the
Spanish reflexive consigo
M. Teresa Espinal (Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona),
Property-denoting objects in idiomatic constructions.
Workshop on Negation
Saturday 11 december 1999
building 1175, room 147 (Cleveringaplaats 1)
9.15 Opening and welcome by Henrie"tte de Swart, Utrecht
9.30 - 10.30 Invited speaker: Francis Corblin, Universite' Paris
IV: On multiple expression of negation in some Romance languages
10.30 - 11.05 Svetlana Vogeleer, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles:
What is negated in French negative sentences with
avant-('before') and jusqu'a`-('until') complements?
11.05 - 11.30 Coffee/tea
11.30 - 12.05 Akira Watanabe, University of Tokyo:
Decomposing the Neg-Criterion
12.05 - 12.35 Comments and discussion
12.35 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 14.35 Anto'nio Branco, University of Lisbon and Berthold
Crysmann, University of the Saarland: Negative Concord and
linear constraints on quantification
14.35 - 15.10 Gabriela Matos, Universidade de Lisboa:
Negative Concord and the Minimalist Approach
15.10 - 15.40 Comments and discussions
15.40 - 16.00 Coffee/tea
16.00 - 16.35 Invited speaker: Paul Rowlett, University of
Salford: to be announced
16.35 - 17.35 General discussion led by Francis Corblin,
University Paris IV
Alternate: Elena Guerzoni, MIT: Italian N-words as NPIs.
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1676
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