10.1716, Calls: Engineering of Intelligent Systems
Thu Nov 11 23:14:32 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1716. Thu Nov 11 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1716, Calls: Engineering of Intelligent Systems
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
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the text.
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:36:55 -0700
From: pascal at icsc.ab.ca
Subject: Engineering of Intelligent Systems - U of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:36:55 -0700
From: pascal at icsc.ab.ca
Subject: Engineering of Intelligent Systems - U of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
Second International ICSC Symposium on
To be held at the University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
June 27-30, 2000
EIS'2000 is co-sponsored by
The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE),
The University of Paisley and
ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
The EIS conference series pursue the synthesis of Artificial
Intelligence techniques with Control Engineering methods to produce
Intelligent Systems for Engineering applications. In recent years,
the combination of Control Engineering and extensive knowledge of AI
techniques has allowed scientists and practitioners to make a number
of significant contributions to this rapidly developing field, for
example in qualitative control, fuzzy qualitative simulation and model
based diagnosis, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Genetic Algorithms
(GAs), Fuzzy Logic (FL), and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS).
The EIS conference series intend to provide researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia with a platform to report on
recent developments in the area of intelligent systems with focus on
applications of computational intelligence techniques to engineering
systems. The meeting will also provide a venue for dialogues between
software engineers, systems designers and knowledge engineers.
The first very successful conference in the series was held in
Tenerife, in February 1998 and the follow up event will be held in
cooperation with the University in Malaga, Spain, in the year 2002.
Contributions are sought in areas based on the list below, which is
indicative only. Contributions from new applications areas are
particularly welcome.
- Artificial Immune Systems
- Artificial Life
- Case-based Reasoning
- Chaos
- Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint Programming
- Expert Systems
- Fuzzy Logic
- Genetic Algorithm
- Hybrid Systems
- Intelligent Agents
- Knowledge Extraction
- Machine Learning
- Model based and Qualitative Reasoning
- Multi Agent Systems
- Neural Networks
- Wavelets
- Concurrent Engineering
- Condition Monitoring and Control
- Damage Assessment
- Data Mining and Knowledge Exraction
- Design
- Emerging Organizational Forms
- Hardware Implementations
- Image Processing and Computer Vision
- Industrial Diagnostics
- Management
- Monitoring and Control
- Multimedia
- Natural Language Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Product Development
- Resource Allocation
- Remote Sensing
- Robotics
- Security
- Signal Processing
- Speech Processing and Regognition
Papers are particularly sought for the following special sessions
which are expected to attract wide international interest
- Artificial Immune Systems (Dipankar Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA)
- Intelligent Mechatronics (Mark Girolami, University of Paisley,
Scotland, U.K.)
- Speech Processing (Amir Hussain, University of Dundee, Scotland, U.K.)
- Machine Vision (Norbert Krueger, Technical University of Kiel, Germany)
Erkki Oja
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Computer Science
P.O.B. 5400
SF - 02015 HUT / Finland
Email erkki.oja at hut.fi
Fax +358-9-451-3277
Colin Fyfe
University of Paisley
Computing & Information Systems
High Street
Paisley PA1 2DE / Scotland / U.K.
Email fyfe0ci at paisley.ac.uk
Fax +44-141-848-3542
J. Ruiz-Gomez
Universidad de Malaga
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica
Campus de Teatinos
E - 29071 Malaga / Spain
Email ruizg at ctima.uma.es
Fax +34-952-133-361
ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
P.O. Box 279
Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0 / Canada
Phone +1-780-387-3546
Fax +1-780-387-4329
Email operating at icsc.ab.ca (Operating Division)
planning at icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)
WWW http://www.icsc.ab.ca
C. Fyfe (Chair), University of Paisley, Scotland
E. Alpaydin, Bogazici University, Turkey
R. Avila, University of Idaho, USA / Honduras
A. Cichocki, FRP, RIKEN, Japan
D. Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA
H. Demuth, University of Idaho, USA
M. Fathi-Torbagahn, University of Dortmund, Germany
R. Gallard, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
K. Kurbel, University Viadrina Frankfurt, Germany
R. Lopez de Mantaras, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
G. N. Marichal, University of La Laguna Tenerife, Spain
F. Masulli, University of Genova, Italy
H. J. Sebastian, RWTH Aachen, Germany
B. Stilman, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
E. Szczerbicki, University of Newcastle, Australia
H. Tian, Tongji University Shanghai, P.R. China
L. Acosta, University of La Laguna Tenerife, Spain
L. Almeida, INESC, Lisbon, Portugal
E. Alpaydin, Bogazici University Istanbul, Turkey
R. Avila, University of Idaho, USA / Honduras
S. Barro, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain
P. Bosc, IRISA/ENSSAT, France
H. Bothe, University of Oerebro, Sweden
R. Brown, ManSA, Australia
J. Cabestany, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
A. Cichocki, FRP, RIKEN, Japan
R. Conejo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
B. Cremilleux, University de Caen, France
D. Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA
R. De Keyser, University of Gent, Belgium
H. Demuth, University of Idaho, USA
A. Dobnikar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Fathi-Torbagahn, University of Dortmund, Germany
R. Gallard, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
A. Garcia-Cerezo, University of Malaga, Spain
Z. Gomolka, Uniwersytet Szczecinski, Szczecin, Poland
A. Gunasekaran, University of Massachusetts, USA
F. Gurgen, Bogazici University, Turkey/Australia
D. Heiss-Czedik, TU Vienna, Austria
M. Heiss, Siemens Vienna, Austria
R. Howlett, University of Brighton, U.K
A. Hussain, University of Dundee, U.K.
E. Ifeachor, University of Plymouth, U.K.
Ch. Irgens, University of the West of England Bristol, U.K.
M. Jamshidi, University of New Mexico, USA
S. Jeganathan, Victoria University Melbourne, Australia
C.A. Kaestner, Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica do Parana Curitita, Brazil
G. Kock, GMD FIRST, Berlin, Germany
P. Kokol, University of Maribor, Slovenia
K. Kurbel, University Viadrina Frankfurt, Germany
B. Lees, University of Paisley, U.K.
T.Y. Lin, San Jose State University , USA
E. Massad, University of São Paolo, Brazil
F. Masulli, University of Genova, Italy
L. Moreno, University of La Laguna Tenerife, Spain
M. Nakajima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Ch. Nguyen, Catholic University of America, USA
Orlowski, University of Gdansk, Poland
K. Passino, The Ohio State University, USA
D. Pearson, EMA EERIE, France
W. Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
I. Philippow, Technical University Illmenau, Germany
H. Prade, Université Paul Sabatier, France
B. Reusch, University of Dortmund, Germany
B. Roffel, University of Twente, Netherlands
H.-J. Sebastian, RWTH Aachen, Germany
N. Steele, Coventry University, U.K.
B. Stilman, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
E. Szczerbicki, University of Newcastle, Australia
A. Tharumarajah, CSIRO, Australia
H. Tian, Tongji University Shanghai, P.R. China
M. Ulieru, University of Calgary, Canada
J.L. Verdegay, University of Granada, Spain
D. Wend, University of Duisburg, Germany
K. Zreik, University of Caen, France
EIS'2000 will include invited plenary talks, contributed sessions,
invited sessions, workshops and tutorials.
The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective
organizers are requested to send a session proposal (consisting of 4-5
invited papers, the recommended session-chair and co-chair, as well as
a short statement describing the title and the purpose of the session
to the Symposium Chairman or the Symposium Organizer. Invited sessions
should preferrably start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee
of the session organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of
invited papers register to the conference.
Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to receive
peer feedback and practical examples of applied research are
particularly welcome. Poster sessions will allow the presentation and
discussion of respective papers, which will also be included in the
conference proceedings.
Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to the Symposium
Chairman or the Symposium Organizer.
Prospective authors are requested to either send a draft paper
(maximum 7 pages) or an extended abstract for review by the
International Program Committee. All submissions must be written in
English, starting with a succinct statement of the problem, the
results achieved, their significance and a comparison with previous
Submissions must be received by November 30, 1999.
The submission should also include
- Title of conference (EIS'2000)
- Type of paper (regular, poster, tutorial, invited or dedication to
special session)
- Title of proposed paper
- Authors names, affiliations, addresses
- Name of author to contact for correspondence
- E-mail address and fax # of contact author
- Topics which best describe the paper (max. 5 keywords)
- Short CV of authors (recommended)
Contributions are welcome from those working in industry and having
experience in the topics of this conference as well as from
academics. The conference language is English.
It is strongly recommended to submit abstracts by electronic mail to
operating at icsc.ab.ca
or else by fax or mail (2 copies) to the following address
ICSC Canada
P.O. Box 279
Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0
Fax +1-780-387-4329
The best oral and poster presentations will be honored with best
presentation awards.
Conference proceedings (including all accepted papers) will be
published by ICSC Academic Press and be available for the delegates at
the symposium in printed form or on CD-ROM.
Authors of a selected number of innovative papers will be invited to
submit extended manuscripts for publication in prestigious
international journals.
- Submission Deadline November 30, 1999
- Notification of Acceptance January 31, 2000
- Delivery of full papers March 15, 2000
- Tutorials and Workshops June 29, 2000
- EIS'2000 Symposium June 27-30, 2000
Accommodation at reasonable rates will be available at nearby hotels
and within student residences at the University of Paisley. Full
details will follow with the letters of acceptance.
A social program will be organized and also be available for
accompanying persons.
Paisley has always been colourful. With a population of over 79,000,
it is the largest town in Scotland, but its scale and character make
it a friendly place to study and live. Today Paisley is home to a
diverse range of modern industries including engineering, chemicals,
food, oil, microelectronics and computer systems.
Back in the 19th Century, the town's fame and prosperity came in
the shape of beautifully patterned Paisley shawls which were made by
local weavers and exported throughout the world. Paisley's other
main industry of the era was thread-making in massive mills that stood
along the banks of the River Cart. Today, there's an excellent
variety of shops, restaurants, bars and nightclubs. The Lagoon Leisure
Centre includes saunas, solarium and an Olympic sized ice
rink. Regular exhibitions and events covering every area of the arts
add to the town's cultural calendar. You can enjoy the great
outdoors in numerous parks and gardens including the Gleniffer Braes
Country Park which covers 1300 acres of woodland and moorland.
Full updated information is available from
or contact
- ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
P.O. Box 279, Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0 / Canada
Email operating at icsc.ab.ca (Operating Division)
planning at icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)
Phone +1-780-387-3546
Fax +1-780-387-4329
- Prof. Colin Fyfe (EIS'2000 General Chair)
University of Paisley, Computing & Information Systems
High Street, Pasiley PA1 2DE, Scotland / U.K.
Email fyfe0ci at paisley.ac.uk
Fax +44-141-848-3542
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