10.1330, Sum: French Liaison
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Sep 10 13:23:20 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1330. Fri Sep 10 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1330, Sum: French Liaison
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Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 20:53:24 -0700
From: Roger Billerey <billerey at ucla.edu>
Subject: French Liaison
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 20:53:24 -0700
From: Roger Billerey <billerey at ucla.edu>
Subject: French Liaison
To all the (numerous) people who replied to my query about French
liaison, many thanks.
Here's a summary of the references provided, arranged by contributor's
name (e-mail addresses withheld). Note that this information can also be
accessed at
Roger Billerey
Graduate student
Department of Linguistics
- ---
Gary H. Toops
Associate Professor
Wichita State University
Modern & Classical Languages
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0011 USA
1. Agren, John. Etudes sur quelques liaisons facultatives dans le
francais de conversation radiophonique: frequences et facteurs.
Uppsala, 1973. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Romanica
Upsaliensia, 10.)
2. Urbas, Klaus. Erhebungen und Analysen zur Verbreitung der "liaison
facultative" im heutigen Franzoesischen. Geneve: Librairie Droz,
3. Klausenburg, Juergen. French Liaison and Linguistic Theory.
Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1984. (Zeitschrift fuer
franzoesische Sprache und Literatur. Beiheft. 10.)
4. Encrevee, Pierre. La Liaison avec et sans enchainement: phonologie
tridimensionnelle et usages du francais. Paris: Seuil, 1988.
- ---
Drs D.M. Polinder
Dept. of General Linguistics
University of Nijmegen
Room E6.01A
PB 9103 - 6500 HD Nijmegen
tel. +31.24.3612936
Ms Brechtje Post has written a paper, some time ago, entitled "Pitch
accents, Liaison and the Phonological Phrase in French". It will appear
Probus, this autumn (editor Wetzels,L., by Mouton, The Hague,
- ---
Marc Picard
Record 1 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison and the Constraint on Optionality
AU: Bennett,-Bill
SO: Cahiers-AFLS 1997 Autumn, 3:3, 26-28
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1997
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; phrase-; relationship to liaison-
SN: 98-3-8184
UD: 9807
AN: 98094150
Record 2 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Le Principe sur les attaques vides: Une Contrainte phonologique
AU: Picard,-Marc
SO: Revue-Quebecoise-de-Linguistique-Theorique-et-Appliquee, 5E3, Canada
(RAQL). 1996, 13, 195-201
IS: 0835-3581
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1996
DE: French-language-Modern; morphophonology-; phonological-constraints;
on consonants-; in verb-; liaison-
SN: 98-3-7883
UD: 9805
AN: 98093233
Record 3 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Le Principe sur les attaques vides: Une Contrainte phonologique
AU: Picard,-Marc
SO: Revue-Quebecoise-de-Linguistique-Theorique-et-Appliquee, 5E3, Canada
(RAQL). 1996, 13, 195-201
IS: 0835-3581
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1996
DE: French-language-Modern; morphophonology-; phonological-constraints;
on consonants-; in verb-; liaison-
SN: 98-3-2830
UD: 9805
AN: 98093233
Record 4 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Disturbing Factors in a Linguistic Usage Test
AU: Hug,-Marc
SO: Journal-of-Quantitative-Linguistics, Trier, Germany (JQL). 1997 Dec,
4:1-3, 110-21
IS: 0929-6174
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1997
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; relationship
to linguistic-intuition; application of questionnaires-
SN: 97-3-8438
UD: 9706
AN: 97098865
Record 5 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Issues in Morphophonology: A View from the Floor; Montreal, Sept.
30-Oct. 2, 1994
AU: Desrochers,-Richard
SO: 297-317 IN Singh-Rajendra (ed.); Desrochers-Richard (ed.);
Tiffou-Etienne (introd.). Trubetzkoy's Orphan: Proceedings of the
Montreal Roundtable "Morphonology: Contemporary Responses". Amsterdam :
Benjamins, 1996. xii, 363 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 144
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1996
DE: French-language-Modern; morphophonology-; relationship to
phonological-rules; liaison-
SN: 96-3-8113
UD: 9607
AN: 96095371
Record 6 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison and Elision Revisited: A Unified Account within
Optimality Theory; Sel. Papers from Ling. Symposium on Romance Langs.
XXIV, Mar. 10-13, 1994
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 433-55 IN Parodi-Claudia (ed.); Quicoli-Carlos (ed.);
Saltarelli-Mario (ed.); Zubizarreta-Maria-Luisa (ed.). Aspects of
Romance Linguistics. Washington, DC : Georgetown UP, 1996. xiv, 530 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1996
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; suppletion-; in
liaison-; elision-; application of optimality-theory
SN: 96-3-8171
UD: 9609
AN: 96095049
Record 7 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Exceptionality in Optimality Theory and Final Consonants in French;
Sel. Papers from 25th Ling. Symposium on Romance Langs. (LSRL XXV)
Seattle, 2-4 Mar. 1995
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 275-91 IN Zagona-Karen (ed.). Grammatical Theory and Romance
Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1995. vi, 330 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 133
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1995
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-; final-consonants;
liaison-; application of optimality-theory
SN: 96-3-8144
UD: 9608
AN: 96094324
Record 8 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Gender Agreement and Suppletion in French; Sel. Papers from 25th
Ling. Symposium on Romance Langs. (LSRL XXV) Seattle, 2-4 Mar. 1995
AU: Lamarche,-Jacques
SO: 145-57 IN Zagona-Karen (ed.). Grammatical Theory and Romance
Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1995. vi, 330 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 133
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1995
DE: French-language-Modern; morphology-; word-formation;
feminine-grammatical-gender; in adjective-; relationship to liaison-;
suppletion-; theories of Tranel,-Bernard; Morin,-Yves-Charles
SN: 96-3-8102
UD: 9602
AN: 96094313
Record 9 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: La Liaison a la fin du XVIIe siecle dans La Nouvelle Gramaire
francoise, de Rene Milleran de Saumur
AU: Crevier,-Isabelle
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1996
Sept, 57:3, 1118A DAI No.: DANN05003. Degree granting institution: U de
Montreal, 1994
IS: Pt. A, 0419-4209; Pt. B, 0419-4217; Pt. C, 1042-7279
LA: French
PT: dissertation-abstract
PY: 1996
DE: French-language-Modern; phonetics-; orthoepy-; liaison-; treatment
in Milleran,-Rene; La Nouvelle-Grammaire-francoise;
SN: 96-3-8134
UD: 9607
AN: 96092149
Record 10 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Caracteristicas foneticas y funcionales de la 'liaison' en frances
AU: Garrote-D.,-Ernesto
SO: RLA:-Revista-de-Linguistica-Teorica-y-Aplicada, Concepcion, Chile
(RLTA). 1994, 32, 101-13
IS: 0033-698X
LA: Spanish
PT: journal-article
PY: 1994
NT: eng. sum., 218.
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-
SN: 95-3-7087
UD: 9501
AN: 95077077
Record 11 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Les Liaisons dangereuses: Le Statut equivoque des erreurs de liaison
AU: Desrochers,-Richard
Amsterdam, Netherlands (LingInv). 1994, 18:2, 243-84
IS: 0378-4169
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1994
NT: eng. sum.
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; syntactic-errors; in liaison-;
relationship to morphology-
SN: 95-3-7213
UD: 9501
AN: 95076272
Record 12 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Exclamation et intensite en francais ecrit au Burkina Faso: Liaison
entre lexique et syntaxe
AU: Prignitz,-Gisele
SO: Faits-de-Langues:-Revue-de-Linguistique, Evry, France (FdLang). 1995
Sept, 6, 131-42
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1995
DE: French-language-Modern; Burkina-Faso; stylistics-; exclamation-
SN: 95-3-7183
UD: 9501
AN: 95075778
Record 13 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Representation of French Final Consonants and Related Issues;
Papers from 22nd Ling. Symposium on Romance Langs. El Paso/Cd. Juarez,
Feb. 1992
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 53-78 IN Amastae-Jon (ed.); Goodall-Grant (ed.); Montalbetti-Mario
(ed.); Phinney-Marianne (ed.). Contemporary Research in Romance
Linguistics. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1995. 381 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 123
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1995
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-; liaison-; of
SN: 95-3-7013
UD: 9501
AN: 95075328
Record 14 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: La Liaison: Piege phonetico-culturel pour les francophones
AU: Laroche-Bouvy,-Danielle
SO: Studi-Italiani-di-Linguistica-Teorica-ed-Applicata, Padua, Italy
(SILTA). 1994, 23:3, 489-500
IS: 0490-6809
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1994
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; relationship
to syntax-
SN: 95-3-7089
UD: 9501
AN: 95010940
Record 15 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison and Enchainement
AU: Laeufer,-Christiane
SO: The SECOL-Review:-Southeastern-Conference-on-Linguistics, Memphis,
TN (SECOLB). 1994 Spring, 18:1, 1-30
IS: 0730-6245
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1994
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-
SN: 95-3-7088
UD: 9501
AN: 95010428
Record 16 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Grammaire phonique und Schulgrammatik: Die Liaison; Akten der
gleichnamigen Sektion des Bamberger Romanistentages (23.-29.1.1991)
AU: Hunnius,-Klaus
SO: 280-91 IN Schmitt-Christian (ed.). Grammatikographie der romanischen
Sprachen. Bonn : Romanistischer, 1993. ii, 726 pp.
LA: German
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: French-language-Modern; grammar-
SN: 93-3-8439
UD: 9301
AN: 93013414
Record 17 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: On Suppletion and French Liaison; Papers from 20th Ling. Symposium
on Romance Langs. (LSRL XX), Ottawa, 10-14 Apr. 1990
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 269-308 IN Hirschbuhler-Paul (ed.); Koerner-Konrad (ed.). Romance
Languages and Modern Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1992.
viii, 416 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 91
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1992
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; and phonology-; liaison-; of
adjective-; relationship to suppletion-; dislocation-syntax
SN: 93-3-8949
UD: 9301
AN: 93011331
Record 18 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Sociophonological Aspects of Montreal French Liaison; Sel. Papers
from 21st Ling. Symposium on Romance Langs. (LSRL XXI) Santa Barbara,
California, 21-24 Feb. 1991
AU: De-Jong,-Daan
SO: 127-37 IN Ashby-William-J. (ed.); Mithun-Marianne (ed.);
Perissinotto-Giorgio (ed.); Raposo-Eduardo (ed.). Linguistic
Perspectives on the Romance Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1993.
xxii, 404 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 103
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: French-language-Modern; Canada-; Montreal-; prosody-; juncture-;
variable-rules; for liaison-; application of lexical-phonology
SN: 93-3-8704
UD: 9301
AN: 93010115
Record 19 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Rhythm and French Segments; Sel. Papers from 21st Ling.
Symposium on Romance Langs. (LSRL XXI) Santa Barbara, California, 21-24
Feb. 1991
AU: Mazzola,-Michael-L.
SO: 113-26 IN Ashby-William-J. (ed.); Mithun-Marianne (ed.);
Perissinotto-Giorgio (ed.); Raposo-Eduardo (ed.). Linguistic
Perspectives on the Romance Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1993.
xxii, 404 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 103
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; sandhi-; study example
liaison-; relationship to stress-rules; application of
SN: 93-3-8705
UD: 9301
AN: 93010114
Record 20 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Moraic Theory and French Liaison; Sel. Papers from 21st Ling.
Symposium on Romance Langs. (LSRL XXI) Santa Barbara, California, 21-24
Feb. 1991
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 97-112 IN Ashby-William-J. (ed.); Mithun-Marianne (ed.);
Perissinotto-Giorgio (ed.); Raposo-Eduardo (ed.). Linguistic
Perspectives on the Romance Languages. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1993.
xxii, 404 pp.
Amsterdam, Netherlands (CILT); 103
IS: 0304-0763
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1993
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-; liaison-;
relationship to mora-
SN: 93-3-8675
UD: 9301
AN: 93010113
Record 21 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Problems for No-Movement to Num-P
AU: Lamarche,-Jacques
SO: Probus:-International-Journal-of-Latin-and-Romance-Linguistics,
Berlin, Germany (Probus). 1991, 3:2, 215-36
IS: 0921-4771
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1991
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; word-order; adjective-position;
relationship to head-movement; liaison-; compared to
English-language-Modern; application of X-bar-theory
SN: 91-3-8673
UD: 9108
AN: 91017833
Record 22 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Liaison in French
AU: Bennett,-William
SO: WORD:-Journal-of-the-International-Linguistic-Association, New York,
NY (Word). 1991 Apr, 42:1, 57-88
IS: 0043-7956
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1991
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; relationship
to extrasyllabicity-; syntactic-government
SN: 91-3-8456
UD: 9108
AN: 91015287
Record 23 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: La Liaison en francais dans la phonologie generative: 1965-1985
AU: Encreve,-Pierre
SO: Recherches-Linguistiques-de-Vincennes, Saint-Denis, France (RLdV).
1988, 17, 55-108
IS: 0986-6124
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1988
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; application
of generative-phonology; includes bibliography-; (date) 1965-1985
SN: 91-3-8457
UD: 9107
AN: 91013322
Record 24 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Syntax-Phonology Interface and Variable Data: The Case of French
AU: Jong,-Daan-de
SO: 37-47 IN Hall-Kira (ed.); Meacham-Michael (ed.); Shapiro-Richard
(ed.). Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society February 18-20, 1989: General Session and
Parasession on Theoretical Issues in Language Reconstruction. Berkeley :
Berkeley Ling. Soc., 1989. x, 431 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1989
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; application
of lexical-phonology
SN: 91-3-8458
UD: 9109
AN: 91013012
Record 25 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: A Multivariate Analysis of French Liaison; Proc. of Workshop Held at
Free Univ., Amsterdam, Dec. 7-10, 1987
AU: Jong,-Daan-de
SO: 19-34 IN Schouten-M.-E.-H. (ed.); Reenen-Pieter-Th.-van (ed.). New
Methods in Dialectology. Dordrecht : Foris, 1989. 197 pp.
SE: Publications-in-Language-Sciences; 33
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1989
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-; relationship to
liaison-; statistical-approach
SN: 91-3-8376
UD: 9109
AN: 91012736
Record 26 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Les Processus de sandhi externe en francais de Marseille
AU: Watbled,-Jean-Philippe
SO: Journal-of-French-Language-Studies, Cambridge, England (JFLS). 1991
Mar, 1:1, 71-91
IS: 0959-2695
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1991
DE: French-language-Modern; Marseille-; prosody-; juncture-; sandhi-;
study example elision-; liaison-
SN: 91-3-8461
UD: 9107
AN: 91012392
Record 27 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: On Suppletion and French Liaison
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: Probus:-International-Journal-of-Latin-and-Romance-Linguistics,
Berlin, Germany (Probus). 1990, 2:2, 169-208
IS: 0921-4771
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1990
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; and phonology-; suppletion-; in
liaison-; study example adjective-
SN: 90-3-9184
UD: 9001
AN: 90076229
Record 28 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Variation, donnees et theorie linguistique: A propos d'un ouvrage
recent de Pierre Encreve
AU: Gadet,-Francoise
SO: Langage-et-Societe, Paris, France (L&Soc). 1990 June, 52, 59-80
IS: 0181-4095
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1990
NT: Eng. sum., 118
DE: French-language-Modern; prosody-; juncture-; liaison-; relationship
to phonological-variation; treatment in Encreve,-Pierre; La
SN: 90-3-9002
UD: 9001
AN: 90075255
Record 29 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Syntax-Phonology Interface and French Liaison
AU: De-Jong,-Daan
SO: Linguistics:-An-Interdisciplinary-Journal-of-the-Language-Sciences,
Berlin, Germany (Linguistics). 1990, 28:1 (305), 57-88
IS: 0024-3949
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1990
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; phrase-; relationship to liaison-
SN: 90-3-9221
UD: 9001
AN: 90014557
Record 30 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Leapfrogging in French Liaison: Intraspeaker Style Shifting in Radio
AU: Blount,-Elizabeth-T.
SO: The SECOL-Review:-Southeastern-Conference-on-Linguistics, Memphis,
TN (SECOLB). 1989 Summer, 13:2, 137-155
IS: 0730-6245
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1989
DE: French-language-Modern; stylistics-; style-shifting; relationship to
liaison-; in speech-; of Lang,-Georges; statistical-approach
SN: 89-3-8865
UD: 8901
AN: 89010156
Record 31 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: 'C-Command' and the Phonology-Syntax Interface in Ciluba
AU: Kamwangamalu,-Nkonko-Mudipanu
SO: Studies-in-the-Linguistic-Sciences, Urbana, IL (SLSc). 1988 Fall,
18:2, 87-109
IS: 0049-2388
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1988
DE: Luba-Lulua-language; syntax-; clause-; relative-clause; relationship
to Wh-construction; tone-change; compared to liaison-; in
French-language-Modern; diachronic-approach; application of
SN: 88-3-11627
UD: 8801
AN: 88076782
Record 32 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: How 'Real' Is H Aspire?
AU: Spence,-N.-C.-W.
SO: French-Studies-Bulletin:-A-Quarterly-Supplement, Nottingham, England
(FSB). 1988 Autumn, 28, 21-22
IS: 0262-2750
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1988
NT: Replies to Bennett, W. A. Fr. Studies Bull. 1988 Summer; 27: 1-3
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-;
aspiration-pronunciation; relationship to liaison-
SN: 88-3-9502
UD: 8801
AN: 88017013
Record 33 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Un Traitement fonctionnel de la liaison en francais
AU: Martinet,-Jeanne
SO: Folia-Linguistica:-Acta-Societatis-Linguisticae-Europaeae, Vienna,
Austria (FoLi). 1988, 22:3-4, 293-299
IS: 0165-4004
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1988
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; liaison-
SN: 88-3-9499
UD: 8801
AN: 88014829
Record 34 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Troncation ou insertion dans les liaisons francaises: Quelques
donnees aphasiques comme indices externes
AU: Kilani-Schoch,-Marianne
SO: Folia-Linguistica:-Acta-Societatis-Linguisticae-Europaeae, Vienna,
Austria (FoLi). 1983, 17:3-4, 445-461
IS: 0165-4004
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1983
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; aphasia-; relationship to liaison-;
in French-language-Modern
SN: 88-3-845
UD: 8801
AN: 88014315
Record 35 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Domain of Liaison: Theories and Data
AU: Booij,-Geert; De-Jong,-Daan
SO: Linguistics:-An-Interdisciplinary-Journal-of-the-Language-Sciences,
Berlin, Germany (Linguistics). 1987, 25:5 (291), 1005-1025
IS: 0024-3949
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1987
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; liaison-
SN: 87-3-9294
UD: 8701
AN: 87020573
Record 36 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Timing of Latent Consonants in Modern French
AU: Wetzels,-Leo
SO: 283-317 IN Neidle-Carol (ed.); Nunez-Cedeno-Rafael-A. (ed.). Studies
in Romance Languages. Dordrecht : Foris, 1987. x, 325 pp.
SE: Pubs.-in-Lang.-Sciences; 25
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1987
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; consonants-; relationship to
timing-; liaison-
SN: 87-3-9311
UD: 8701
AN: 87011727
Record 37 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Liaison and Nasalization in French
AU: Prunet,-Jean-Francois
SO: 225-235 IN Neidle-Carol (ed.); Nunez-Cedeno-Rafael-A. (ed.). Studies
in Romance Languages. Dordrecht : Foris, 1987. x, 325 pp.
SE: Pubs.-in-Lang.-Sciences; 25
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1987
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; liaison-; nasalization-
SN: 87-3-9304
UD: 8701
AN: 87011723
Record 38 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: On a Recent Tridimensional Analysis of French Liaison
AU: Durand,-Jacques
SO: Folia-Linguistica:-Acta-Societatis-Linguisticae-Europaeae, Vienna,
Austria (FoLi). 1986, 20:3-4, 477-491
IS: 0165-4004
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1986
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; liaison-
SN: 86-3-9705
UD: 8601
AN: 86019316
Record 39 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison and Extrasyllabicity
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: 283-305 IN Jaeggli-Osvaldo (ed.); Silva-Corvalan-Carmen (ed.).
Studies in Romance Linguistics. Dordrecht : Foris, 1986. xiv, 452 pp.
SE: Pubs.-in-Lang.-Sciences; 24
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1986
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; extrasyllabicity-; liaison-;
SN: 86-3-9711
UD: 8601
AN: 86011273
Record 40 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: A New Look at French Liaison
AU: Hewson,-John
St. John's, NF, Canada (JAPLA). 1986, 8, 146-158
IS: 0706-6910
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1986
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; role in liaison-
SN: 86-3-9914
UD: 8601
AN: 86007169
Record 41 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison, Floating Segments and Other Matters in a Dependency
AU: Durand,-Jacques
SO: 161-201 IN Durand-Jacques (ed.). Dependency and Non-Linear
Phonology. London : Croom Helm, 1986. 333 pp.
SE: Croom-Helm-Ling.-Ser.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1986
DE: French-language-Modern; phonology-; liaison-; floating-segments;
application of dependency-phonology
SN: 86-3-9704
UD: 8601
AN: 86005583
Record 42 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Nasalization and Word-Syntax
AU: Prunet,-Jean-Francois
SO: McGill-Working-Papers-in-Ling. 1985 May, 2:2, 30-55
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1985
DE: French-language-Modern; syntax-; liaison-; nasalization-;
relationship to word-order; application of X-bar-theory
SN: 85-3-7733
UD: 8501
AN: 85013700
Record 43 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Erreurs et normalisation: Les Liaisons fautives en francais
AU: Leon,-M.
SO: Revue-de-Phonetique-Appliquee, Paris, France (RevPL). 1984, 69, 1-10
IS: 0770-545X
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1984
NT: Ger. & Eng. sums.
DE: French-language-Modern; phonetics-; orthoepy-; speech-errors; in
SN: 84-3-7466
UD: 8401
AN: 84013475
Record 44 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: De quelques (l) non etymologiques dans le francais du Quebec: Notes
sur les clitiques et la liaison
AU: Morin,-Yves-Charles
SO: Revue-Quebecoise-de-Linguistique, Montreal, PQ, Canada (RQdL). 1982,
11:2, 9-47
IS: 0710-0167
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1982
DE: French-language-Modern; French-Canadian-dialect; phonology-;
syntax-; consonant-; of liaison-; relationship to clitics-
SN: 84-3-7474
UD: 8401
AN: 84011279
Record 45 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Elsewhere Condition and h-aspire
AU: Iverson,-Gregory-K.
SO: Journal-of-Linguistics, Cambridge, England (JL). 1983 Sept., 19:2,
IS: 0022-2267
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1983
DE: French-language; phonology-; liaison-; application of
generative-phonology; theories of Kiparsky,-Paul
SN: 83-3-8189
UD: 8301
AN: 83011104
Record 46 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Liaison in Canadian French Revisited
AU: Klausenburger,-Jurgen
Amsterdam, Netherlands (LingInv). 1981, 5:2, 405-410
IS: 0378-4169
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1981
DE: French-language; French-Canadian-dialect; phonology-; liaison-;
generative-approach; treatment in Walker,-D.
SN: 82-3-6257
UD: 8201
AN: 82090865
Record 47 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Observations sur la liaison en francais de Montreal
AU: Amerigen,-Arie-van; Cedergren,-Henrietta-J.
SO: 141-149 IN Sankoff-David (ed.); Cedergren-Henrietta (ed.). Variation
Omnibus. Edmonton, Alta. : Linguistic Research, 1981. ix, 601 pp.
SE: Current-Inquiry-into-Lang.,-Ling.-and-Human-Communication; 40
LA: French
PT: book-article
PY: 1981
DE: French-language; Canada-; Montreal-; morphophonology-; liaison-;
SN: 82-3-6242
UD: 8201
AN: 82012738
Record 48 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Syntactic Bases for French Liaison
AU: Morin,-Yves-Charles; Kaye,-Jonathan-D.
SO: Journal-of-Linguistics, Cambridge, England (JL). 1982 Sept., 18:2,
IS: 0022-2267
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1982
DE: French-language; syntax-; liaison-;
SN: 82-3-6353
UD: 8201
AN: 82011127
Record 49 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Latences et liaisons en francais: Systemes coexistants ou un seul?
AU: Flydal,-Leiv
SO: 43-68 IN Estudios ofrecidos a Emilio Alarcos Llorach: Con motivo de
sus XXV anos de docencia en la Universidad de Oviedo, vol. 4. Oviedo :
Serv. de Pubs., Univ. de Oviedo, 1979. 589 pp.
LA: French
PT: book-article
PY: 1979
DE: French-language; phonology-; liaison-
SN: 81-3-6756
UD: 8101
AN: 81092282
Record 50 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: Sviazyvanie (liaison) vo frantsuzskom iazyke kak morfonologicheskoe
AU: Gordina,-M.-V.
SO: 68-71 IN Avanesov-R.-I. (ed.); Bondarko-L.-V. (ed.);
Zlatoustova-L.-V. (ed.); Nikolaeva-T.-M. (ed.). Zvukovoi stroi iazyka.
Moscow : Nauka, 1979. 268 pp.
LA: Russian
PT: book-article
PY: 1979
DE: French-language; morphophonology-; liaison-; as
SN: 81-3-6736
UD: 8101
AN: 81027824
Record 51 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: The Treatment of French Liaison: Descriptive, Methodological, and
Theoretical Implications
AU: Tranel,-Bernard
SO: Papers-in-Romance, Seattle, WA (PRom). 1981, 3:supp. 2, 261-281
IS: 0195-7260
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1981
DE: French-language; morphophonology-; treatment of liaison-
SN: 81-3-6741
UD: 8101
AN: 81026953
Record 52 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1981-1999/05
TI: French Liaison as a Sociolinguistic Phonemenon
AU: Ashby,-William-J.
SO: 46-57 IN Cressey-William-W. (ed.); Napoli-Donna-Jo (ed.). Linguistic
Symposium on Romance Languages: 9. Washington, DC : Georgetown UP, 1981.
381 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1981
DE: French-language; France-; Tours-; phonology-; liaison-;
SN: 81-3-6750
UD: 8101
AN: 81004723
Record 53 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Liaison, Nasalization, and the 'Cursus' in French Phonology
AU: Klausenburger,-Jurgen
SO: 209-17 IN Izzo-Herbert-J. Italic and Romance Linguistic Studies in
Honor of Ernst Pulgram. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1980. 337 pp.
1007 HA Amsterdam, Netherla; 18
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1980
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 80-3-6141
UD: 8001
AN: 80306141
Record 54 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Liaison and Rule Ordering in Canadian French Phonology
AU: Walker,-Douglas-C.
75221 Paris Cedex 05, France 1980, 4, 217-22
IS: 0378-4169
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1980
DE: French-language; phonology-; French-language; dialectology-
SN: 80-3-6181
UD: 8001
AN: 80306181
Record 55 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: La Querelle des abstraits et des concrets, ses a priori ideologiques
et la liaison de pluriel en francais contemporain
AU: Dumas,-Denis
SO: 83-106 IN Cornulier-Benoit-de; Dell-Francois. Etudes de phonologie
francaise. Paris : CNRS, 1978. 149 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1978
DE: French-language; phonology-; language-; phonology-
SN: 80-3-6125
UD: 8001
AN: 80306125
Record 56 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: The Role of Speech Style in the Realization of Optional Liaison in
French: A Pilot Study
AU: Kovac,-Ceil
1024 Ecublens, Switzerland 1979, 15:2, 149-54
IS: 0024-3957
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1979
DE: French-language; phonology-; French-language; syntax-;
French-language; stylistics-
SN: 80-3-6143
UD: 8001
AN: 80306143
Record 57 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Parallelisms between Liaison in French and /s/ Aspiration and
Deletion in Caribbean Spanish Dialects
AU: Terrell,-Tracy; Tranel,-Bernard
Montreal, H3C 3J7, Canada 1978, 10, 31-50
IS: 0700-4907
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1978
DE: French-language; phonology-; Spanish-language; phonology-;
Spanish-language; dialectology-
SN: 80-3-6179
UD: 8001
AN: 80306179
Record 58 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Liaison et structure syllabique en francais
AU: Gaatone,-David
SO: Le-Francais-Moderne:-Revue-de-Linguistique-Francaise, Paris 75007,
France 1979, 47, 312-34
IS: 0015-9409
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1979
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 80-3-6130
UD: 8001
AN: 80306130
Record 59 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Aspects de la competence productive et receptive: La Liaison a
AU: Tousignant,-Claude; Sankoff,-David
SO: 41-51 IN Thibault-Pierrette. Le Francais parle: Etudes
sociolinguistiques. Edmonton : Ling. Research, 1979. 169 pp.
SE: CILL-30;-Socioling.-Ser.; 5
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1979
DE: French-language; phonology-; French-language; dialectology-
SN: 79-3-4851
UD: 7901
AN: 79304851
Record 60 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Liaison 1977: The Case for Epenthesis
AU: Klausenburger,-Jurger
SO: Studies-in-French-Linguistics 1978, 1:2, 1-20
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1978
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 78-3-4570
UD: 7801
AN: 78304570
Record 61 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: French Liaison and the X Notation
AU: Selkirk,-Elisabeth
SO: Linguistic-Inquiry, Amherst, MA 1974, 5, 573-90
IS: 0024-3892
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1974
DE: French-language; syntax-
UD: 7601
AN: 76304308
Record 62 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: The Function of Liaison as a Correlate of Plurality in Spoken
AU: Rosoff,-Gary-H.
Welland, Ontario L3C 4X8, Canada 1974, 30:4, 357-61
IS: 0008-4506
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1974
DE: French-language; syntax-; French-language; phonology-
SN: 75-3-3838
UD: 7501
AN: 75303838
Record 63 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: On the Syntax of Liaison.
AU: Anderson,-Shannon-L.
Chapel Hill, NC 1975, 48, 848-55
IS: 0016-111X
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1975
DE: French-language; syntax-; French-language; phonology-
SN: 75-3-3790
UD: 7501
AN: 75303790
Record 64 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: French Liaison as a Function of Grammatical, Phonetic and
Paralinguistic Variables.
AU: Malecot,-Andre
SO: Phonetica, D-2300 Kiel, W. Germany 1975, 32, 161-79
IS: 0031-8388
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1975
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 75-3-3732
UD: 7501
AN: 75303732
Record 65 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Rule Inversion, Opacity, Conspiracies: French Liaison and Elision.
AU: Klausenburger,-Jurgen
SO: Lingua, 1016 CH Amsterdam, Netherlands 1974, 34, 167-69
IS: 0024-3841
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1974
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 75-3-3730
UD: 7501
AN: 75303730
Record 66 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: French Liaison and the X Notation.
AU: Selkirk,-Elisabeth
SO: Linguistic-Inquiry, Cambridge, MA 1974, 5, 573-89
IS: 0024-3892
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1974
DE: language-; syntax-; French-language; phonology-
SN: 75-3-2804
UD: 7501
AN: 75302804
Record 67 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: A Study of Liaison in Extemporaneous Montreal French Speech.
AU: Rosoff,-Gary-H.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI 1973, 33,
IS: Pt. A, 0419-4209; Pt. B, 0419-4217; Pt. C, 0307-6075
LA: English
PT: Dissertation-abstract
PY: 1973
DE: French-language; morphology-
SN: 73-3-4121
UD: 7301
AN: 73304121
Record 68 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: La liaison du francais moderne comme probleme morphologique et
syntaxique.; Vol. III. Con la colaboracion de Ramon B. Carril y
Margarita Cantarero.
AU: Zwanenburg,-W.
SO: III:1413-24 IN Quilis-Antonio; Carril-Ramon-B.; Cantarero-Margarita.
Actas XI Congreso Internacional de Linguistica y Filologia Romanicas :
Madrid, 1968.
LA: French
PT: book-article
PY: 1968
DE: French-language; morphology-; French-language; syntax-
SN: 72-3-4033
UD: 7201
AN: 72304033
Record 69 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: A Look at Liaison Rules.
AU: Goldberg,-John-R.
SO: Language-Sciences, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan 1972, 19, 15-18
IS: 0388-0001
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1972
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 72-3-4055
UD: 7201
AN: 72304055
Record 70 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Grammaire nouvelle:La phrase complexe:Les propositions. Vol. V : La
proposition independante, les mots de liaison.
AU: Malzac,-Jacques
SO: Paris : Gamma, 1971.
LA: French
PT: book
PY: 1971
DE: French-language; syntax-
SN: 71-3-2761
UD: 7101
AN: 71302761
Record 71 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: A Critical Bibliography of Studies of Liaison in French Speech Since
AU: Morrison,-Allen-S.
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts, Ann Arbor, MI 1969, 30, 691A
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1969
DE: French-language; Bibliography-
SN: 69-3-2020
UD: 6901
AN: 69302020
Record 72 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Notes sur la liaison
AU: Nataf,-Raphael
SO: Le-Francais-dans-le-Monde, 75288 Paris Cedex 06, France 1968
Jan.-Feb., 54, 43-48
IS: 0015-9395
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1968
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 68-1178
UD: 6801
AN: 68101178
Record 73 of 73 - MLA Bibliography 1963-1980
TI: Le Role de la liaison en francais moderne
AU: Mok,-Q.-I.-M.
SO: Lingua:-International-Review-of-General-Linguistics, 1000 BZ
Amsterdam, Netherlands 1966, 16, 27-39
IS: 0024-3841
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1966
DE: French-language; phonology-
SN: 66-9328
UD: 6601
AN: 66109328
- ---
Prof. Dr. Martin Haspelmath (haspelmath at eva.mpg.de)
Max-Planck-Institut fuer evolutionaere Anthropologie, Inselstr. 22
D-04103 Leipzig (Tel. (MPI) +49-341-9952 307, (priv.) +49-341-980 1616)
Joan Bybee just wrote a very interesting paper on French liaison, which
proposes a very new theory of it?
- ---
I suppose you've already seen it, but _La liaison avec et sans
enchainement :
phonologie tridimensionnelle et usages du francais_ by Pierre Encreve
statistical data from the speech of politicians and tackles the often
topic of liaison without enchainement.
- ---
Wolfgang Settekorn
Pierre Encrevé, 1988; La liaison avec et sans enchaînement. Paris: Seuil
and his articles.
- ---
Mark Mandel
- ---
Richard Laurent
- ---
Mike Mazzola
Michael L. Mazzola. 1992. Stress Clash and Segment Deletion.
LSRL19, ed. by Laeufer & Morgan, 81-96. Benjamins.
Michael L. Mazzola. 1993. French Rhythm and French Segments.
LSRL21, ed. by Ashby et al, 113-126. Benjamins.
Michael L. Mazzola. 1994. Indirect Phonology & French
Segments. Generative French Phonology, ed. by Lyche, 191-209.
Salford, UK. Assoc for French Language Studies.
Michael L. Mazzola. 1996. Syntactic Constituency and Prosodic
Phenomena. LSRL24, ed. by Parodi, 313-327. Georgetown U P.
Michael L. Mazzola. 1998. Suprasegmental Constituency as the
Domain for Sandhi Variation. 16th Internatl Congress of
Linguistics, ed. by Caron. CD Rom No. 0175. Oxford: Pergamon
- ---
Douglas C Walker
University of Calgary
Ågren, John. 1973. Etude sur quelques liaisons facultatives dans le
français de conversation radiophonique. Fréquence et facteurs. Uppsala:
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Esposito, Florence. 1994. Les liaisons dangereuses. Pour ne plus lier
les mots à tort et à travers. Paris: Editions du Centre de formation et
de perfectionnement des journalistes.
Morin, Yves-Charles and Jonathan Kaye. 1982. The syntactic bases for
French liaison, Journal of Linguistics 18, 291-330.
The following two have little to do with liaison. However, the first
has copious examples of phonological phrases which might provide
relevant data, and the second is full of useful information on current
Coustenoble, Hélène and Lilias Armstrong. 1934. Studies in French
Intonation. Cambridge: Heffer.
Muller, Bodo. 1985. Le français d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Klincksieck.
- ---
Alain Thomas
In response to your query, there is one popular text which I have found
very useful as a test of my students' French pronunciation, including
liaison, and that is the introductory page in all Astérix comic books.
The five short paragraphs introducing the main characters represent
quite a phonetic challenge for FSL students. Examples of interesting
"grand amateur", "prêt à tout abandonner", "est accompagné/innommable/un
gai compagnon", "quand on abat un arbre", "quand il ne dit rien"
- ---
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