10.1359, Calls: SCIL 12, Language of the Eastern Caribbean
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Sep 15 17:34:39 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1359. Wed Sep 15 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1359, Calls: SCIL 12, Language of the Eastern Caribbean
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:24:28 -0700 (MST)
From: Jason D Haugen <jhaugen at U.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: SCIL 12
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:26:35 +0000
From: Shari L Cole <tropicalbeach at juno.com>
Subject: Language of the Eastern Caribbean
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:24:28 -0700 (MST)
From: Jason D Haugen <jhaugen at U.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: SCIL 12
SCIL 2000 at the University of Arizona
The twelfth annual meeting of the Student Conference in Linguistics
will be held at the University of Arizona 11-12 February 2000. We invite
submissions of proposals for 20-minute talks in any area of linguistics
from any theoretical perspective.
Submissions must include 5 copies of an anonymous abstract and an index
card including the following information:
*Title of Abstract and area (phonology, syntax etc.)
*Mailing address
*e-mail address
Abstracts must be at most one page with one-inch margins and typed in
at least 11-point font. An optional second page is permitted for data and
citations. Submissions are limited to 1 individual and 1 joint abstract
per author. Please do not send abstracts by e-mail.
Abstracts must be received no later than November 15, 1999.
We will only consider submissions that conform to the above guidelines.
Department of Linguistics, Douglass 200E
PO Box 210028
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
Further inquiries should be addressed to:
Bob Kennedy at kennedyr at u.arizona.edu or Jason Haugen at jhaugen at u.arizona.edu
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 07:26:35 +0000
From: Shari L Cole <tropicalbeach at juno.com>
Subject: Language of the Eastern Caribbean
Caribbean Island Cultures
The University of Puerto Rico
The University of the West Indies
Call For Papers:
The Islands in Between: History, Language, and Literature
of the Eastern Caribbean
Second Annual Conference
Carriacou, Grenada
Eastern Caribbean
November 18,19,20 1999
(Arrival: Thursday, Nov. 18; departure: Sunday, Nov.
Linguists, historians, ethnographers, anthropologists, sociologists,
literary scholars and critics, folklorists, theater historians and
theater practitioners are invited to submit proposals for the conference.
Suggested topics include
Creole Languages in the Eastern Caribbean
Popular Culture and History
Tradition and Individual Talent in the Drama, Poetry, and
Fiction of the
Eastern Caribbean
Economics and Culture
Amerindian History and Cultural Studies
Carnival as a Caribbean "Syncretic Artifact"
African and European Traditions in Caribbean Performance
The Eastern Caribbean and Global Culture
The above list of suggested topics is not intended to exclude any
papers focusing on the conference theme of History, Literature, and Language
of the Eastern Caribbean. This area includes English-speaking,
French-speaking, and Dutch-speaking islands. Submissions are welcome from
academics, researchers, folklorists, and writers as well as members of
historical/cultural societies in both the larger and smaller islands.
Presentations are to be in English and will be no longer than 40 minutes.
Paper submissions should include:
--a cover letter containing the title of the paper, the
author's (or authors') address (fax number and/or e-mail address), institution,
and a 25-word summary suitable for publication in the convention program.
--one page containing a 250-word abstract of the paper.
--one page containing a 50-word biography of each author.
Dr. Joan F. McMurray or farabow at coqui.net
The University of Puerto Rico, Box 23356
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931
Dr. Peter Roberts, email robertsp at caribsurf.com,
The University of the West Indies,
Cave Hill Campus, P.O.Box 64, Bridgetown, Barbados
Additional conference information is available by contacting the
addresses above or by checking web sites.
Links: Caribbean Island Cultures Network
The University of Puerto Rico: Gente.net
SUBMISSION DEADLINE--September 30, 1999
Travel and hotel arrangements should be made by individual participants.
Two hotels to contact for reservations are
--Ade's Dream Guest House (ask for Chris, 473-443-7317;FAX
--Silver Beach Resort (473-443-7337; FAX 473-443-7165)
Direct flights to and from Carriacou are from Grenada (the closest),
Barbados, and St. Lucia. For flights to these islands call British
Airways, BWIA, American Airlines, Liat, Helenair, or a travel agency.
Airlines of Carriacou and Liat have daily flights from Grenada to
Carriacou; space is limited (and sometimes unreliable). Ferry service
from Grenada to Carriacou is run by Osprey Express. Two local travel agencies
are Vena Bullen & Sons (473-443-7468) and Carriacou Travel Agency (ask
for Sherril Williams 473-443-6666).
The Carriacou Conference is sponsored by:
University of the West Indies
Dept. of Language, Linguistics, and Literature
School for Continuing Studies
University of Puerto Rico
The College of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Rio
English Department, Academic and Cultural Affairs
Proyecto Atlantea
The Institute of Caribbean Studies, College of Social
Caribbean Resource Center
Caribbean 2000
Last Updated on September 1, 1999 by Jo Anne Harris - Humanities Web Editor
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1359
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