10.1404, Jobs: Appl. Lx, Lg Acq/Syntax/Phonology/Morphology
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Sep 24 17:50:12 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1404. Fri Sep 24 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1404, Jobs: Appl. Lx, Lg Acq/Syntax/Phonology/Morphology
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Lydia Grebenyova <lydia at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:13:51 -0700
From: Graham Thurgood <gthurgood at csuchico.edu>
Subject: Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics/TESOL
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 23:20:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carol Neidle <carol at louis-xiv.bu.edu>
Subject: Lang Acquisition/Syntax/Phonology/Morphology - Boston U.
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:13:51 -0700
From: Graham Thurgood <gthurgood at csuchico.edu>
Subject: Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics/TESOL
Job Opening. Tenure- track, Assistant Professor in Applied
RESPONSIBILITIES: Teaching load is 4 courses per semester. Teaching
responsibilities of the position include ESL courses (specifically ESL
for Academic Purposes), introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Theories and Methods, and a graduate seminar on Second Language
Acquisition Theories and Research. The position also involves advising
ESL students, pursuing research and publication, and providing service
to the University community.
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph. D. in applied linguistics or TESOL (with strong
linguistics background). Teaching experience in EAP (English for
Academic Purposes) programs in the US and in ESL in a non-US setting, or
ESL/bilingual programs in K-12 schools in the US. A strong record of
teaching and scholarship. Experience in and commitment to ESL program
development and administration, and to ESL teaching.
RANK AND SALARY: Rank and Salary are based on qualifications and
STARTING DATE: August 2000
TO APPLY: Mail letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and
recommendations by November 29, 1999 to:
Karen C. Hatch, Chair
Department of English
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA 95929-0830
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 23:20:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carol Neidle <carol at louis-xiv.bu.edu>
Subject: Lang Acquisition/Syntax/Phonology/Morphology - Boston U.
Announcement of 1 full-time position (beginning 9/2000)
and 3 part-time positions (for spring 2000) in linguistics
at Boston University
tenure track, beginning 9/2000. Specialization in
with strong background in linguistic theory, broad range of
interests, demonstrated teaching ability, and commitment to
undergraduate and graduate teaching.
Please send letter of application, cv, and 3 representative
publications, and have 3 letters of recommendation sent
directly, to: Prof. Carol Neidle, Chair, Linguistics Search
Committee, Boston University MFLL, 718 Commonwealth Avenue,
Boston, MA 02215. Deadline for receipt of materials:
December 1. Please do not send application materials by
e-mail. AA/EOE.
Boston University seeks part-time instructors to teach three
linguistics courses (mixed undergraduate and graduate level)
for spring semester of 2000:
Introduction to phonology
Introduction to morphology
Intermediate-level syntax
Please send letter of application, clearly indicating which
course(s) you would be interested in teaching, along with
cv and 3 representative publications, to Prof. Carol Neidle,
Chair, Linguistics Search Committee, Boston University,
Department of Modern Foreign Languages, 718 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215. Please also have three letters of
recommendation sent to the same address. Do not send
application materials via e-mail. Deadline for receipt of
materials: October 10, 1999. Ph.D. (in hand) required
at time of application.
See http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/UG/jobs.html for further information.
Inquiries about these positions may be directed to carol at bu.edu.
Carol Neidle
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1404
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