10.1428, Calls: Information Access, Machine Translation
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Sep 30 21:35:34 UTC 1999
LINGUIST List: Vol-10-1428. Thu Sep 30 1999. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 10.1428, Calls: Information Access, Machine Translation
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
Karen Milligan <karen at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Lydia Grebenyova <lydia at linguistlist.org>
Naomi Ogasawara <naomi at linguistlist.org>
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Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Chris Brown <chris at linguistlist.org>
Qian Liao <qian at linguistlist.org>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Jody Huellmantel <jody at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 20:13:27 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Nicolas Masson <masson at limsi.fr>
Subject: RIAO2000 : Call for Papers and Application Demonstrations
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 21:15:17 +0100
From: "Roger Harris" <rwsh at dircon.co.uk>
Subject: MT 2000: Conference and Call For Papers
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 20:13:27 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Nicolas Masson <masson at limsi.fr>
Subject: RIAO2000 : Call for Papers and Application Demonstrations
RIAO 2000
(Recherche d'Informations Assistie par Ordinateur =
Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval)
6th Conference on
"Content-Based Multimedia Information Access"
College de France
Paris, France
April 12-14, 2000
Organized by:
Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire
(C.I.D., France)
Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S.,
With the collaboration of AII, ASIS, ELRA, Elsnet, ESCA, Francil
(preliminary list)
Web site: http://host.limsi.fr/RIAO
The theme of the conference is "Content-Based Multimedia Information
Access". The conference scope will range from the traditional
processing of text documents to the rapidly growing field of automatic
indexing and retrieval of images and speech and, more generally, to
all processing of audio-visual and multimedia information on various
distribution venues, including the Net. The conference is of interest
for several scientific communities, including Information Retrieval,
Natural Language Processing, Spoken Language Processing, Computer
Vision, Human-Computer Interaction and Digital Libraries. RIAO 2000
will, thereby, serve as a forum for cross-discipline initiatives and
innovative applications.
RIAO 2000 will present recent scientific progress, demonstrations of
prototypes resulting from this research as well as the most innovative
products now appearing on the market. A worldwide Call for Papers is
addressed to researchers engaged in academic or industrial
research. The associated Call for Applications is addressed to
companies and public organizations developing or marketing hardware or
software related to the conference topics.
The Scientific Committee will select the papers and the Application
Committee will select the innovative applications and products to be
presented at the conference. In order to support the
multi-disciplinary goals of the conference, these international
committees include representatives of different scientific
The RIAO (Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur = Computer-
Assisted Information Retrieval) International Conference is held every
3 years. Sites for the conference have been Grenoble (1985), Boston
(1988), Barcelona (1991), New York (1994) and Montreal (1997). Paris
will host the next RIAO conference in Spring 2000. The conference is
organized by the Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales
d'Informatique Documentaire (C.I.D.) and the Center for the Advanced
Study of Information Systems (C.A.S.I.S.).
RIAO 2000 Conference Topics, under the "Content-Based Multimedia
Information Access" theme:
Document processing:
Hypertextual and Hypermedia documents
Human-Computer Interaction for document handling
Textual and voice-based annotation creation and retrieval
Digital libraries
AI techniques for document generation and consultation
Multimodal and transmodal human-machine communication
Information Retrieval:
Information retrieval systems and methods
Document search over the internet, Text Mining
Information and document routing/profiling/alerting
Document classification
Spoken Language Processing:
Voice-based document segmentation and transcription
Voice-based document indexing and retrieval
Identification of language of speaker
Speaker recognition, Audio Mining
Non-verbal sound processing (music, noise...)
Natural Language Processing:
Information extraction
NLP techniques for document processing
Terminology extraction and analysis
Automatic thesaurus construction
Multilingual and crosslingual document handling
Machine translation of documents
Automatic summarization
Identification of language of text
Image processing:
Automatic indexing and retrieval of visual documents
Computer graphics for document generation and consultation
Segmentation and indexing of visual data
Face, gaze and expression recognition
Character recognition in visual documents
Image Mining, Video indexing and retrieval
System architecture:
Multi-agent architecture, search agents
Intelligent agents, Androids and Avatars
Usage and best practice:
Socio-economics of information retrieval
Quantitative, qualitative and comparative evaluation
Coding standards and Quality of Services, Security and privacy
Cognitive aspects, Human Factors and Ergonomics
Legal aspects of multimedia document handling
Multimedia and multimodal resources
Computer-aided information access for the handicapped
Multimedia systems for medical applications
Image Guided Surgery and Augmented Reality
Medical documents archiving and retrieval
Transmodal information access systems
Telephone-based, nomad and in-vehicle systems
Intelligent systems for call-center reporting
Customized customer support (Aerospace product manuals...)
Strategic and technology watch & Business Intelligence
Real-Time information access for financial markets
Information access for decision aid systems
Multimodal Geographical Information Systems
Television and Radio Broadcast Archiving and Browsing...
The Scientific Program will include invited talks, presentations of
accepted papers in oral and poster sessions, referenced demonstrations
of innovative applications and products, and possibly deal sessions,
between industry and academia, and panel sessions. There will be
parallel sessions, devoted to a given research field, and plenary
sessions, presenting topics of interest for all participants. The mode
of presentation (oral versus poster) will be based on the
appropriateness of the paper to that mode of communication, not on the
quality of the paper.
Authors are invited to submit short or long papers on the conference
topics. The papers will be reviewed by the International Scientific
Committee, and selected on the basis of their scientific and
technological quality, their innovative content and their relevance to
the topic of the conference.
Innovative applications and products related to the conference topics
are sought for demonstration at special conference sessions. They will
be selected by the International Application Committee, on the basis
of their innovation, utility, and present and future
marketability. Selected applications will be given free demonstration
Submission of short papers should consist of a summary of about 1000
words (up to 2 pages), together with the answers to the enclosed
questionnaire, in ASCII format. Submission of long papers should
consist of the full paper of about 6000 words + figures (up to 20
pages, double-spaced), including an abstract of up to 200 words, as an
attached file in PDF or PS format. If a demo is connected to a paper,
please attach the outline of the demonstration to the paper.
Submission of proposed application and product demonstrations will be
reviewed in the same way, and should consist of a summary of about
1000 words (up to 2 pages). A questionnaire to be filled out will be
sent by the Application Committee after reception of this summary.
All the submissions should include a separate title page, providing
the following information: the type of proposal (paper or application
- in the case of a paper submission, please also indicate if it is a
short or long paper, the preferred mode of presentation (oral versus
poster) and whether the paper is accompanied by a demonstration); the
title to be printed in the program of the Conference; the topic of the
proposal (from the list of Conference topics); up to 5 keywords, the
names and affiliations of the authors or proposers; the full address
of the first author (or of the contact person), including telephone,
fax, email, URL and the required facilities (overhead projector, data
videoprojector, other hardware, platforms, workstations,
communications etc).
Internet connections and various computer platforms and facilities should be
available at the Conference site. In addition to referenced Application and
Product demonstrations, it may be possible to run unreferenced demos of
products, prototypes, systems, applications or tools. Those interested should
contact the Application Committee Chairman: Gregory Grefenstette
(Gregory.Grefenstette at xrce.xerox.com).
The working language of the conference is English. However, in agreement
with the French regulations ("Loi Toubon"), submission of papers in French,
and presentation of papers (if selected) in French will be accepted.
Submission should be made preferably electronically. Two hard copies of the
submitted paper should also be sent by mail to the Conference secretariat.
The submission deadline applies to the electronic submission.
Submission of papers should be sent to "Riao2000 at limsi.fr", indicating
"Paper Submission" or "Application Submission" in the subject field of
the Email header.
Electronic submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If they
are not acknowledged, please check the Email address and
resubmit. Submission of a proposal implies a commitment to present the
paper or the demonstration at the conference, if accepted.
You may also submit only hard copies. In this case, please send five paper
copies, together with the Paper or Application Demonstration Submission
Form, to the Conference Secretariat.
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to send a typed
manuscript. Details regarding the format of the final papers will be
sent together with the notification of acceptance. Ready-to-print
files will be required by January 15, 2000.
RIAO 2000 International Scientific Committee :
Co-Chairs : Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS, France) and Donna Harman
Jean-Claude Bassano (University of Orleans, France)
Alain Berthoz (LPPA, College de France, France)
Patrick Bouthemy (IRISA/INRIA, France)
George Carayannis (ILSP, Greece)
Francine Chen (Xerox, USA)
Bruce Croft (University of Massachusets, USA)
Franciska de Jong (University of Twente,The Netherlands)
Susan Dumais (Microsoft, USA)
David Evans (CMU and Claritech, USA)
Christian Fluhr (CEA, France)
Hiroya Fujisaki (Science University of Tokyo, Japan)
Pascale Fung (University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Edouard Geoffrois (DGA/CTA, France)
Jean-Paul Haton (LORIA, France)
Alex Hauptman (CMU, USA)
Ulrich Heid (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Roland Hjerppe (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)
Christian Jacquemin (LIMSI-CNRS, France)
Mun Kew Leong ( Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore)
Judith Klavans (Columbia University, USA)
Wessel Kraaij (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands)
Francis Kubala (BBN, USA)
Gianni Lazzari (IRST, Italy)
Alain Leger (CNET- France Telecom, France)
R. Manmatha (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Richard Marcus (MIT, USA)
Mark Maybury (MITRE, USA)
Frank Nack (GMD IPSI, Germany)
Klaus Netter (DFKI, Germany)
Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal, Canada)
Douglas Oard (University of Maryland, USA)
Dragutin Petkovic (IBM, USA)
Georges Quenot (CLIPS, France)
K. J. Ray Liu (University of Maryland, USA)
Ze'ev Rivlin (Natural Speech Communication, Israel)
Arnold Smeulders (ISIS, UvA, The Netherlands)
Karen Sparck Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
Evelyne Tzoukermann (Lucent technologies, USA)
Ross Wilkinson (CSIRO, Australia)
Phil Woodland (CUED, UK)
RIAO 2000 International Application Committee :
Chair: Gregory Grefenstette (Xerox, France) and Pascal Faudemay (LIP6,
Marie-Francoise Clergeau (College de France, France)
Daniel Confland (Jouve, France)
Max Copperman (Kanisa, USA)
Giorgio Dimino (RAI, Italy)
Michael Horowitz (Claritech, USA)
Hitoshi Iida (Sony Speech & Language Laboratory, Japan)
Hans-Joachim Novak (IBM, Germany)
Norbert Paquel (Canope, France)
Sylvie Regnier-Prost (Aerospatiale-Matra, France)
Remi Ronfard (INA, France)
Antonio Sanfilippo (EC, Luxembourg)
Laurent Schmitt (INIST-CNRS, France)
Vera Semenova (Sciper/Analit, Russia)
Joop Van Gent (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands)
The RIAO 2000 Conference is organized by:
Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaires
36 bis rue Ballu
75009 Paris France
Tel: (33 / 0) 1 42 85 04 75
Fax: (33 / 0) 1 48 78 49 61 or 1 45 26 84 45
Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S.)
Co / C. Constantin
575 Madison Avenue
25th floor
New York N.Y. 10022 USA
Email: riao2000 at limsi.fr
Web: http://host.limsi.fr/RIAO
Chair: Agnes Beriot (CID, France)
Peter Brodnitz (CASIS, USA)
Jean-Louis Darc (France-Pologne, France)
Jean-Jacques Guilbart (College de France, France)
Nicolas Masson (LIMSI-CNRS, France)
Jean Perriere (CID, France)
Sharyn Rozart (CASIS, USA)
Anne Tabutiaux (Recherche et Diffusion Scientifique, France)
Tony Venables (ECAS, Belgium)
- Preliminary announcement: July 1999
- Call for Papers & Demonstrations: September 23, 1999
- Submission deadline: November 8, 1999
- Notification of acceptance: December 15, 1999
- Submission of complete papers: January 15, 2000
- Final Program: January 25, 2000
- Conference: April 12-14, 2000
The conference will take place at the prestigious College de France,
in the heart of the Quartier Latin in Paris. College de France is an
institution of higher learning founded in Paris, France, in 1529 by
Francois Ier at the instigation of Guillaume Bude. It was founded to
encourage humanistic studies and has always been independent of any
university and free from supervision. Now its range of studies
encompasses numerous humanistic and scientific fields. Its faculty
includes many distinguished scholars. The College de France has brand
new conference facilities. Its situation in downtown Paris allows easy
accommodation, with a lot of hotels, restaurants and cafes nearby.
Projects or working groups wishing to take this opportunity for
organizing meetings should contact the Conference Secretariat for
assistance in arranging meeting facilities. Those wishing to take the
opportunity of RIAO2000 to organize a satellite workshop should also
indicate their initiative to the Conference secretariat as soon as
The chair of the Scientific Committee is:
BP 133
91403 ORSAY Cedex
Tel.: (33 / 0) 1 69 85 80 85
Fax : (33 / 0) 1 69 85 80 88
Email: mariani at limsi.fr
The co-chair of the Scientific Committee is:
Information Access and User Interfaces Division (894)
Technology Building (225), Room A219
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8940
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8940
Tel. : (1) (301) 975-3569
Email: donna.harman at nist.gov
The chair of the Application Committee is:
Xerox Research Centre Europe
6 chemin de Maupertuis
38240 Meylan
Tel.: (33 / 0) 4 76 61 50 82
Fax : (33 / 0) 4 76 61 50 99
Email: Gregory.Grefenstette at xrce.xerox.com
The co-chair of the Application Committee is:
4, Place Jussieu
F 75252 Paris Cedex 05
Tel: (33 / 0) 1 44 27 71 16
Fax: (33 / 0) 1 44 27 71 16
Email: Pascal.Faudemay at lip6.fr
The Conference Secretariat, which will provide general information on the
Conference, is:
RIAO 2000 Secretariat
Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaires
36 bis rue Ballu
75009 Paris (France)
Tel: (33 / 0) 1 42 85 04 75
Fax: (33 / 0) 1 48 78 49 61 or 1 45 26 84 45
Email: riao2000 at limsi.fr
For more information about C.I.D. (Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales
d'Informatique Documentaires), please contact:
Ms Agnes Beriot
Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaires
Email: cidcol at club-internet.fr
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(To be sent before or on November 8, 1999 at latest to Riao2000 at limsi.fr):
I intend to:
______ submit a short paper
______ submit a long paper
Preferred mode of presentation: oral / poster
Accompanying demonstration: yes / no
______ submit the demonstration of a product or of an application
Topic (from the list of conference topics):
Up to 5 Keywords:
First Name and Last Name of contact person:
Postal/Zip Code:
List of Authors and Affiliations:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Include an abstract of up to 1000 words in ASCII format
2) Questionnaire (to be filled out):
Describe concisely the problem that you have addressed and why it is
Describe the original contribution of your work, compare it to your previous
reported work or to the work of others:
Indicate whether the results presented in the paper have been evaluated and
specify in which framework and on which data:
3) Required facilities (Audiovisual equipment, Workstation, Internet access
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Join the full paper of about 6000 words + figures (up to 20-pages,
double- spaced), including an abstract of up to 200 words, in PDF or
PS format.
2) Required facilities (Audiovisual equipment, Workstation, Internet access
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Include an abstract of up to 1000 words in ASCII format
2) Required facilities (Audiovisual equipment, Workstation, Internet access
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RIAO 2000: Content-Based Multimedia Information Access
College de France, Paris, France
April 12-14, 2000
Riao2000 at limsi.fr
or FAX TO:
RIAO 2000 Secretariat
Fax: (33 / 0) 1 48 78 49 61 or 1 45 26 84 45
First Name and Last Name:
Postal/Zip Code:
I intend to attend the conference as a
____ full participant
____ student
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 21:15:17 +0100
From: "Roger Harris" <rwsh at dircon.co.uk>
Subject: MT 2000: Conference and Call For Papers
The Natural Language Translation Specialist Group,
part of the British Computer Society
URL: http://www.bcs.org.uk/siggroup/sg37.htm
Exeter, United Kingdom
20-22 November 2000
The Natural Language Translation Specialist Group (NLTSG) of the
British Computer Society (BCS) announces an international conference
to be held at the University of Exeter (UK) on 20-22 November
2000. The focus will be on machine translation and other multilingual
NLP applications. MT 2000 will continue the tradition of the friendly
and informative events organised by the Specialist Group at Cranfield
in 1994 and 1984. The organisers aim to attract a wide range of
contributions from researchers, users and educationalists in the field
of multilingual language engineering.
The conference will take the form of invited keynote speakers plus
individual papers. Papers will be refereed by a programme
committee. All papers accepted and presented will be available as a
volume of proceedings at the conference. Selected papers will be
published in book form soon after the conference. There will also be
an exhibition area and an opportunity for poster sessions.
Details of the time-table for submissions/reviewing, length and format
of papers, the membership of the programme committee, and of the cost
will be announced shortly and will be posted on our web-site at
We invite papers covering but not limited to
multilingual aspects of the following topics:
Machine translation (developments, advances, applications, uses)
Translation aids
Corpora (construction, annotation, exploitation)
Part-of-speech tagging
Computer-assisted language learning
Machine translation in education
Information retrieval
Information extraction
Automatic abstracting
Word-sense disambiguation
Anaphora resolution
Text categorisation
Speech processing
The conference venue will be the Crossmeads Conference Centre at the
University of Exeter. Exeter is an historic city in the heart of Devon
in the South West of England. The campus is celebrated as one of the
most beautiful in the United Kingdom. The University has an
international airport and good rail and coach links to London,
Birmingham and other UK cities.
Exeter University web-site: http://www.exeter.ac.uk
MT 2000 web-site at Exeter University:
It is expected that this site will commence during October 1999.
Further information:
Derek Lewis (Co-chair: Programmme Committee)
Director of the Foreign Language Centre, Queen's Building,
University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QH, United Kingdom.
E-mail: mailto:D.R.Lewis at exeter.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1392-264 296
Facsimile: +44 (0)1392-264 293
Professor Ruslan Mitkov (Co-chair: Programme Committee)
School of Languages and European Studies, University of
Wolverhampton, Stafford Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, United Kingdom.
E-mail: mailto:r.mitkov at wlv.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1902-322 471
Facsimile: +44 (0)1902-322 739
If you would like to receive further information by e-mail
then please send a blank e-mail message with 'SUBSCRIBE' in
the subject line to mailto:MT2000-request at rwsh.dircon.co.uk
You can cancel your subscription by typing 'UNSUBSCRIBE' in
the subject line.
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