11.810, Jobs: Finnish Ling/Lang Lectureship, U of Groningen

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Sun Apr 9 11:48:19 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-810. Sun Apr 9 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.810, Jobs: Finnish Ling/Lang Lectureship, U of Groningen

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Date:  Fri, 7 Apr 2000 08:54:18 +0100
From:  "A.P. ten Cate" <A.P.ten.Cate at let.rug.nl>
Subject:  Finnish Ling/Lang: Lectureship at U of Groningen, The Netherlands

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Apr 2000 08:54:18 +0100
From:  "A.P. ten Cate" <A.P.ten.Cate at let.rug.nl>
Subject:  Finnish Ling/Lang: Lectureship at U of Groningen, The Netherlands

The University of Groningen Faculty of Arts Department of Finno-Ugric
Languages and Literatures has a vacancy for a lecturer (universitair
docent) in Finnish language maximum 90% (0.9 fte) Vacaturenr.  200084

The vacancy is in the Finno-Ugric Department of the Faculty of Arts.
The department has three areas of teaching and research: Finnish,
Hungarian and General Finno-Ugric Studies; there are 8 staff members
and around 25 students.

The position:

The department is seeking a lecturer who can contribute to the following
      instruction in Finnish language proficiency (vocabulary, fluency,
      writing skills)
      instruction in Finnish linguistics
      supervision of student honours dissertations (scripties)
      participation in the department's management
      researchwith in the linguistic programme of the faculty research

institute CLCG (see http://www.let.rug.nl/clcg), and of the
research school BCN (http://www.bcn.rug.nl). Applications
from all linguistic specializations are welcome, but the CLCG is
interested in applicants with specializations in first-language
acquisition, instrumental phonetics/phonology, and corpus linguistics.

Candidate's profile:

Candidates should fulfill the following criteria: nativecommand of
Finnish firstdegree in Finnish Language & Literature or Baltic-
Finnic/Finno-Ugric Studies experiencein university teaching
PhD-degreeor PhD research project to be finished within the near
future a co-operative spirit competenceof Dutch or willingness to
learn Dutch within 2 years of appointment; good command of English.

The university offers:

the position is tenure-track, subject to positive evaluation of the
appointee after normally two years salarydepends upon education and
experience, but will be between minimum NLG 4.110,- and maximum NLG
8.682,- (before taxes) per month on a full-time basis.  the position
begins on 1 September 2000 the University of Groningen is committed to
the principle of equal opportunity.

Further information:

furtherinformation is available from the head of the Finno- Ugric Department,
    Prof. Dr. Cornelius Hasselblatt, tel +31-50-3635850 (secretariate) or
    e-mail: C.Th.Hasselblatt at let.rug.nl.
    Information about the Finno-Ugric Department can be found on
    the Internet at  http://www.let.rug.nl/finoegristiek
    applications,including a detailed curriculum vitae and the
    names of two referees should be sent before 10 may 2000 to

    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    Dienst Personeel en Organisatie
    Postbus 72
    9700 AB Groningen
    The Netherlands

    Please specify the reference number of the post (200084).

Bram ten Cate
Cluster Europese Talen
Postbus 716
9700 AS Groningen

Telefoon    050-3635932 / 3635850
Fax         050-3635821
e-mail      a.p.ten.cate at let.rug.nl
url         http://www.let.rug.nl/~tencate

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-810

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