11.815, Calls: Tabulation in Parsing, Multimedia Info Access

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Apr 9 20:12:15 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-815. Sun Apr 9 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.815, Calls: Tabulation in Parsing, Multimedia Info Access

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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		    Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:07:42 +0200
From:  "Miguel A. Alonso Pardo" <alonso at dc.fi.udc.es>
Subject:  TAPD 2000, 2nd Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction

Date:  Fri, 7 Apr 2000 11:21:26 +0200
From:  "Karim Chibout" <Karim.Chibout at limsi.fr>
Subject:  Content-Based Multimedia Information Access (RIAO'2000)

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:07:42 +0200
From:  "Miguel A. Alonso Pardo" <alonso at dc.fi.udc.es>
Subject:  TAPD 2000, 2nd Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction

                        Final CALL FOR PAPERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
                              TAPD 2000
        2nd Workshop on 'Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

                         September 19-21 2000
                             Vigo, Spain

                  Sponsored by University of Vigo

                        with the support of

                        Caixa Vigo e Ourense

                      Logic Programing Associates


Following TAPD'98 in Paris (France) next TAPD event will be held in
Vigo (Spain) in September, 2000. The conference will be previous to
SEPLN 2000 http://coleweb.dc.fi.udc.es/sepln2000/ , the conference
of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing.


Tabulation techniques are becoming a common way to deal with highly
redundant computations occurring, for instance, in Natural Language
Processing, Logic Programming, Deductive Databases, or Abstract
Interpretation, and related to phenomena such as ambiguity,
non-determinism or domain ordering.

Different approaches, including for example Chart Parsing, Magic-Set
rewriting, Memoization, and Dynamic Programming, have been proposed
whose key idea is to keep traces of computations to achieve
computation sharing and loop detection. Tabulation also offers more
flexibility to investigate new parsing or proof strategies and to
represent ambiguity by shared structures.

The first objective of this workshop is to compare and discuss these
different approaches. The second objective is to present tabulation
and tabular systems to potential users in different application
areas such as natural language processing, picture parsing, genome
analysis, or complete deduction techniques.

TOPICS (not exclusive):

 -- Tabulation Techniques:
    Chart Parsing, Tabling, Memoization, Dynamic Programming,
    Magic Set, Generic Fix-Point Algorithms
 -- Applications:
    Parsing, Generation, Logic Programming, Deductive Databases,
    Abstract Interpretation, Deduction in Knowledge Bases, Theorem Proving
 -- Static Analysis:
    Improving tabular evaluation
 -- Parsing or resolution strategies.
 -- Efficiency issues:
    Dealing with large tables (structure sharing, term indexing),
    Execution models, Exploiting the domain ordering (subsumption).
 -- Shared structures (parse or proof forest):
    Formal analysis, representation and processing.


The workshop will be a 3-day event that provides a forum for
individual presentations of the accepted contributions as well as
group discussions.


  Bharat Jayaraman       -- Univ. of New York at Buffalo,  US
  I.V. Ramakrishnan      -- Univ. New York at Stony Brook, US


Authors are invited to submit before April 28 a 4-page position
paper or abstract concerning a theoretical contribution or a system to
be presented. Due to tight time constraints, submission and reviewing
will be handled exclusively electronically (LaTeX, PostScript, dvi or
ascii format). Submission should include the title, authors' names,
affiliations, addresses, and e-mail.

The submissions must be sent to David S. Warren (warren at cs.sunysb.edu) in
gziped encoded postscript.


    Submission of contributions:            April 28, 2000
    Notification of acceptance:             June 1,   2000
    Final versions due:                     June 30,  2000


  David S. Warren        -- Univ. New York at Stony Brook, US


  Francois Bry           -- Univ. Munich,                  Germany
  Manuel Carro           -- Univ. Polit. Madrid,           Spain
  Eric de la Clergerie   -- INRIA,                         France
  Veronica Dahl          -- Univ. Simon Fraser,            Canada
  Baudouin Le Charlier   -- Univ. Namur,                   Belgium
  Mark Jan Nederhof      -- DFKI,                          Germany
  Luis M. Pereira        -- Univ. Nova de Lisboa,          Portugal
  Martin Rajman          -- EPFL,                          Switzerland
  Domenico Sacca         -- Univ. della Calabria,          Italy
  Kostis Sagonas         -- Univ. Uppsala,                 Sweden
  David Shasha           -- Univ. New York,                US
  Terrance Swift         -- Univ. New York at Stony Brook, US
  Manuel Vilares         -- Univ. Vigo,                    Spain
  David Weir             -- Univ. Sussex,                  UK


  Manuel Vilares         -- Univ. Vigo,                    Spain


  Miguel A. Alonso       -- Univ. Coruna,                  Spain
  Eric de la Clergerie   -- INRIA,                         France
  David Cabrero          -- Univ. Vigo,                    Spain
  Victor M. Darriba      -- Univ. Coruna,                  Spain
  David Olivieri         -- Univ. Vigo,                    Spain
  Francisco J. Ribadas   -- Univ. Coruna,                  Spain
  Leandro Rodriguez      -- Univ. Vigo,                    Spain


Papers accepted by the Program Committee must be presented at the
conference and will appear in a proceedings volume.  The format for
camera-ready manuscripts will be available from the web page of the


Auditorio del Centro Cultural Caixavigo e Ourense
Marques de Valladares
Vigo, Spain


For further details consult http://coleweb.dc.fi.udc.es/tapd2000/ ,
or contact

TAPD'2000 Secretariat
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Campus as Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

E-mail: tapd-secret at ei.uvigo.es
Fax: +34 988 387001

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Apr 2000 11:21:26 +0200
From:  "Karim Chibout" <Karim.Chibout at limsi.fr>
Subject:  Content-Based Multimedia Information Access (RIAO'2000)

RIAO 2000

6th Conference on "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access"

College de France (Paris, France)
April 12-14, 2000

Final Announcement


Organized by: C.I.D. (France) and C.A.S.I.S. (USA)

Under the sponsorship of the European Commission, the French Ministry of
Education, Research and Technology, the DGA, the CEA, ELRA and ELSNET

With the collaboration of AII, ASIS, ESCA and AUF/Francil

For the Final Conference Program and Registration, please visit the Web


The theme of the conference is "Content-Based Multimedia Information
Access". The conference scope will range from the traditional processing of
text documents to the rapidly growing field of automatic indexing and
retrieval of images and speech and, more generally, to all processing of
audio-visual and multimedia information on various distribution venues,
including the Net. The conference is of interest for several scientific
communities, including Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing,
Spoken Language Processing, Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction and
Digital Libraries. RIAO 2000 will, thereby, serve as a forum for
cross-discipline initiatives and innovative applications.

RIAO 2000 will present recent scientific progress, demonstrations of
prototypes resulting from this research as well as the most innovative
products now appearing on the market.

The Conference Advance Program is highlighted by contributions of authors
from 26 countries. The program includes 2 invited speakers, 3 panel
sessions, 3 plenary sessions, 8 poster sessions and 16 oral sessions. Among
all sessions are 145 papers (75 oral and 70 poster presentations),
providing a unique opportunity to present and discuss in depth the
state-of-the-art in this rapidly growing scientific and technological field.

There will also be many innovative application demonstrations presented by
companies from different countries. The application committee has already
selected about 20 of them covering various applications such as
crosslingual English-Arabic Internet search, recognition of printed and
handwritten texts, television archives retrieval, sign language indexing,
machine translation, etc.

For more information on the program, conference location and registration,
please visit the Web site :


or contact us at:

- For all scientific matters: riao2000 at limsi.fr
- For all organizational, technical and practical matters:
cidcol at club-internet.fr

- -----------------------------------
BP 133
91403 Orsay Cedex (France)
Tél.: (33/0) 1 69 85 80 85
Fax: (33/0) 1 69 85 80 88
Email: mariani at limsi.fr
Web: http://www.limsi.fr/

Karim Chibout
B.P. 133
91403 Orsay Cedex
telephone: (+33/0)
telecopie: (+33/0)
courriel: chibout at limsi.fr

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-815

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