11.882, Jobs: Phonology Teaching/Research, U of Calgary
The LINGUIST Network
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Sun Apr 16 06:50:34 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-882. Sun Apr 16 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.882, Jobs: Phonology Teaching/Research, U of Calgary
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Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 10:19:50 -0600
From: Martha McGinnis <mcginnis at ucalgary.ca>
Subject: Phonology: Teaching/Research Position at U. of Calgary, Canada
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 10:19:50 -0600
From: Martha McGinnis <mcginnis at ucalgary.ca>
Subject: Phonology: Teaching/Research Position at U. of Calgary, Canada
Position Announcement
Applications are invited for an 10-month appointment in Linguistics
effective September 1, 2000. The applicant should have a
specialization in PHONOLOGY. A secondary research interest in one of
the First Nations Languages of Western Canada is highly desirable.
Teaching and research should be informed by current generative
grammatical theory.
General qualifications:
Ph.D. in Linguistics with demonstrated excellence in teaching and
research in the area(s) of specialization. Duties will include
undergraduate and graduate teaching. Deadline for applications is MAY
31, 2000. For more information about our department and the
University of Calgary, please visit our web site
Please send cover letter, c.v., and any additional
supporting documents to the address below. Three letters
of recommendation should be sent under separate cover.
Dr. Robert Murray, Head
Department of Linguistics
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-882
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