11.986, Calls: Afrikaans - First European Workshop/ Germany

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Apr 30 19:55:09 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-986. Sun Apr 30 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.986, Calls: Afrikaans - First European Workshop/ Germany

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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		    Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
		    Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Fri, 28 Apr 2000 17:07:38 +0200
From:  hinskens at rz.uni-leipzig.de
Subject:  Afrikaans Extra Muros - First European Workshop/ Leipzig, Germany

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 28 Apr 2000 17:07:38 +0200
From:  hinskens at rz.uni-leipzig.de
Subject:  Afrikaans Extra Muros - First European Workshop/ Leipzig, Germany


(Eerste Europese Workshop Afrikaans Extra Muros)

EWAfrEM 1 - Leipzig 2000

University of Leipzig, 22 and 23 September 2000

conference that will convene at regular intervals. The purpose of this
workshop is to bring together all academics and students who are concerned
with past and present-day Afrikaans literature and/or linguistics. The plan
was conceived by Jerzy Koch (University of Wroclaw) and Christine Förster
(University of Leipzig) at the Comenius conference which took place in
Bratislava last summer and further developed by Hans den Besten (University
of Amsterdam), Hans Ester (University of Nijmegen and South African
Institute, Amsterdam), Christine Förster, Frans Hinskens (University of
Leipzig) and Jerzy Koch.

place every two years. The organisation will alternate between the various
universities in Europe where Afrikaans culture, literature and language are
taught and investigated. EWAfrEM is organized as a low-buget workshop. As
regards the content of the workshop: the program provides for guest
lectures by invited speakers and talks selected by the organizers on the
basis of written abstracts. Talks of the second category deal either with
topics selected by the organizers or with other topics relevant to the
Afrikaans language or literature.

The first EWAfrEM will take place on 22 and 23 September 2000 in Leipzig
and is organized by Christine Förster and Frans Hinskens, assisted by Hans
den Besten, Hans Ester and Jerzy Koch. Together they constitute the
Organizing Committee.

On this first EWAfrEM, part of the first afternoon will be dedicated to
talks dealing with the topic "Cultural identity and globalization - an area
of conflict", while part of the second afternoon will be dedicated to talks
on didactic problems concerning Afrikaans.

Invited speakers:

Braam de Vries	(Cape Town, South Africa)		literature
Paul Roberge		(Chapel Hill, NC, USA)		linguistics

Call for Papers:

The Organizing Committee invites everybody interested to send in an
abstract for a talk. The talks should not exceed 30 minutes and will be
followed by a 10 minute discussion period.  In case an unexpectedly large
number of good quality talks can be offered, the presentation time may have
to be reduced to 20 minutes. Please make sure to indicate at the beginning
of your abstract whether your talk concerns linguistics or literature. In
addition to this, please specify if you plan to talk about one of the above
mentioned special topics or if your presentation falls in the category of
"free topic".
The summaries will be evaluated by the members of the Organizing Committee
before 31 May 2000.
On request, space will be provided at the workshop to display books,
magazines and teaching materials.

It is also possible to take part in the workshop without giving a talk.


Registration fee: DM 50,-


Hotel Vivaldi, at 25 minute walking distance from the Neuer Senaatssaal of
the Universität  Leipzig, where the workshop will take place. By tram it
takes approximately 5-8 minutes.
Costs: Double room: DM 140,-  Single Room: DM 120,-  Room shared with
another participant: DM 70,-. All prices per person per night.

Language of the workshop:

The workshop will be held in Afrikaans and Dutch, but lectures in German
and English will also be accepted.

Abstract submission and registration:

For abstract submission, please post the following to the local organizers:
-one camera-ready copy of a 200 word abstract, including the title of the
talk, the full name(s) of the speaker(s), as well as his/her
affiliation(s), along with the postal and e-mail address  where he/she can
be reached;
-five copies of the abstract, including only the title of the talk for
anonymous reviewing.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 20 May 2000.   	

Local Organizers:

Abteilung Niederlandistik - Institut für Germanistik
Universität Leipzig
Brühl 34-50
D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.		+49-341-9737370
Fax.		+49-341-9737389
e-mail:	wir93baq at studserv.uni-leipzig.de

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-986

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