11.1670, Confs: Ling Theory/Speech Pathology/Speech Therapy
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Tue Aug 1 15:48:16 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1670. Tue Aug 1 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1670, Confs: Ling Theory/Speech Pathology/Speech Therapy
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Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 10:12:53 +0200
From: Elisabetta Fava <elifava at ux1.unipd.it>
Subject: Ling Theory, Speech & Lang Pathology, Speech Therapy
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 10:12:53 +0200
From: Elisabetta Fava <elifava at ux1.unipd.it>
Subject: Ling Theory, Speech & Lang Pathology, Speech Therapy
This is the proogram of the conference
linguistic theory, speech and language pathology, speech therapy,
University of Padova, August 22-26
August 22-26, 2000
Dip.to di Discipline linguistiche, comunicative e dello spettacolo
Tuesday, August 22
9.30 Opening: Magnifico Rettore dell'Università, G. Marchesini and other
autorities: Prof. A. Mioni, Chair, and Prof.ssa E. Fava, Dept. Discipline
Linguistiche, comunicative e dello spettacolo
10.00 Y. Tobin, Dept. of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics & Dept. of
Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
Phonology as Human behavior: theoretical implications and cognitive
and clinical applications
10.45 P. Howell, J. Au-Yeung, I. Vallejo-Gomez, K. Dworzynski, Univ.
college London
Using phonological word to predict the development of stuttering
from childhood to adulthood
11.30 P. Howell, J. Au-Yeung, S. Davis, S. Sackin, P. Red, Univ. college
A linguistically motivated operant procedure for treating stuttering
15.30 D. Rybarova, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
SLI, modularity and empiricism
16.00 Habibeh Samadi, Kerman Univ. of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
The cognitive basis of syntactic development vs nativitist
arguments (evidence from Persian)
16.30 S.M. Suzman, Linguistics Dept., Univ. of the Witwatersrand
Specific Language Impairment in Zulu
17.15 A. Terzi, Dept. of Speech Therapy, Technological Educational
Institute of Patras, K. Petinou, Cyprus Institute of Neurology and
Genetics, Cyprus
The position of clitics in early and SLI Cypriot Greek
17.45 Rui Rothe-Neves, G.O.M. Wood, V.G. Haase, F. Alves, Univ. Federal
de Minas Gerais, Depto. de Psicologia, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Working memory assessment battery: psycholinguistic considerations
18.15 E. Zaretsky, Boston Univ., Dept. of Psychology
Auditory Comprehension in SLI Children: the Working Memory Perspective
Wednesday, August 23
9.00 R. Bastiaanse, Univ. of Groningen, Neurolinguistic Research Group,
S. Edwards, Dept. of Linguistic Science, The Univ. of Reading, UK, J.E.
Rispens, Neurolinguistic Research Group (BCN)
The Verb and Sentence Test (VAST)
9.40 J.E. Rispens, BCN, Groningen, R. Bastiaanse, Univ. Groningen,
Neurolinguistic Research Group, S. Edwards, Dept. of Linguistic Science,
The Univ. of Reading
The clinical relevance of a linguistic based test battery for
aphasics (the Verb and Sentence Test): two case studies
10.20 S. Edwards, Dept. of Linguistic Science, The Univ. of Reading
Grammar & fluent aphasia
11.15 Kyrana Tsapkini, Research Center, Institut univ. de gériatrie de
Montréal, Montreal, G. Jarema, Univ. de Montréal, E. Kehayia, Aristotle
Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece and Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital, Laval,
Dissociating different types of mental computations during the
processing of past tense in Greek-speaking aphasic patients
11.55 M. Bley, Universitätsklinik Leipzig, Neurologie/Stroke Unit
Event-related potentials (ERP) during lexical-semantic processing
in aphasic patients: a follow-up study from the acute stage to the chronic
stage of aphasia
15.30 Leah Paltiel Gedalyovich, Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel
Testing linguistic concepts: are we testing semantics, syntax or
16.00 A. Lowit, Dept. of Speech and language Therapy, Strathclyde Univ.,
Glasgow, Uk
Assessment of dysarthric speakers: How useful are current clinical
16.30 L. Gonzalez De Pietrosemoli, Univ. de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
Phonological Theory and Rehabilitation in Aphasia
17.15 H. Miyakoda, Dept. of Computer, Information and Communication
Sciences, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology
What speech errors tell us about the syllable
17.45 A.K. Carter, Dept. of Psychology Speech Research Lab, Indiana
Univ., Bloomington
A Phonetic and Phonological Analysis of Weak Syllable Omissions:
Comparing Children with Normally Developing Language and Specific Language
17.15 J.E. Flege, Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, Univ. of Alabama at
Does age constrain the learning of second-language (L2) speech?
17.45 S. Llach Carles, Univ. de Girona, Laboratori de Fonètica, Facultat
de Lletres
Language learning impairments: phonological deficit in categorical
POSTER SESSION: 18.30 -19.30
F. Belais, Paris 7
A study about organization and temporal structures in two compared
child story-tellings
B. Blecua Falgueras, S. Llach Carles, Laboratori de Fonètica, Univ.
de Girona, Spain
The relationship between auditory temporal processing and language
learning impairments
S. Ferraris, Univ. del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli
The development of Pragmatic Cohesion in Italian L1 and L2 learning
Thao Le, S. Guizzo, Faculty of Education, Univ. of Tasmania, Australia
The significance of systemic functional linguistics to language
Thao Le, S. Guizzo, Univ. of Tasmania, Australia
A linguistics courseware: a collaborative approach
L. Lena, Logopedista ORL, Pordenone, A. Pinton, Logopedista ORL,
Some questions on utterance as a means for analyzing spoken
language data
L. Maccagnan, A. Pinton, Logopedista ORL, Padova
Reference data for observation of linguistic comunication in
preschool age
E. Magno Caldognetto, C. Zmarich, Istituto di Fonetica e
Dialettologia - C.N.R., Padova
The extraction of phonological information from the visible
articulatory movements: Lipreading data
E.C. de Oliveira, E.C. Jurado, L.C.F. - UNESP - MARÍLIA, R. Preto,
SP, Brasil
Relationship among prosodic elements of speech in Parkinsonian
patients and their linguistic function
V. Pavón Vázquez, Dep.to de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana,
Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
The acquisition of a second language phonology: myths and realities
Tranthi Mai, Centre Hospitalier Regional and Univ. de Lille
Linguistic Lexicon and communicative strategies
Youmi Llan, Paris 7
Convergence of vowel duration between children and their mother:
study of four utterance types such as CV, CVC, CVCV, VCV produced by two
native Korean children aged 19 to 24 months
Thursday, August 24
Boat Trip to Venice
Friday, August 25
9.00 M.A. Nippold, C. Moran, I. Schwarz, Communication Disorders &
Sciences, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene
Idiom Comprehension in New Zealand Youth: Synergistic Relationships
9.40 Yumiko Tanaka Welty, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, J. Watanabe, L.
Menn, Univ. of Arts Junior College, Osaka, Japan
An Exploratory Study on Production in Japanese Preschoolers with
Specific Language Impairment
10.20 S. Stavrakaki, Central Communications Facility, Aristotle Univ.
Thessaloniki, Greece
A-bar movement in Greek children with SLI
11.15 C. Kauschke, R. De Bleser, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Potsdam,
Acquisition and loss of grammatical categories: a cross-linguistic
study of normal and disturbed noun and verb processing
S. Zuckerman, R. Bastiaanse, Univ. of Groningen
Verb Movement and Finiteness: Agrammatism and Child Language Compared
15.30 B.M. Garner, CSSE, Monash Univ., Clayton, Australia
Symbols and language
16.00 A. Gavarro, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Dept. de Filologìa
Catalana, Barcelona
Failure to Agree in Agrammatism
16.30 E. Ruigendijk, Univ. of Groningen, BCN Graduate School of
Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences
Case in two German agrammatic aphasics
17.15 Dirk-Bart Den Ouden, R. Bastiaanse, Univ. of Groningen, Graduate
School for Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
Segmental vs Positional Markedness in Syllables: Deletion errors in
the paraphasias of fluent and non-fluent aphasics
17.45 C. Perez Sanz, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Madrid
Optimal Study of some data of phonological impairment
17.15 S. Avrutin, D. Manzoni, Utrecht Univ.
Grammatical Constraints on Agrammatic Speech: Evidence from Italian
17.45 Z. Banréti, Research Institute for Linguistics, Budapest
Directionality of VP Ellipsis in Sentence Processing: a
Neurolinguistic Approach
POSTER SESSION: 18.30-19.30
B. Arfé, Dip. di Psicologia dello sviluppo e della socializzazione,
Univ. di Padova
Writing strategies of prelingual deaf students. A pilot study
S. Bonifacio, C.Visini, E. Zocconi, I.R.C.C.S., Trieste, L.
Girolametto, E. Weitzman, Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology, Faculty of
Medicine, Univ. of Toronto
Contingent responsiveness of Italian speaking and English speaking
mothers to children with expressive vocabulary delays
P. Otero Cabarcos, Fac. de Filoloxìa, Univ. de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain
One approach to phonological disorders from Clinical Phonology
P. Chinellato, Dip. di discipline linguistiche, comunicative e
dello spettacolo, Univ. di Padova e Venezia
Agreement Disorders in Broca's Aphasia Sentence Production: a
Bilingual Case Study
M.E. Favilla, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Pisa
Phonological tests (batteria B.A.D.A.) and evaluation of afasic
patients. A proposal for an improuvement
L. Ferroni, Unit of Recovery and Functional Rehabilitation, "S.
Francesco" Hospital, Barga (Lucca), C. Bacci, Service for out-patient
Rehabilitation, Pietrasanta (Lucca), M.E. Favilla, Dept. of Linguistics,
Univ. of Pisa, S. Chiocca, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of Pisa, M. Vista,
Unit of Neurology, Hospital, Lucca
Evidence of the interaction between the modules of the
lexical-semantic system: the rehabilitation of the grapheme-phoneme
conversion mechanism.
E. Franchi, Univ. di Firenze/Siena
Logogenia & the problem of language acquisition among deaf people
E.C. de Oliveira, E.C. Jurado, L.C.F. - UNESP - MARÍLIA, R. Preto,
SP, Brasil
Relationship among prosodic elements of speech in Parkinsonian
patients and their linguistic function
D. Rosolen, E. Zocconi, I.R.C.C.S, Trieste
Comparison of analysis results on speech samples between tipycal
development and specific language impairment children
L. Fátima Zaniboni, Univ. estadual Paulista (UNESP), Instituto de
Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas (IBILCE), M.L.G. Corrêa, Univ. de Sao
Paulo (USP)
Writing and speech in Parkinsonian patient's writing producion
C. Zmarich, Istituto di Fonetica e Dialettologia - C.N.R., Padova,
S. Bernardini, Centro Medico-Chirurgico di Foniatria, Padova
Prosodic Factors Affecting Stuttering
Saturday, 26 august
9.00 M. Almazan, Facultad de Lenguas y Letras, Univ. Autonoma de
Queretaro, Mexico
Modularity and language impairment (on Williams Syndrome)
9.40 J. Siegmueller, H. Bartels, Univ. of Postdam, Institute of
Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany
Against a syndrome specific language profile in Williams Syndrome:
evidence from the comparison of two single cases
10.20 V. Stojanovik, M. Perkins, S. Howard, Univ. of Sheffield, Dept. of
Human Communication Sciences
The language/cognition interface - lessons from Williams Syndrome
and Specific Language Impairment
11.15 L. Tuller, Univ. di Tours
Persistent errors in the syntax of a proficient deaf speaker of French
11.55 R. Ajello, G. Marotta, L. Mazzoni, F. Nicolai, Dip. di Linguistica,
On written and spoken "morphological fragility" of Italian deafs
Organizing committee:
Prof. A. Mioni, Prof. E. Fava, Dr. P. Crisma, Dr. M. D'angelo, Dr. S.
Gesuato, Dr. A. Zijno
Università di Padova, Dip.to di Discipline linguistiche, comunicative e
dello spettacolo
Via Beato Pellegrino 1, Palazzo Maldura - I-35100 Padova (Italy)
Fax ++39-049 8274919
fax ++39-049 8274919, phone ++39-049-8274925
Elifava at ux1.unipd.it (Prof. Elisabetta Fava)
the website of the conference is
linguistic theory, speech and language pathology, speech therapy
best regards
elisabetta fava
Prof. Elisabetta Fava
Dipartimento di discipline Linguistiche, comunicative e dello spettacolo
Università di Padova
Palazzo Maldura
via Beato Pellegrino 1
I-35100 Padova
fax ++39-049 8274919, phone ++39-0498274925
Elifava at ux1.unipd.it (Prof. Elisabetta Fava)
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1670
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