11.1699, Calls: Intelligent Text Processing & Comp Ling
The LINGUIST Network
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Tue Aug 8 02:07:42 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1699. Mon Aug 7 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1699, Calls: Intelligent Text Processing & Comp Ling
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Lydia Grebenyova <lydia at linguistlist.org>
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the text.
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 20:57:35 -0600
From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh at cic.ipn.mx>
Subject: Intelligent Text Processing & Comp Ling - CICLing-2001, Mexico
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 20:57:35 -0600
From: "Alexander Gelbukh" <gelbukh at cic.ipn.mx>
Subject: Intelligent Text Processing & Comp Ling - CICLing-2001, Mexico
Second International Conference
on Intelligent Text Processing
and Computational Linguistics
February 18 to 24, 2001
Mexico City, Mexico
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 1, posters: November 5
INVITED SPEAKERS: Graeme Hirst, Ruslan Mitkov;
to confirm: Ivan Sag, Igor Mel'cuk
EXCURSIONS: Ancient pyramids, Monarch butterflies,
great cave and colonial city, and more
URL: http://www.cicling.org/2001
In general, we are interested in whatever helps, or will help
eventually, or might help, computers meaningfully process language
The conference is intended to the exchange of opinions between the
scientists working in different areas of the growing field of
computational linguistics and intelligent text processing. Our idea is
to get a bird's-eye view of the state of art in computational
linguistics and its applications.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited by, the following
topics, as long as the topic is presented in computer-related or
formal description aspects:
Computational linguistics research:
* Computational linguistic theories and formalisms
* Representation of linguistic knowledge
* Morphology
* Syntax
* Semantics
* Discourse models
* Text generation
* Statistical methods in computational linguistics
* Corpus linguistics
* Dictionaries for text processing and generation
Intelligent text processing and applications:
* Document classification and search
* Information retrieval
* Text mining and Information extraction
* Automatic summarization
* Natural language interfaces
In particular, papers on the following narrower themes
are especially welcomed:
* Meaning-Text theory
* Generative Linguistics
* Ambiguity resolution
* Subcategorization
* Anaphora resolution
Naturally, we welcome the works on processing any language, not
necessarily English, though usually major languages are of more
general interest.
Note: when describing phenomena of languages other than
English, be sure to make your discussion
understandable for people not familiar with this
particular language.
On the other hand, we are not interested in the topics not related to
computers processing language. For example, we are not interested in
the following types of submissions, which would find much more
appreciative audience at some another conf or in an appropriate
* No: Purely linguistic, dialectological, historic,
etc. discussions of particular languages,
without relation to their computer processing,
e.g.: "Evolution of personal names in classic
* No: Purely computer topics not related to
meaningful language processing, e.g.: "Unicode
character table for Mayan hieroglyphs," or:
"Pentium-V processors with 64 MB cache make
syntactic analyzers work faster."
* No: Application of tools traditionally
developed within computational linguistics, to
non-linguistic-related tasks, e.g.: "Generating of
hardware test sequences with stochastic
If you are not sure whether your particular topic is of interest,
please do not hesitate to ask at gelbukh at cicling.org. You can also
have a look at the past CICLing-2000 program at
http://www.cicling.org/2000 to get an idea of our interests.
The papers can be submitted either as full papers or as poster
abstracts. The authors of poster abstracts are to present their works
as posters or demos. A 2-page poster a bstracts will be published in
the Proceedings. Whenever possible, the abstract should give
references to Internet sites where more detailed info on the work can
be found.
Though we expect that generally the poster presenters will be local
students, there will be no preference neither to local authors nor to
students. The authors of some of the rejected full papers will be
recommended by the Committee to re-submit their work as a poster
abstract. There will be 5 days to write their 2-page abstract after
rejection of their full paper.
PUBLICATION FORMAT: All accepted poster abstracts will be published in
the Proceedings by Springer- Verlag and thus must be prepared in the
required format, see below. In particular, they must not have the word
"Abstract" in their title nor subtitle, and must be supplied with an
abstract according to Springer requirements, with the exception that
the abstract should be very short (say, not more than 5 lines).
POSTER/DEMO FORMAT: You will be given approximately 2 square meters of
vertical space to attach your material. If you have some special
requirements, please let us know. The following common wisdom improves
your presentation:
For a poster
* Arrange individual pages vertically, in
columns, from top to bottom. Horizontal
arrangement of pages makes the readers to
zigzag when reading your material.
* Use large font, at least 20 pt, and much larger
for headings. Note that you probably will
explain your poster to several or many people
at the same time.
* Have detailed and additional material handy,
though do not attach it together with your main
material. It is a good idea to prepare some
sufficient number of handouts.
For a demo
* Have a working program, not a PowerPoint
presentation (which should constitute your
poster instead).
* Prepare some plan of your demonstration,
including some examples tested in advance.
* Prepare all necessary input files in advance,
even small. On the other hand, give the users a
chance to test their own examples and to play
with your program's options and features.
* If possible, have handy some floppies or CDs
with your program and documentation, that
you can give out to the participants. Clearly
indicate your name and email on these disks.
Indicate the web page where more info can be
PRESENTATION: The Poster/Demo presentations will be organized during
short breaks and after the end of the regular talks, i.e., each day
from 18 to 20 pm. On the first day of the conf, the Poster/Demo
session from 18 to 20 pm will be combined with the Welcome party.
REGISTRATION: There are no special rules for registration of poster
presenters. The local students presenting a poster will, according to
the general rule, have a free access to the conf, while will not be
given a copy of the Proceedings unless they pay the registration
fee. All other poster presenters will have to register accordingly.
During the same poster/demo sessions, all participants will be able to
demonstrate the material related to their talks or posters.
Demo platforms provided by the organizers: PC with Windows 95/98, CD
and floppy drives; no significant space on the disk is
guaranteed. Those who need Windows NT on PC, Solaris on Sun, Linux on
PC, Mac, etc., should contact the Committee in advance at
gelbukh at cicling.org. The same about significant disk space, Internet
access, or any special hardware or software requirements.
Even if you do not have any special requirements, we encourage you to
let us know for how much hours you will probably need a demo computer.
All accepted papers and poster abstracts will be published in
CICLing-2001 Proceedings volume edited by Springer-Verlag in its
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series, see
http://link.springer.de/series/lncs .
The full papers should not exceed 14 PAGES, though we encourage you to
keep it shorter (as short as possible - but not shorter).
Poster abstracts should not exceed 2 PAGES and should, if possible,
contain references to Internet sites where more detail on the work can
be found. Otherwise the format of the poster abstracts is identical
to that of full papers.
Please strictly follow the format guidelines of Springer LNAI series,
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html . We can not guarantee
acceptance of any paper that does not follow these guidelines. Please
do not hesitate to ask any questions at gelbukh at cicling.org.
Note for Word users: the template sv-lncs.dot,
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/word/sv-lncs.dot ,
currently provided by Springer has the
following bugs that you must correct in your
paper in order for it to be accepted:
1. All centered paragraphs (title, author,
address, email, equation, etc.) and some
other special paragraphs (table and figure
captions) have 0.4cm first line indentation,
please set it to 0 (not indented). This can be
done through the menu Format | Paragraph
| Indentation and Space or (only for expert
users!) Format | Style | Modify | Format |
Paragraph | Indentation and Space.
2. Bulleted lists seem to have a problem with
the bullet character. You can choose
another bullet character through the menu
Format | Numbering and lists | Bulleted lists
| Personalize or (only for expert users!)
Format | Style | Modify | Format |
Numbering | Bulleted lists | Personalize.
3. Table title style has German language,
please set it to English.
We accept only electronic submissions. To submit a paper, send both or
any one of the following at submission at cicling.org:
* PostScript or PDF file. PostScript usually
better works with non-English characters.
* Source file in RTF or DOC. Or, file in LaTeX
together with a PostScript or PDF files.
When sending us the camera ready paper, please send all of the following:
* Source file in LaTeX or RTF (not in DOC). If
you use LaTeX, then also all necessary source
files, such as EPS pictures and all style files
different from llncs.cls (note that the use of
custom style files is strongly discouraged).
* PostScript and PDF file, if you are unable to
produce a PDF file. If you use LaTeX, then
also DVI file.
* Hard copy (see address below). Only as an
exception, you can ask us to print your paper
for you (i.e., not to send us the hard copy).
* Copyright form, either the original hard
copy (preferable) or a fax (see the number
below). The form is at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/copyrigh.html .
If you are not sure whether some special symbols are printed correctly
at our side, we encourage you to send us scanned images or printed
copies of the pages in question by fax and/or mail, clearly indicating
what symbols are to be checked; e.g., you can draw a circle around the
symbol we should check. Note that these copies are complementary; in
any case we need your electronic submission.
Email: gelbukh at cicling.org
Fax: +1 (520) 441-1817 (in the USA).
Street address:
Prof. Alexander Gelbukh,
Laboratorio de Lenguaje Natural,
CIC - Centro de Investigacion en Computacion,
IPN - Instituto Politecnico Nacional,
Av. Juan Dios Batiz s/n esq. Av. M. Othon Mendizabal,
Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez Mateos",
Col. Zacatenco, C.P. 07738, Mexico D.F.
AUTHORS OF ACCEPTED PAPERS: By submitting a paper, at least one author
thereby promises, in case of acceptance of the paper, to attend the
conf in person to present their paper and to pay the corresponding
early registration fee. Unless the current policy changes, the authors
of accepted papers will be allowed to register on-site at the early
registration rates.
Note: We reserve the right to change this information
before November 20; please check our website.
PUBLIC: Please contact registration at cicling.org before November 20 for
early registration information.
Before November 20:
Specialists: US$ 180
Students: US$ 90
On site:
Specialists: US$ 220
Students: US$ 120
Local students: enter free (no printed material)
A limited number of reduced registrations will be available. To apply,
please contact the organizing committee at gelbukh at cicling.org and
justify your application. The reduced registration can be provided,
among others, to the following categories (not in all cases!):
* People whose fee will not be paid by their
institution and whose family income does not
allow to afford paying the full fee,
* Those people from underdeveloped countries
whose institutions have real difficulties paying
the full fee (included: Latin America, Eastern
Europe; not included: North America, Western
Regular papers
Submission deadline: October 1
Notification of acceptance: November 1
Camera-ready deadline: November 15
Poster abstracts
Submission deadline: November 5
Notification of acceptance: November 17
Camera-ready deadline: November 20
Conf: February 18-24
* Graeme Hirst (U. Toronto, Canada). He will
present a talk on near-synonymy (with Diana
Zaiu Inkpen), and give a discussion/tutorial on
lexical chains (with Alex Budanitsky).
* Ruslan Mitkov (U. of Wolverhampton, UK).
He will probably talk about anaphora
* To be confirmed: Igor A. Mel'cuk (U.
Montreal, Canada). He is the author of the
Meaning-Text Theory of language
understanding and translation.
* To be confirmed: Ivan Sag (Stanford U.,
USA). He is one of the key developers of the
HPSG theory, probably the most widely
accepted modern syntactic theory.
We are considering several possibilities: a hotel at the conf place, a
hotel at the Historical Center, or an affordable hotel rather near to
the Historical Center. You can help us make the decision; please send
us your vote.
The hotel **** El Ejecutivo is affordable, nice, and located in the
central district. Address: Av. Viena # 8, Colonia Juarez, Mexico DF,
06600. Tel. +52 (5) 566-6422, 566-6565, fax for reservations +52 (5)
535-5088. At our website http://www.cicling.org/2001 you also can see
a booklet with some info and a local map. Hotel:
http://www.netfm.com.mx/ejecutivo .
Rates (approximately):
* Single: US$35 per night,
* Double: $38.50 (shared $19.25/person) per night.
* Triple: $42.50 (shared $14.17/person) per night.
You do not need to reserve your room, we will do it for you. Please
send a message at hotel at cicling.org indicating:
* your name,
* dates: from what day to what day you will stay
in the hotel
* type of the room (single, double, triple, JR
suite, Master suite),
* the number of persons,
* whether you prefer to share the room with
other persons (e.g., you can indicate a shared
triple room for one person; in this case you will
share this room with other two persons),
* male or female (for shared rooms),
* any other indications (e.g., with whom you
would prefer to share the room).
Currently all info regarding the hotel is preliminary. In any case,
though, we will provide you with a reservation in a hotel of
comparable quality and comparable rates.
At the airport, ask for the authorized taxi service. It is located to
the leftmost part of the airport building (as you see it when come out
of the customs), there you pay to a window and receive a ticket. You
do not pay anything to the driver. When buying the ticket, you
indicate the zone that in your case will be "Zona Rosa," or "Zona
Central". You pay about US$10 (100 pesos) or less.
To the taxi driver, tell the address: Zona Rosa, Calle Viena (pasar
por Reforma), #8, hotel "El Ejecutivo." Please print out this page
and show the address to the driver.
See the local site map at http://www.cicling.org/2001 . You are
advised to print out this image. See also a photo of the building.
ADDRESS: CIC building, Av. Juan de Dios Batiz unnumbered, cross with
Av. Miguel Othon de Mendizabal Ote, Unidad Profesional "Adolfo Lopez
Mateos" of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). Zip code:
07738. Mexico City, MEXICO.
TAXI: The taxi from the Central zone should cost about 30 pesos
(US$3). Go north by Av. Eje Central Cien Metros until the Subway
station "Politecnico," and you are almost here; you can continue on
foot or in taxi. Pass the Subway station, pass one building more (car
dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right by Av. Venus, and
enter the IPN territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is
the CIC. You can print out the following text in Spanish and show it
to the taxi driver:
"Va al Norte por Eje Central Cien Metros
hasta el Metro Politecnico, paselo, pase un
edificio mas (tienda de autmoviles seminuevos
MYLSA), de vuelta a la derecha (por la calle
Venus), entre en el IPN, va al edificio rojo de 3
METRO: By the Yellow line, go North to the terminal station
Politecnico. Exit to "Calle Diana". Walking along the car circulation
by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car dealer Ford
MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN Institute
territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the CIC.
BUS: There are many buses and microbuses that go along Av. Eje Central
to the "Metro Politecnico" Subway station. Ask the driver to tell you
when the bus arrives to that station. Then walking along the car
circulation by the large street (Eje Central), pass one building (car
dealer Ford MYLSA, a glass building), turn right, and enter the IPN
Institute territory gate. The nearest 3-floor pink building is the
CAR: Take North Ave. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the large bus
terminal "Terminal de Autobuses del Norte" (to the right from
you). Pass the tower of the Mexican Oil Institute - Instituto Mexicano
de Petroleo (to the left from you) and the Subway station "Instituto
de Petroleo." When crossing Eje 5 Norte (Montevideo), move to the
right lane of Ave. Eje Central Cien Metros. Pass the Subway station
"Politecnico" and go slowly. Pass the Ford car dealer MYLSA (a glass
building), turn right into Venus street, and enter the IPN gate. Leave
some personal identification document at the entrance gate to IPN.
The nearest building is CIC, a pink square 3 floor building.
Call Alexander Gelbukh (or a person who answers) at home: 5597-0709
(local phone) or at work 5729-6000 ext. 56544, 56602, 56618. If
someone else responds at home, please speak English (do not speak
(See submission deadlines in the section Important Dates above.)
* February 18, Sunday: Registration. Excursion
to Teotihuacan: ancient Indian pyramids.
* February 19, Monday: Registration. Talks.
Welcome pary.
* February 20, Tuesday: Talks. Possibly
excursion to the City Center.
* February 21, Wednesday: Excursion to
Angangueo: Monarch Butterfly wintering site.
* February 22, Thursday: Talks and workshops.
* February 23, Friday: Talks and workshops.
Excursion to the Anthropological Museum.
* February 24, Saturday: Excursion to
Cacahuamilpa and Taxco: great cave and
colonial city.
Note: This schedule is tentative; in particular, the
order of excursions can change.
This year, the conference features a very strong international Program
Committee. Please read the list: if you are seriously involved in
computational linguistics, you will be surprised how many of the names
you will find very familiar.
1. Baeza-Yates, Ricardo, Chile
2. Blekhman, Michael, Canada
3. Boitet, Christian, France
4. Bolshakov, Igor, Mexico
5. Brusilovsky, Peter, USA
6. Calzolari, Nicoletta, Italy
7. Cassidy, Patrick, USA
8. Cristea, Dan, Romania
9. Gelbukh, Alexander (chair), Mexico
10. Guzman-Arenas, Adolfo, Mexico
11. Hasida, Koiti, Japan
12. Harada, Yasunari, Japan
13. Hirst, Graeme, Canada
14. Kittredge, Richard, USA / Canada
15. Koch, Gregers, Denmark
16. Laufer, Natalia, Russia
17. Lopez-Lopez, Aurelio, Mexico
18. Loukanova, Roussanka, USA / Bulgaria
19. Maegard, Bente, Denmark
20. Martin-Vide, Carlos, Spain
21. Mel'cuk, Igor, Canada
22. Metais, Elisabeth, France
23. Milicevic, Jasmina, Canada
24. Mitkov, Ruslan, UK
25. Murata, Masaki, Japan
26. Narin'yani, Alexander, Russia
27. Nevzorova, Olga, Russia
28. Palomar, Manuel, USA / Spain
29. Pedersen, Ted, USA
30. Pineda-Cortes, Luis Alberto, Mexico
31. Piperidis, Stelios, Greece
32. Sag, Ivan, USA
33. Sidorov, Grigori, Mexico
34. Sharoff, Serge, Russia
35. Sun Maosong, China
36. Trujillo, Arturo, UK
37. T'sou Ka-yin, Benjamin, Hong Kong
38. Verspoor, Karin, USA / The Netherlands
39. Vilares Ferro, Manuel, Spain
40. Wilks, Yorick, UK
1. Alexander Gelbukh (chair)
2. Carlos Vizcaino Sahagun
3. Carlos Ulloa
4. Soila Vargas Garcia
5. Teresa Salcedo Camarena
6. Sofia Galicia Haro
| You are strongly advised to have a look at
| http://www.cicling.org/2001 time to time
| to see if there are any changes to the info above.
Alexander Gelbukh,
gelbukh at cicling.org
Program and Organizing Chair of
CICLing-2001, http://www.cicling.org/2001
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