11.1795, Qs: Semitic Consonants, "But" in German/English

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Aug 23 23:35:42 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-1795. Wed Aug 23 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.1795, Qs: Semitic Consonants, "But" in German/English

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Date:  Mon, 21 Aug 2000 20:10:15 -0500
From:  "Carole Unseth" <wordlover at kcbi.net>
Subject:  Semitic Consonant Frequencies and Positions

Date:  Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:27:00 +0200
From:  Kristina Kotcheva <kristina.kotcheva at rz.hu-berlin.de>
Subject:  'but'

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 21 Aug 2000 20:10:15 -0500
From:  "Carole Unseth" <wordlover at kcbi.net>
Subject:  Semitic Consonant Frequencies and Positions

Semitic consonant frequencies and positions

 I am looking for any studies in Semitic languages that have counted
consonants and their positions within verb roots, initial, medial, final
position.  For example, I note that in Arabic, "t" is found only half as
often in initial position as medial or final, but "s" is much more
common in initial position than in initial or final.   I am aware of
Greenberg's study on Arabic and Bender's study on Amharic.

Pete Unseth

wordlover at kcbi.net

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:27:00 +0200
From:  Kristina Kotcheva <kristina.kotcheva at rz.hu-berlin.de>
Subject:  'but'

Dear Linguists,

the differences in the use of English conjunction 'but' and its German
counterparts 'aber'/'sondern' are well-known. In German sentences like the
one below are possible and acceptable. I suppose this is not true of
English, but I'd like to hear native speaker's opinion on this since
English is not my mother tongue.

Kein Mitglied der IETF vertritt Microsoft oder die US-Regierung, sondern
alle sprechen für sich selbst.

No member of IETF represents Microsoft or the US government, ?but everybody
speaks for himself/herself.
[what is stated in the first part of the sentence is rejected as not being
the case and replaced by the statement in the second part of the sentence]

Please send answers via personal email. Thanks in advance!

Kristina Kotcheva

Kristina Kotcheva
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin

e-mail: kristina.kotcheva at rz.hu-berlin.de
tel.:	#49-30-20196-750
fax:	#49-30-20196-626

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1795

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