11.2698, Sum: French Interrogatives

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Wed Dec 13 14:51:19 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-2698. Wed Dec 13 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.2698, Sum: French Interrogatives

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Date:  Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:48:27 +0100
From:  Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen <maj at hum.ku.dk>
Subject:  French interrogatives

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:48:27 +0100
From:  Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen <maj at hum.ku.dk>
Subject:  French interrogatives

Dear colleagues,
A while ago, I posted a query to the list concerning interrogative
structures in varieties of French outside of France.

The following people were kind enough to respond:
Helene Ossipov
Annabel Cormack
Phaedra Royle
Isabelle Barriere
Bernadette Plunkett
Marc Picard
Sylvain Neuvel
Richard Waltereit
Robert A. Papen
Pierre Larrivée
Melanie Sellar
Julie Auger
Philippe Barbaud
Stéphane Goyette
Marielle Lange
Malcah Yaeger
- Many thanks to all of you!

Here are the references I was given:

Barbarie, Y.  1982.  Analyse sociolinguistique de la syntaxe de
l'interrogation en français québécois.  Revue québécoise de linguistique
12(1): 145-167.
Barbaud, Ph.  1998.  Dissidence du français québécois et évolution
dialectale.  Revue québécoise de linguistique 26(2).
Fox, C.A.  1989.  Syntactic variation and interrogative structures in
Québécois.  Ph.D.-dissertion, Indiana U.
Léard, J.-M.  1982.  Essai d'explication de quelques redoublements en
syntaxe du québécois.  Revue québécoise de linguistique 11(2): 127-150.
Léard, J.-M.  1995.  Grammaire québécoise d'aujourd'hui.  Comprendre les
québécismes.  Montreal: Guérin. (Chapter 3)
Léard, J.-M.  1996.  Ti-tu, est-ce que, qu'est-ce que, ce que, héque, don :
des particules de modalisation en français ?  Revue québécoise de
linguistique 24(2): 105-124.
Lefebvre, Cl.  1981.  The double structure of questions in French:  A case
of syntactic variation.  In:  Proceedings of NWAVE 1979.
Lefebvre, Cl.  1982.  La syntaxe comparée du français standard et populaire
: approches formelle et fonctionnelle, vols. 1-2.  Langues et Société,
Gouvernement du Québec.
Lemieux, M. & H.J. Cedergren.  1985.  Les tendances dynamiques du français
parlé à Montréal, vols. 1-2.  Langues et Société, Gouvernement du Québec.
Noonan, M.B.  1992.  Case and syntactic geometry.  Ph.D.-thesis.  McGill U.
Picard, M.  1991.  Clitics, affixes, and the evolution of th equestion
marker -tu, in Canadian French.  Journal of French language studies 1:
Picard, M.  1992.  Aspects synchroniques et diachroniques du tu
interrogatif en québécois.  Revue québécoise de linguistique 21(2): 65-75.
Picard, M.  Submitted.  L1 interference in second language acquisition: the
case of question formation in Canadian French.  Journal of French language
Vinet, M.-Th.  1997.  Tu-pas en français québécois : identification
grammaticale.  in:  L. Lapierre, ed., Mélanges de linguistique offerts à
Rostislav Kocourek. Halifax, NS, Presses d'Alfa.
Vinet, M.-Th.  2000.  Feature representation and tu(-pas) in Quebec French.
Studia linguistica 54 (3).

Homepage of the sociolinguistics research group at the U. of Ottawa:
Homepage of Belgian linguists from the ULB:

Most people mentioned the -tu(pas) construction as perhaps the dominant way
of forming yes/no questions in Québécois.  This construction appears to be
analogous to the dialectal -ti construction which is found in metropolitan
French, in as much as it originates in a reanalysis of an inverted
subject-clitic: 'Il veux-tu venir ?'  The construction is apparently odd in
the 2nd person plural.

It was also mentioned that inversion in Y/N-questions is frequent in
Québécois in the 2nd person, but apparently impossible in the 1st and 3rd
person, and that intonation questions are much rarer in Québe´cois than in
metropolitan French.

Some people pointed to constructions of the type 'Qui qui es venu ?', found
in WH-questions.  This does exist in metropolitan French, but is apparently
particularly prevalent in Québécois.

Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of French linguistics
Dept. of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Tel.: (+45), Fax: (+45)
E-mail: maj at hum.ku.dk
Website: http://www.hum.ku.dk/romansk/Forskning/forskning.htm

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2698

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