11.239, Calls: Phonology, Computational Logic
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Fri Feb 4 07:17:38 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-239. Fri Feb 4 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.239, Calls: Phonology, Computational Logic
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Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 20:43:50 -0000
From: "Wiebke Brockhaus" <mflstwb at fs1.art.man.ac.uk>
Subject: Phonology in Manchester, 18-20 May 2000
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 15:07:32 +0100 (MET)
From: "Raamsdonk van F" <femke at skiff.cs.vu.nl>
Subject: First International Conference on Computational Logic (postponed)
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 20:43:50 -0000
From: "Wiebke Brockhaus" <mflstwb at fs1.art.man.ac.uk>
Subject: Phonology in Manchester, 18-20 May 2000
The North-West Centre for Linguistics and
the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT)
The 8th Manchester Phonology Meeting
University of Manchester (UK)
Thursday 18 May to Saturday 20 May 2000
We are pleased to announce our 8th Manchester Phonology Meeting. For
the past seven years, this meeting has been one of the important
venues for phonologists from all corners of the world. In an informal
atmosphere, we discuss a wide range of topics, from the phonological
description of languages to the acquisition of phonology by children.
We, therefore, invite abstracts for full papers or poster
presentations from phonologists, phoneticians, psychologists,
sociolinguists, computational linguists - in short, anyone interested
in exploring current models of phonological theory and the (cognitive,
phonetic, sociological, computational...) implications of such
work. Talks on a variety of languages are welcome.
There will be 13 talks and a 90-minute poster session for up to 17
posters. The Meeting also includes a special session on markedness and
syllabic position, organised by Norval Smith (University of
Amsterdam), Patrick Honeybone (Edge Hill College of Higher Education)
and Wiebke Brockhaus (University of Manchester), with financial
support from LOT. The invited speakers are
Ellen Broselow (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
John Harris (University College London)
Norval Smith (University of Amsterdam)
Bert Botma (University of Amsterdam) & Erik Jan van der Torre
(University of Leiden)
The conference venue is the Hulme Hall lecture suite at the University
of Manchester, which is located only a couple of miles south of the
city centre. Participants are asked to arrange their own
accommodation, and details of inexpensive local hotels (rooms from c.
GBP20.00 per night, incl. breakfast) can be found on our travel and
accommodation page at
If you would like to present a paper or a poster, please e-mail a title
and a one-page abstract no later than Monday 27 March 2000 to:
Wiebke.Brockhaus at man.ac.uk
Abstracts should be no longer than one side of A4 (21 c x 29.7 c;
12pt, 2.5 cm margins), including references. They can be sent as part
of normal e-mail messages, or as Word or WordPerfect files. Please
indicate whether your abstract is for a poster or a paper, bearing in
mind that the organisers reserve the right to accept an abstract for a
format other than that suggested by the author(s).
If you are unable to submit your abstract by e-mail, please post or
fax it to:
Dr Wiebke Brockhaus
Department of German [not Linguistics, please note!]
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 3031
All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Organising
Committee, and acceptance notification will be sent out by 12 April
Please visit our web site at
http://www.art.man.ac.uk/german/8mfm/call.htm for more details.
Best wishes,
The Organisers:
Wiebke Brockhaus (University of Manchester)
Jacques Durand (Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail)
Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester)
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 15:07:32 +0100 (MET)
From: "Raamsdonk van F" <femke at skiff.cs.vu.nl>
Subject: First International Conference on Computational Logic (postponed)
First International Conference on Computational Logic, CL2000
Imperial College, London, UK
24th to 28th July, 2000
Due largely to the difficulties caused by related conferences having
submission dates at about the same time, the submission deadline for
CL2000 is postponed to
Monday 21st February, 2000.
If you wish to take advantage of this extension, you are asked to email
the Chair of the Stream to which you intend to submit the title, author(s),
abstract, and keywords for your paper *as soon as possible*.
Highlights of the conference include 8 invited speakers, 12 tutorials, and
a strong workshop programme held in-line with the conference. Collocating
with CL2000 are DOOD2000, LOPSTR2000, and ILP2000. Full details about the
conference, including the email addresses of the Stream Chairs, are given
at the above URL.
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-239
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