11.147, Calls: Lang Origin, Comp Ling/Integrating Information

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Mon Jan 24 17:39:26 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-147. Mon Jan 24 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.147, Calls: Lang Origin, Comp Ling/Integrating Information

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Date:  Sun, 23 Jan 2000 23:02:18 +0000 (GMT)
From:  Stevan Harnad <harnad at coglit.ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Subject:  Language Origin/Evolution: Commentators

Date:  Mon, 24 Jan 2000 13:55:17 +0100
From:  root <root at Leibniz.lili.uni-bielefeld.de>
Subject:  Comp Ling: Integrating Information from Different Channels

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sun, 23 Jan 2000 23:02:18 +0000 (GMT)
From:  Stevan Harnad <harnad at coglit.ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Subject:  Language Origin/Evolution: Commentators


    The target article whose abstract appears below has today appeared
    in PSYCOLOQUY, a refereed online journal of Open Peer Commentary
    sponsored by the American Psychological Association.


    OPEN PEER COMMENTARY on this target article is now invited.
    Qualified professional biobehavioural, neural or cognitive
    scientists should consult PSYCOLOQUY's Websites or send email
    (below) for Instructions if not familiar with format or acceptance
    criteria for commentaries (all submissions are refereed).

    To submit articles or to seek information:

    EMAIL:      psyc at pucc.princeton.edu
    URLs:       http://www.princeton.edu/~harnad/psyc.html

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
psycoloquy.00.11.007.language-gesture.1.place           Sun Jan 23 2000
ISSN 1055-0143                (59 paras, 58 refs, 1 figure, 1281 lines)
PSYCOLOQUY is sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA)
                Copyright 2000 Ullin T. Place

                Target Article on Language Origins

                Ullin T. Place
                School of Philosophy
                University of Leeds
                School of Psychology
                University of Wales,
                Bangor, Wales

                Charles Catania
                Department of Psychology
                University of Maryland,
                Baltimore County
                1000 Hilltop Circle
                Baltimore, Maryland 21250
                catania at umbc.edu

    ABSTRACT: This target article  has four sections. Section I sets
    out four principles which should guide any attempt to reconstruct
    the evolution of an existing biological characteristic.  Section II
    sets out thirteen principles specific to a reconstruction of the
    evolution of language.  Section III sets out eleven pieces of
    evidence for the view that vocal language must have been preceded
    by an earlier language of gesture.  Based on those principles and
    evidence, Section IV sets out seven proposed stages in the process
    whereby language evolved: (1) the use of mimed movement to indicate
    an action to be performed, (2) the development of referential
    pointing which, when combined with mimed movement, leads to a
    language of gesture, (3) the development of vocalisation, initially
    as a way of imitating the calls of animals, (4) counting on the
    fingers leading into (5) the development of symbolic as distinct
    from iconic representation, (6) the introduction of the practice of
    question and answer, and (7) the emergence of syntax as a way of
    disambiguating utterances that can otherwise be disambiguated only
    by gesture.

    KEYWORDS: evolution, equivalence, gesture, homesigning, iconic,
    language, miming, pointing, protolanguage, referring, sentence,
    symbolic, syntax, vocalisation

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Ullin T. Place died on January 2, 2000. His target
    article had been reviewed for PSYCOLOQUY and was essentially
    complete at the time of his death. Some minor editing has been done
    by PSYCOLOQUY Associate Editor A. Charles Catania, mainly to bring
    the manuscript into conformity with PSYCOLOQUY style. Catania will
    consider replying to commentaries on this article, but also
    welcomes the participation of others who may feel they are
    familiar enough with Place's perspectives to do so.

Retrieve the full target article at:


-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 24 Jan 2000 13:55:17 +0100
From:  root <root at Leibniz.lili.uni-bielefeld.de>
Subject:  Comp Ling: Integrating Information from Different Channels

This is the Final Call for Papers for the


       "Integrating Information from Different Channels
                   in Multi-Media-Contexts"

to be held as part of ESSLLI 2000 at Birmingham (UK), August 6-18, 2000

URL: http://www.lili.uni-bielefeld.de/~wicic

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

In everyday situations agents must combine information from different
sources: Reference and predication can be based both on gestural and
spoken information. Inferences demand extracting information from
diagrams and the text built around them. Focus of attention is often
indicated by visual, gestural or acoustic means.

The growing number of researchers interested in multimodal information
reflects its practical relevance, not least in the construction of
man-machine interfaces. In order to model complex multimodal
information, a notion of composite signal is called for in which
the different "threads of information" are integrated. Understanding
composite signals may be necessary for all fields of science dealing
with information, whether empirically or formally oriented. Research
in this area is bound up with logical, linguistic, computational and
philosophical problems like

     - assessing the semantic contribution of information from
       different sources,
     - compositionality in the construction of information
     - extending the notions of reference, truth and entailment in
       order to capture the content of "mixed information states" and
     - experimentally measuring the activity on different channels or
     - investigating timing problems concerning "interleaving
       threads" of information.

Despite their foundational flavour, emerging theories in this area
have applications in domains as diverse as discourse analysis
(monitoring and back-channelling behaviour), styles of reasoning,
robotics (reference resolution by pointing) and Virtual Reality
(integration of gesture and speech).

Consequently, the workshop is addressed to scholars from different
fields: We welcome experimental researchers investigating
e.g. gesture, eye movement or other means of focussing in relation to
speech. At the same time workshop contributions of linguists,
logicians or computer scientists are invited who work on the
description and the formal modelling of complex signals. Finally, work
concerning the simulation of production or understanding of complex
signals, Virtual Reality type, neural net like or other, is also

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

For further and occassionally updated information, please visit

Kenneth Holmqvist (LUCS), Hannes Rieser (SFB360) and
Peter Kuehnlein (SFB360)

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-147

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