11.1487, Calls: Learning to Behave, Building Tomorrow Today
The LINGUIST Network
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Fri Jul 7 16:09:15 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1487. Fri Jul 7 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1487, Calls: Learning to Behave, Building Tomorrow Today
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 14:38:11 +0200
From: Anton Nijholt <anijholt at cs.utwente.nl>
Subject: Workshop "Learning to Behave"
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 10:48:21 +0200
From: Martin Klesen <klesen at dfki.de>
Subject: i3net - Building Tomorrow Today
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 14:38:11 +0200
From: Anton Nijholt <anijholt at cs.utwente.nl>
Subject: Workshop "Learning to Behave"
CELE-Twente Workshops
"Learning to Behave"
Workshop series on (Human-)Agent Interaction and Agent Learning
October 18-20, 2000 "Interacting Agents" (Enschede, The Netherlands)
November 22-24, 2000 "Internalising Knowledge" (Ieper, Belgium)
Parlevink Research Group & Centre for Evolutionary Language
University of Twente/CTIT SAIL Port Western Europe
Enschede Ieper
The Netherlands Belgium
The Center for Evolutionary Language Engineering (CELE) and the
Parlevink research group of the Computer Science department of the
University of Twente are organising a two-part workshop series on
human-agent interaction and information processing.
The workshops will investigate human-agent interaction and knowledge
both on the level of the agent's communication with the external
environment and the level of the agent's internal processes that guide
the modelling and understanding of the external sensory input in the
The format of both workshops will consist of keynote presentations by
experts in the fields combined with presentations of accepted papers.
Ample time is allowed for discussion, thus ensuring that both workshops
are genuinely interactive events where new ideas and insights can take
form via the collaboration of experts with diverse backgrounds.
Dirk Frimout, CELE
Roel Pieper, University of Twente/Lernout&Hauspie
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (not yet complete)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente (co-chair)
Kristiina Jokinen, CELE (co-chair)
Dirk Heylen, University of Twente (co-chair)
Elisabeth Andre, DFKI, Germany
Marc Cavazza, Bradford University, UK
Kristina Hook, SICS, Sweden
Lewis Johnson, USC/ISI, USA
Marc Leman, University of Ghent, Belgium
Risto Miikkulainen, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Mahoro Anabuki, Mixed Reality Systems Lab, Yokohama, Japan
Klaus Obermayer, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Luc Steels, VUB, Belgium
Stefaan Decorte, CELE
Sven Degroeve, CELE
Betsy van Dijk, UT
Herwig Van Marck, CELE
Workshop I: Interacting Agents
Enschede, October 18-20, 2000
- -----------------------------
The first workshop, Interacting Agents, will focus on the agents'
interaction with the environment, the use of conversational
strategies, non-verbal communication, turn-taking, protocols,
cross-media references, and the effect of context. This involves the
study and design of artificial, embodied agents living in a virtual
environment that can use language and other forms of communication,
such as gesture and gaze, to interact with users and other agents. The
goal is to review state of the art research on multi-modal
communication and embodied multi-agents.
Topics for contributions for the workshop include but are not restricted
to the following:
- Conversational skills of embodied agents
- Agent communication and natural language processing
- Non-verbal communication in human-agent interaction, including gaze,
gestures, facial expressions and prosody
- Affect and emotion in agents
- Empirical evaluation of human-agent interactions
- Applications in theatre and e-commerce
Workshop II: Internalising Knowledge
Ieper, November 22-24, 2000
- ----------------------------------
The second workshop, Internalising Knowledge, concentrates on internal
aspects of learning via interaction: computation in brain-like
systems. The goal is to investigate cognitive models for information
processing and coordination, especially how symbolic processing,
conceptualisation and language learning take place in neural
models. This includes investigations on the special characteristics of
speech and language with respect to the architecture and functional
diversity of the brain, cortical organisation and representation of
information, as well as on the mechanisms of transforming analogue
signals, coming through the senses, into discreet symbols that are
used as a means of thought and language.
Topics for the second workshop on Internalising Knowledge include
but are not restricted to the following:
- Emergence of symbolic behaviour in brain-like systems
- Cognitive models for human language processing
- Perceptual grouping and language patterns
- Spatio-temporal learning of musical concepts
- Information encoding in brain-inspired models
- Language acquisition and development of cognition
- Models and algorithms for computational neural architectures
Researchers working in this domain are invited to email a 2-page
abstract (plain ascii format), together with title, affiliation and
keywords to ctwlt at cs.utwente.nl. Please mention for which workshop
the submission is intended.
Invited and accepted papers will be published in the workshop
IMPORTANT DATES | I. Enschede | II. Ieper |
|Deadline for submitted abstracts | July 31 | July 31 |
|Notification of acceptance | August 15 | August 15 |
|Deadline for camera-ready papers | October 1 | October 16 |
|Workshops | October 18-20 | November 22-24|
The registration fee for each workhop is $175.00. This entitles you to
proceedings, refreshements during the breaks, lunches, and an informal
reception. Details about registration, lodging and location will soon
become available on the CTWLT website at
VR Valley Twente http://www.vr-valley.com/
For further information, please contact the organizers at
ctwlt at cs.utwente.nl or Kristiina.Jokinen at sail.com
Information will also be available at http://parlevink.cs.utwente.nl/
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 10:48:21 +0200
From: Martin Klesen <klesen at dfki.de>
Subject: i3net - Building Tomorrow Today
This is just to let you know that the Call for Participation for i3net
Annual Conference in Jönköping 13-15 September 2000 is now available
on the web site:
Looking forward to seeing many of you there....
Nanett Mosumgaard
i3net Conference manager
Natural Interactive Systems Laboratory
University of Southern Denmark
Main Campus: Odense University
Science Park 10
5230 Odense M
Tel. ( +45) 65 50 35 54 (direct)
Tel. ( +45) 65 50 10 00 (switchboard)
Fax (+45) 63 15 72 24
email: namo at nis.sdu.dk
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1487
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