11.1495, Confs: Language and Computation (2000SICOLC)
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Sun Jul 9 20:31:36 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1495. Sun Jul 9 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1495, Confs: Language and Computation (2000SICOLC)
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Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 12:02:59 +0900
From: Youngjun Jang <yjang at cau.ac.kr>
Subject: Language and Computation (2000SICOLC)
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 12:02:59 +0900
From: Youngjun Jang <yjang at cau.ac.kr>
Subject: Language and Computation (2000SICOLC)
2000 Seoul International Conference on Language and Computation
August 9-11, 2000
Seoul, Korea
Korea University, New Building of College of Business Administration
August 9th (Wednesday)
09:30~09:30 Registration
09:30~09:40 Opening Remarks (President of LSK)
09:40~10:50 Database Semantics for Natural Language (Roland Hausser, U. of
10:50~11:10 Break
11:10~12:30 Predicate Raising and Theta Relations (Mamoru Saito, Nanzan U.)
12:30~14:00 Lunch
14:00~15:20 Language Processing: the New Directions in Korean Language
(Key-Sun Choi, KAIST)
15:20~15:40 Break
15:40~17:10 Room 1(Syntax Session)
Discussant: Dongseok Kim (Taegu U.), Youngjun Jang
(Chung-Ang U.)
15:40~16:10 Passivization of Causative constructions (Akemi Matsuya, U. of
Maryland at College Park)
16:10~16:40 Reconstruction Puzzles and Binding (Soo-Yeon Kim, Sejong U.)
1`6:40~17:10 Overt Operations inside and outside Clauses Involving Comparative
Stripping (Myung-Kwan Park, Dongkuk U.)
15:40~17:10 Room 2 (Phonology Session)
Discussant: Jae Young Lee (Seoul Nt'l U.), Soon Hyun Hong
(Inha U.)
15:40~16:10 Prosody in Old English: High Vowel Deletion (Yookang Kim, U. of
16:10~16:40 Prosody in Subcategorization Constraints: an OT Alternative to
Lexical Phonology (Yongsung Lee, Pusan U. of Foreign Studies)
16:40~17:10 Prosodic Neutralization in English (Hyea-sung Cho, Mokpo National
Maritime U.)
August 10th (Thursday)
09:00~09:30 Registration
09:30~10:50 Corpus Linguistics: a Usage-based Approach to Language (Michael
Barlow, Rice U.)
10:50~11:10 Break
11:10~12:10 Room 1 (Syntax Session)
Discussant: Jeong-Seok Kim (Sogang U.), Kwangho Lee
(Honnam U.)
11:10~11:40 Verb Serialization in Korean (Younghwan Suh, Hankuk U. of Foreign
11:40~12:10 Predicate Ellipsis and Nominalization in Japanese (Hiromu Sakai,
Hiroshima U.)
11:10~12:10 Room 2 (Corpus Session)
Discussant: Hee-Rahk Chae (Hankuk U. of Foreign Studies),
Heok-Seung Kwon (Seoul National U.)
11:10~11:40 A Corpus-based Study on Syntactic Change in the English Imperative
(Chung-hye Han, U. of Pennsylvania)
11:40~12:10 1.5 Million Korean Words Morphologically Analyzed (Beom-mo Kang,
Korea U.)
12:10~14:00 Lunch/Expanded Trustee Meeting
14:00~15:20 General Meeting
15:20~15:40 Break
15:40~16:40 Room 1 (Phonology Session)
Discussant: Sun Hoi Kim (Seoul Nat'l U.), Seok-Chae Rhee
(Yonsei U.)
15:40~16:10 Root-faithfulness and Coalescence in English Prefixation
(Sang-Cheol Ahn, Kyung Hee U.)
16:10~16:40 The Status of High Tone in Northern Kyengsang Korean: Evidence
from a Phonetic Study (Woohyeok Chang & William Idsardi, U. of Delaware)
15:40~16:40 Room 2 (Semantics Session)
Discussant: Hae-Jyung Wee (Yonsei U.), Eun-Jung Yoo
(Seoul Nat'l U.)
15:40~16:10 Presuppositional Component of Communication and its Applied
Modeling (Olga Mostinskaya, Moscow Linguistic U.)
16:10~16:40 Temporal Structure in the Framework of Controlled Information
Packaging Theory (Ik-Hwan Lee & Minhaeng Lee, Yonsei U.)
16:40~17:40 Room 1 (Computation Session)
Discussant: Seung-Kwon Choi (ETRI), Hae-Yun Lee
(Seoul Nat'l U.)
16:40~17:10 Building Reusable Contents for Electronic Dictionaries
(Aesun Yoon & Ji-Young Tcha, Pusan Nat'l U. & Duksung U.)
17:10~17:40 Machine Translation Based on Object Clauses (Man-Ghyu Pak,
Kwandong U.)
August 11th (Friday)
09:00~09:30 Registration
09:30~10:50 Three Approaches to Computational Morphology (Roland Hausser,
U. of Erlangen-Nuernberg)
10:50~11:10 Break
11:10~12:30 Words and Constructions (Michael Barlow, Rice U.)
12:30~14:00 Lunch
14:00~15:20 Scrambling in the Minimalist Program (Mamoru Saito, Nanzan U.)
15:20~15:40 Break
15:40~16:40 Room 1 (Syntax Session)
Discussant: Kwang-Sup Kim (Chongju U.), Yang-Soon Kim
(Taejon Nat'l U. of Technology)
15:40~16:10 A Unified Representation Approach to Wh-expressions and the
Theory of Wh-questions (Daeho Chung, Hanyang U.)
16:10~16:40 Reconstruction of Short-Scrambling in Japanese (Kimiko Nakanishi,
U. of Pennsylvania)
15:40~16:40 Room 2 (Semantics Session)
Discussant: Jae-Hak Yoon, Kyung Hee U.), Jae-Il Yeom,
Hongik U.)
15:40~16:10 Event Composition with Locative PPs in English (Seungho Nam, Seoul
Nat'l U.)
16:10~16:40 Argument Structure and Relative Temporal Aspect of Participles
(Yoshiki Mori, Keio U.)
For further Information, please contact Prof. SunWoo Lee, Program
Director, College of English, Hankuk U. of Foreign Studies, Imun-dong,
Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul, Korea 130-791; 82-2-961-4744;
sunwlee at maincc.hufs.ac.kr
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