11.1384, Books: Semantics/Discourse, Typology, Historical Ling
The LINGUIST Network
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Thu Jun 22 15:22:58 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1384. Thu Jun 22 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1384, Books: Semantics/Discourse, Typology, Historical Ling
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Andrew Carnie, U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Andrew Carnie: U. of Arizona <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U. <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Scott Fults, E. Michigan U. <scott at linguistlist.org>
Jody Huellmantel, Wayne State U. <jody at linguistlist.org>
Karen Milligan, Wayne State U. <karen at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Lydia Grebenyova, E. Michigan U. <lydia at linguistlist.org>
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Software development: John Remmers, E. Michigan U. <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Scott Fults <scott at linguistlist.org>
Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:35:54 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Semantics/Discourse/Cognitive Ling: Cause, Condition, Concession, Contrast
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 15:32:51 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Typology: Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe, Dahl (Ed)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:09:01 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Historical Ling: Generative Theory and Corpus Studies, Bermudez-Otero
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:35:54 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Semantics/Discourse/Cognitive Ling: Cause, Condition, Concession, Contrast
New Publication from Mouton de Gruyter!
>>From the Series
Topics in English Linguistics
Series Editors: Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Bernd Kortmann
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Bernd Kortmann (Editors)
Cause - Condition - Concession - Contrast
Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives
2000. 23 x 15,5. VIII, 480 pages.
Cloth. DM 178,- /EUR 91,01 /öS 1299,- /sFr 158,- /approx. US$ 89.00
ISBN 3-11-0166909
(Topics in English Linguistics 33)
Collected in this volume are a series of original papers, many
authored by internationally known specialists, dealing with the
semantic relations of cause, condition, contrast and concession and
their realization in language, typically at the level of the clause
and beyond. The perspective taken is a dual one, some contributions
dealing primarily with cognitive and semantic aspects of the
categories in question or their linguistic exponents, others more with
the deployment of causal, conditional, contrastive and concessive
markers in written and spoken discourse. The methodologies represented
are varied, ranging from introspection, informant questionnaires and
psycholinguistic experimentation to textlinguistic and conversational
analysis. The focus is on English, with some attention, however, being
paid to typological issues and to comparable structures in Dutch,
German, French and Spanish. This set of innovative studies throws new
light on the nature and the expression of these four central coherence
relations and, at the same time, on the interface of cognition and
language use.
Table of Contents:
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen/Bernd Kortmann: Introduction
I. Cause
Paul Georg Meyer: The relevance of causality
Leo Noordman/Feimke de Blijzer: On the processing of causal relations
Henk Pander Maat/Ted Sanders: Domains of use or subjectivity? The
distribution of three Dutch causal connectives explained
Christine Gohl: Causal relations in spoken discourse: Asyndetic
constructions as a means for giving reasons
Barbara Dancygier/Eve Sweetser: Constructions with if, since, and
because: Causality, epistemic stance, and clause order
Estrella Montolío: On affirmative and negative complex conditional
Peter Auer: Pre- and post-positioning of wenn-clauses in spoken and
written German
Noriko McCawley Akatsuka/Susan Strauss: Counterfactual reasoning and
III. Contrast
Ewald Lang: Adversative connectors on distinct levels of discourse: A
re-examination of Eve Sweetser's three-level approach
Scott A. Schwenter: Viewpoints and polysemy: Linking adversative and
causal meanings of discourse markers
Cecilia E. Ford: The treatment of contrasts in interaction
IV. Concession
Mily Crevels: Concessives on different semantic levels: A typlogical
Ekkehard König and Peter Siemund: Causal and concessive clauses: Formal
and semantic relations
Arie Verhagen: Concession implies causality, though in some other space
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Sandra A. Thompson: Concessive patterns in
Dagmar Barth: "that's true, although not really, but still": Expressing
concession in spoken English
Susanne Günthner: From concessive connector to discourse marker: The use
of "obwohl" in everyday German interaction
Authors' addresses
For more information please contact the publisher:
Mouton de Gruyter
Genthiner Str. 13
10785 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 26005 222
e-mail: orders at degruyter.de
Please visit our website for other publications by Mouton de Gruyter
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 15:32:51 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Typology: Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe, Dahl (Ed)
New Publication from Mouton de Gruyter!
>>From the Series
Empirical Approaches to Language Typology
Series Editors: Georg Bossong and Bernard Comrie
Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe
Edited by Östen Dahl
2000. XIII, 846 p. Cloth. DM 458,-- / öS 3343,-- / sFr 408,-- / approx.
US$ 229.00.
ISBN 3-11-015752-7
(Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 20-6)
This volume puts the European tense-aspect systems in a consistent
typological and diachronic perspective. The book advances our
understanding of the dynamics of tense and aspect systems, how they
develop over time, and how this is reflected in the rich patterns of
synchronic variation and their areal distribution.
General preface
General Papers
Östen Dahl
The tense-aspect systems of European languages in a typological
Lars Johanson
Viewpoint operators in European languages
Pier Marco Bertinetto and Denis Delfitto
Aspect vs. Actionality: Why should they be kept apart
Eva Hedin
The type-referring function of the imperfective
Rolf Thieroff
On the areal distribution of tense-aspect categories in Europe
Future Time Reference
Östen Dahl
The grammar of future time reference in European languages
Eva Hedin
Future marking in conditional and temporal clauses in Greek
Östen Dahl
Verbs of becoming as future copulas
The Perfect
Jouko Lindstedt
The perfect - aspectual, temporal and evidential
Östen Dahl and Eva Hedin
Current relevance and event reference
Mario Squartini and Pier Marco Bertinetto
The simple and compound past in Romance languages
Hannu Tommola
On the perfect in North Slavic
Nina Graves
Macedonian - a language with three perfects?
Marja Leinonen and Maria Vilkuna
Past tenses in Permic languages
The Progressive
Pier Marco Bertinetto, Karen H. Ebert and Casper de Groot
The progressive in Europe
Pier Marco Bertinetto
The progressive in Romance, as compared with English
Karen H. Ebert
Progressive markers in Germanic languages
Hannu Tommola
Progressive aspect in Baltic Finnic
Casper de Groot
The absentive
Case Studies
Éva Ágnes Csató
Some typological features of the viewpoint and tense system in spoken
North-Western Karaim
Karen H. Ebert
Aspect in Maltese
1. The future time reference questionnaire
2. The perfect questionnaire
3. Questionnaire on the progressive aspect
4. List of abbreviations used in interlinear glosses
5. List of working papers
Subject index
Language index
Author index
For more information please contact the publisher:
Mouton de Gruyter
Genthiner Str. 13
10785 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 26005 222
e-mail: orders at degruyter.de
Please visit our website for other publications by Mouton de Gruyter
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:09:01 +0200
From: Gillian Caglayan <G.Caglayan at deGruyter.de>
Subject: Historical Ling: Generative Theory and Corpus Studies, Bermudez-Otero
New Publication from Mouton de Gruyter!
>>From the Series
Topics in English Linguistics
Series Editors: Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Bernd Kortmann
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, David Denison, Richard M. Hogg and C.B. McCully
Generative Theory and Corpus Studies
A Dialogue from 10 ICEHL
2000. 23 x 15,5 cm. XIX, 559 pages
Cloth. DM 198,-/EUR 101,24/öS 1445,-/sFr 176,-/approx. US$ 99.00
ISBN 3-11-016687-9
(Topics in English Linguistics 31)
This volume focuses on the present state of English historical
linguistics as a unitary discipline. In particular, the selection of
papers challenges the idea that the community of linguists working on
the history of English stands united merely by subject matter, but
divided by method and theoretical outlook. The volume emphasizes the
way in which scholars in our community are led to refine and further
articulate their empirical proposals by challenges from different
research paradigms. Thus, a running thematic thread of the volume is
the dialogue between generative grammatical theory and corpus studies,
including those in sociolinguistic tradition. The volume is divided in
four main sections: syntax, phonology, text types, sociolinguistics
and dialectology.
1. Structure
1.1. Continuity versus discontinuity
Obsolescence and sudden death in syntax: The decline of verb-final order
in early Middle English
Cynthia Allen
On the history of relative 'that'
Aimo Seppänen
The complementation of verbs of appearance by adverbs
Nikolas Gisborne
On the use of current intuition as a bias in historical linguistics: The
case of the LOOK + -ly construction in English
Kristin Killie
The indefinite pronoun 'man': "nominal" or "pronominal"?
Linda van Bergen
1.2 Form and function
Coordinate deletion, directionality and underlying structure in Old
Rodrigo Pérez Lorido
The position of the adjective in Old English
Olga Fischer
On the history of the s-genitive
Anette Rosenbach, Dieter Stein and Letizia Vezzosi
The passive as an object foregrounding device in early Modern English
Elena Seoane Posse
Reinforcing adjectives: A cognitive semantic perspective on
Carita Paradis
2. Text types
Variation and change: Text types and the modelling of syntactic change
Wim van der Wurff
The progressive form and genre variation during the nineteenth century
Erik Smitterberg
The conjunction 'and' in early Modern English: Frequencies and uses in
speech-related writing and other texts
Jonathan Culpeper and Merja Kytö
3. Sociolinguistics and dialectology
Processes of supralocalisation and the rise of Standard English in the
early Modern period
Terttu Nevalainen
The rise and fall of periphrastic DO in early Modern English, or "Howe
the Scots will declare themselv's"
Arja Nurmi
Grammatical description and language use in the seventeenth century
Lilo Moessner
Geographical, socio-spatial and systemic distance in the spread of the
relative "who" in Scots
Anneli Meurman-Solin
Inversion in embedded questions in some regional varieties of English
Markku Filppula
Putting words in their place: An approach to Middle English word
Merja Black
4. Phonology
HappY-tensing: A recent innovation?
Joan Beal
Syllable ONSET in the history of English
Donka Minkova
Name index
Subject index
For more information please contact the publisher:
Mouton de Gruyter
Genthiner Str. 13
10785 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 26005 222
e-mail: orders at degruyter.de
Please visit our website for other publications by Mouton de Gruyter
If you buy one of these books, please tell the publisher or author that
you saw it on LINGUIST.
The following publishers contribute to the support of The LINGUIST List:
Academic Press
Arnold Publishers
Athelstan Publications
Blackwell Publishers
Cambridge UP -USA
Cascadilla Press
Elsevier Science Ltd.
John Benjamins
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lernout & Hauspie
Lincom Europa
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Multilingual Matters
Oxford UP
St. Jerome Publishers
Finno-Ugrian Society
Graduate Linguistic Students'Association, Umass
IULC Publications
Kingston Press Ltd.
Linguistic Association of Finland
Linguistic Society of Southern Africa (LSSA)
Orientalia et Africana
Pacific Linguistics
University of Arizona Press
University of Huelva
University of Marburg & Max Hueber
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Vaxjo: Acta Wexionesia
Virittaja Aikakauslehti
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1384
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