11.468, TOC: J of The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg

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Sun Mar 5 06:03:53 UTC 2000

LINGUIST List:  Vol-11-468. Sun Mar 5 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 11.468, TOC: J of The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg

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Date:  Sat,  4 Mar 2000 13:23:17 +0300 (MSK)
From:  "Vadim B. Kasevich" <kasevich at vbk.usr.pu.ru>
Subject:  J of The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg Vol. 2, 1999

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Sat,  4 Mar 2000 13:23:17 +0300 (MSK)
From:  "Vadim B. Kasevich" <kasevich at vbk.usr.pu.ru>
Subject:  J of The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg Vol. 2, 1999

                  (Language and Language Behaviour)

     The Journal of The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg

                         Vol. 2, 1999

The Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg
University of St. Petersburg
Universitetskaja nab. 11
St. Petersrburg 199034
e-mail: kasevich at vbk.usr.pu.ru; kleiner at yka.usr.pu.ru

Editor-in-chief: Vadim Kassevitch (University of St. Petersburg)

Editorial Board:
Valery Berkov (University  of  St.  Petersburg),  Sergey  Bogdanov
(University   of  St.  Petersburg),  Alexander  Bondarko  (Institute  of
Linguistic  Studies,  Russian  Academy  of  Sciences),   Liya   Bondarko
(University   of   St.  Petersburg),  Anatoly  Domashnev  (Institute  of
Linguistic  Studies,  Russian  Academy  of  Sciences),  Alexander   Gerd
(University   of   St.   Petersburg),   Sakmara   Ilyenko   (Pedagogical
University), Viktor Khrakovsky (Institute of Linguistic Studies, Russian
Academy of Sciences),  Yuri Kleiner (Associate Editor, University of St.
Petersburg).  Askold Muratov (University of St.  Petersburg),  Margarita
Sabaneeva   (University   of  St.  Petersburg),  Ivan  Steblin-Kamenskij
(University of St.Petersburg),  Natalia  Svetozarova  (Managing  Editor,
University of St. Petersburg), Nikolai Vakhtin (European University, St.
Petersburg), Lyudmila Verbitskaya (University of St. Petersburg).


Editor's Note

Linguistic Theory and Synchronic Analysis

Tjeerd de Graaf.  Linguistic databases and language  minorities  around
                  the North Pacific Rim.**
Bernard H. Bichakjian. Language diversity and the Straight Flush Pattern
                       of language evolution.*
Discussion (by Nikolai Kazansky,  Vadim Kassevitch, with a reply
            by Bernard H. Bichakjian).*
Vladimir Pavlov. On graphic practices of word separation in 20th century
                 German texts: morphology and syntax.**
Vadim Kassevitch. Language, ethnicity, and self-consciousness.**
Rebekka Frumkina. Is cognitive linguistics merely upside down
Anatoly Liberman. Phonosemantics and etymology.**
Margarita Sabaneeva.  Epistemic sentence modality in its relation to
                      pragmatics and to formal logic.**
Kira Gor.  Influence of second language orthography and morphology on
           interlanguage phonology: a case of vowel reduction in Russian.*
Liudmila Zubova.  Linguistic experiment with grammatical gender in
                  contemporary poetry.**

Historical Linguistics.

Igor Diakonoff.    The earliest Semites: social and linguistic
Yuri Kleiner. Sievers's law (Germanic languages).**
Kurt Gustav Goblirsch.  The mechanism of consonant shifts in Germanic.*
Anton Zimmerling. Proto-Germanic as an SOV language?**

Schools and Trends in Linguistics. History of Linguistics.

Lev Zinder and Tatiana Stroeva.  Institute of Speech Culture and Soviet
                                 linguistics in the 1920s-30s. Publication by
                                 Liya Bondarko.**
Natalia Svetozarova.  V.M.  Zhirmunsky  archives  of  German folk songs:
                      history and present-day situation.**
Irina Ivanova.  The beginning of the study of children's speech in Russian
                linguistics (second half of the 19th -- early 20th c.).**
B.M. Engelgardt.  Literary  theory  in  Alexander  Potebnya's linguistic
                  system. Publication by Askold Muratov.


Alexander Moiseev. Urocisce (historical and etymological notes).
Anna Pavlova. On the speech of Russian immigrants in Germany.
Valery Sardushkin. The problem of grammatical gender in Albanian.


Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Austronesian
Linguistics, Leiden 22-27 August 1994.  Ed.  by C.  Ode and W.  Stokhof.
Amsterdam, 1997 (Alexander Ogloblin)
Crosscultural and  crosslinguistic  pragmatics.  Progress  and  problems
(Larissa Naidich).
A new anthology of sociolinguistics (Victoria Gulida).
V.M. Alpatov.   History  of  Linguistics  (Tatiana  Klubkova  and  Pavel

Conference reports

First annual  conference  of  the  Linguistic Society of St.  Petersburg
(Yuri Kleiner and Natalia Svetozarova).
28th annual  conference  at the Faculty of Philology,  University of St.
Petersburg (Elena Oshuiko).
11th annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (Alexander Nikolayev).
First Russian  conference  on  translation  (Fedorov  Conference) (Vadim
7th Colloquium   on   language   and   culture   of  the  Celts  (Andrey
Astvatsaturov and Alexander Falileev).
I.M. Tronsky memorial conference - '99 (Evgenia Kriuchkova).

In the Seminars of the Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg.

Dates of Note

Georgy Stepanov  and  new  trends in Romance languages research (to mark
the 80th birthday) (Anatoly Domashnev)


Igor Mikhailovich Diakonoff (1915-1999)
Evgeny Dementievich Panfilov (1921-1999)

Yazyk i  rechevaya  deyatel'nost' (The Journal of the Linguistic Society
of St. Petersburg): A Statement of Editorial Policy
- ------------------------------
* in English
** with a summary in English

Prof. Dr. Vadim B. Kassevitch (Univ. of St. Petersburg)
P.O.Box 14, St. Petersburg, 191025, Russia
Phone (7-812) 314-6123  (home), Fax (7-812) 3281346 (office)
<kasevich at vbk.usr.pu.ru>

LINGUIST List: Vol-11-468

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