11.1037, Confs: Third Celtic Linguistic Conference (CLC3)
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Sun May 7 02:09:13 UTC 2000
LINGUIST List: Vol-11-1037. Sat May 6 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 11.1037, Confs: Third Celtic Linguistic Conference (CLC3)
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Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 17:56:53 +0000
From: Cathal Doherty <Cathal.Doherty at ucd.ie>
Subject: Third Celtic Linguistic Conference (CLC3) - final schedule
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 17:56:53 +0000
From: Cathal Doherty <Cathal.Doherty at ucd.ie>
Subject: Third Celtic Linguistic Conference (CLC3) - final schedule
An Tríú Comhdháil ar Theangeolaíocht na dTeangacha Ceilteacha
Friday, 12 May: Session on the Acquisition of Celtic Languages
Location: Room B204, John Henry Newman Building, Belfield Campus
14.00-14.40, Bob Borsley (University of Essex) and Bob Morris Jones
(University of Wales, Aberystwyth):
'The Development of Finiteness in Early Welsh'
14.40 - 15.20, Helen Goodluck (University of Ottawa), Eithne Guilfoyle (Dún
Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology) and Síle Harrington
(University of Dublin, Trinity College):
'Relativization in child Irish'
15.20 - 16.00, Alison Henry (University of Ulster)
'Language acquisition, language change and code-switching: acquiring Belfast
--Tea and Coffee--
16.30 - 17.10, Janig Stephens and Jackie Richards (University of Wales
Institute Cardiff)
'A CHILDES based analysis of the language development of a Welsh-speaking
child with a cochlear implant'
17.10 - 17.50, Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole, Enlli Môn Thomas and Nadine
Laporte (University of Wales, Bangor)
'The Acquisition of Welsh Mutations, with Special Reference to Gender'
17.50 - 18.30, Morag McNeil, 'An Exploratory Look at Acquiring Competence in
the Concept of Possession in Gàidhlig'
18.30 CONFERENCE RECEPTION, The Saloon, Newman House.
General Session, Saturday and Sunday, 13 and 14 May
Location: Newman House, 84-6 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
10.00-11.00, Invited Speaker: Stephen R. Anderson (Yale University)
'Verb Second and Clause Structure in Breton'
11.00-11.40, Dirk Bury (University College London)
'Particles, V2 and the ungrammaticality of verb-initial structures'
--Tea and Coffee--
11.55-12.35, Alain Rouveret (Université Paris 8)
'Resumptive Pronouns in Relative Clauses: a derivational analysis'
12.35-13.15, Bob Borsley (University of Essex)
'Agreement and Missing NPs in Welsh'
14.30-15.30, Invited Speaker: David Willis (University of Manchester)
'Expletives, copulas and word order change in Welsh'
15.30-16.10, Thorhallur Eythorsson (University of Manchester)
'Syntactic Affixation and Wackernagel's Law: a comparative approach'
--Tea and Coffee--
16.30-17.30, Invited Speaker: James McCloskey (University of California,
Santa Cruz)
'Irish Nominal Syntax'
17.30-18.10, Aidan Doyle (Uniwersytet Gdanski)
'Overt and non-overt Pronominal Subjects in Irish'
CONFERENCE RECEPTION: 18.30, The Saloon, Newman House.
9.30-10.30, Invited Speaker: Gillian Ramchand (University of Oxford)
'Constructional versus Lexical Meaning in Scottish Gaelic'
10.30-11.10, David Adger (University of York)
'Predication and Comparison in Scottish Gaelic'
--Tea and Coffee--
11.30-12.10, Antony Dubach Green (Universität Potsdam)
'The Prosodic Representation of Clitics in Irish'
12.10-12.50, S.J. Hannahs (University of Durham)
'Neither syntax nor phonology: selection of the definite article in Welsh'
14.15-15.15, Invited Speaker: Maggie Tallerman (University of Durham)
'Minding our P's and Q's: why isn't Welsh more like Irish?'
--Tea and Coffee--
15.30-16.10, Paolo Acquaviva (University College Dublin)
'Irish Agreement as a Morphological Phenomenon'
16.10-16.50: Steve Hewitt (UNESCO)
'The Impersonal in Breton'
Registration fee is 30 Irish pounds (15 students/unwaged) which can be
paid on arrival and covers tea/coffee and the conference reception.
Further information on the conference including abstracts is available
at http://www.ucd.ie/~linguist/CLC3.html
The Celtic Linguistics Conference is grant-aided by: The Faculty of Arts,
UCD; The Commission of the European Communities, The British Council and
Bord na Gaeilge
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